"Well, all of us have a half day off now. Let's go and arrange what we should do! Remember to close the factory gate at 19 pm on time! For a month, no one is allowed in or out except for transporting goods and food! " Lin Feng pointed to his watch.

The crowd dispersed. Half a day off, not easy!

"Mr. Guo! This is still in production! There are still orders! " The management is in a bit of a hurry.

Why is this holiday! There is still half a day to work!

Gou cheekily waved his hand.

Forget it. Do you still care with Lin Feng? Don't you want to fight with this guy! Especially, this is a super gold owner!

"Well, it seems that you have different opinions on my arrangement?" Lin Feng said with a smile, "if you have any suggestions, you can raise them! I am not good at management! I always hire professional managers to help me manage the company. If there are any mistakes or omissions, you can mention them! "

"Mr. Lin, many people are still working now. If you give them half a day off, it will affect our work." The management complained.

Lin Feng nodded.

"Who else? Who else thinks so? Stand beside him with approval. " Lin Feng asked, "I want to know how wrong I am!"

Many management, you look at me, I look at you, many people stand behind the management. But some people didn't move. Lin Feng is hard to figure out. They'd better not move until they can't understand the mood of the forest wind!

"Any more?" Cried Lin Feng.

Several more people passed by, and then no one moved.

"Let me see, Mr. Guo, a small half of people think I'm wrong! What do you think? " Lin Feng looks at Gou blandly.

Gou's back is sweating now. He's not one of these managers. He's also the richest man in Taiwan. Although he doesn't deal with Lin Feng many times, he knows Lin Feng very well. His tone of voice is generally very polite, especially when talking about things, very polite, generally with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Of course, he has a hot temper and a violent temper. But I really want to have a bad temper. Don't be afraid. This guy is also a real person. If he has a bad temper, he will be fine. On the contrary, he wants to talk about business with you in a very flat tone, which is not good. It means he's angry.

My darling, he is angry. What can I do! Gou has already guessed what Lin Feng is going to do, but how can he do it! Lin Feng is the super gold owner of Foxconn! Lin Feng's contract accounts for more than 80% of Foxconn! Moreover, the price offered by Lin Feng is extremely reasonable. It's much higher than the price offered by other companies. Sweatshops, in fact, are not. Because the price of Linfeng is reasonable.

Therefore, he did not dare to offend Lin Feng. But these people, he did not know how Lin Feng would clean up! Many of these managers who think Lin Feng is wrong are Taiwanese. If they are cleaned up by Lin Feng, where can they find such a group of capable confidants.

"General manager Guo? What's up? What are you doing! Come on, what do you think Lin Feng asked again.

This time, Gou did not dare to delay any longer and answered immediately.

"Mr. Lin, please hold high..." before Gou finished, he was interrupted by Lin Feng.

"Mr. Guo, do you think they are right and I am wrong?" Lin Feng asked word by word.

Now, everyone saw that something was wrong. Those managers who think Lin Feng is wrong are beginning to lose heart. Lin Feng is angry. The consequences are very serious!

"Mr. Lin, this, this, I..." Gou was choked by Lin Feng and didn't know what to do. Lin Feng, it's too overbearing. He is not comfortable, but what can he say!

"Mr. Guo, I'll ask you for the last time. Do you think they think I'm wrong? That's right!" Lin Feng asked again flatly, "what you think in your heart is just like saying it. I just want to know if I'm wrong! "

Gou is going to collapse. He vowed that he had never met anything so painful for him today after decades of ups and downs in business. And let him have no choice.

"Mr. Lin, they are wrong. You are right! You should have a holiday! " Mr. Gou gritted his teeth and said something against his will.

"Really?" Lin Feng asked again.

"Good! They are really wrong Gou nodded.

"Oh, how wrong?" Lin Feng asked flatly.

"It's human nature for employees to be locked up for a month and give them half a day to arrange family affairs. But they have deprived even this human nature. It's too bad! " Gou replied, "especially when they are against Mr. Lin, it's more wrong than wrong!"

"Pa Pa!" Lin Feng applauded.

"It seems that Mr. Guo is still a sensible man! I thought Foxconn was really a sweatshop! Now it seems that it is not! Mr. Guo is not like this. It seems that someone below is holding a chicken feather as an arrow! So how to deal with it? " Asked Lin Feng.

How to deal with it? Naturally, Gou has figured everything out for a long time.

