The appointment of top 500 enterprises is directed by higher authorities, not private enterprises. The founder is the president. Unless he is unwilling to do so, the president will always be you, and this company has the final say.

But the top 500 companies have to listen to the notice. Even if you do well, maybe