If you have to choose between Lin Feng and the management, he will naturally choose Lin Feng.

"They are not suitable to serve as the management again because they have no compassion for human relations. Demote them to be front-line workers for the time being, so as to see the aftereffect! " Mr. Gou gritted his teeth.

The demoted management was angry, but silent. They are not idiots, and Gou's move is to save them. After all, Lin Feng can't afford to offend. This front-line worker is only one month at most. After this month, when Lin Feng leaves, they will return to their original posts.

Asshole! In the hearts of all the people, they scolded.

Lin Feng is a smile.

"Mr. Guo, you are fooling me! These people, lazy, go to the front line, what's the use. These people, I think, stay here, it will only be bad. Just a little bit, you give some severance pay, all refund it! In this way, the company can also avoid being scolded as a sweatshop. Besides, it can also avoid them affecting my schedule! " Lin Feng said lightly, "of course, this is the site of Guo, and all has the final say. I'm just suggesting! Take it or not, Mr. Guo decides! "

Poof! Gou almost spat out his old blood.

Right of suggestion? If you say that, it must be carried out. You Lin Feng, when is it so easy to talk! When did you say Lin Feng's words? It's just a suggestion. If I really don't listen to you, you are sure to cancel the contract and leave immediately! He's such a fool!

"Mr. Lin's proposal is extremely correct. You all go to the accounting department to get paid. " Gou waved to the crowd to go.

"Mr. Guo! We... "How convinced people are.

"Go! I'll make it up to you! Let's go! Who made you make mistakes Gou roared, which was more than their impulse to seek Lin Feng's theory.

With Lin Feng's theory, it's not pure discomfort. This guy, today, may be taking the opportunity to seek justice for these employees.

Asshole! I found him and provoked him! Gou was upset. But I can't let it out. Facing Lin Feng, he is really powerless.

"Well, Mr. Guo is really a big man! Admire, admire Lin Feng said with a smile, "as for the management vacancy, I believe there must be some talents among the front-line workers, and Mr. Guo should vigorously promote some of them! Instead of using these unreasonable people! "

Gou is numb now.

"The lesson, Mr. Lin! I will try my best to promote talents from the grassroots level! " Gou nodded and agreed, "do you have any suggestions from Mr. Lin?"

"Oh, no, no! Well, I'll have a rest here. When all my people come in at 19 o'clock, I'll leave! Mr. Guo, help yourself, help yourself Lin Feng waved his hand.

Help yourself?!

Gou was cheeky. The double wage has not been mentioned yet. It's a lot of money!

"Mr. Lin, regarding the overtime work in this month, I wonder if we should raise the price a little bit!" Gou also has the cheek to ask for money.

Foxconn 600000 employees, double wages, this month according to a person 3000 yuan calculation, that is 1.8 billion yuan! Gou can't afford to lose so much money.

"Raise the price? Mr. Guo, don't forget that the price I give you is always very reasonable, even a little bit high, which is much higher than the price you process the products of other companies! It's only a double of a month. For Foxconn, it's just a drizzle! " Lin Feng said with a smile, "just a little drizzle, Mr. Guo still wants it from me?! That's too mean! "

Poof! appearing nervous in public! This is 1.8 billion RMB! All right, you're awesome, all right! I don't know! Depressed, Gou left with the rest of the management.

Lin Feng smiles.

"Boss, I'm afraid that's not very good!" Although Tang Jun felt happy in his heart, Lin Feng taught these sweatshops a lesson, but he felt that it seemed a little too much.

"Mr. Tang, you have to understand that we are the upstream manufacturers. We decide their future! We decide whether they can start or not! And the price we used to give is always reasonable! And such a high price, is to let them give part of the workers. But in the end, they swallowed it by themselves. This time, let him give some blood! It should also be a lesson to these greedy and stingy Taiwanese. " Lin Feng said faintly, "of course, he will be upset. But now, no matter how upset he is, he can only bear it for me. I can't live without Foxconn, but Foxconn can't live without me

Tang Jun nodded. Without their orders, Foxconn will be ready to do it! Of course, you can take other jobs, but it's definitely not as nourishing as it is now.

However, is it really appropriate for us to adjust Gou like this?

Lin Feng smiles.

"Mr. Tang! The good play is in the future! The world is developing so fast. It's time to speed up some of it! " Lin Fengchao and Tang Jun blinked.

(it ends at three o'clock today and continues tomorrow! Thank you for your support!)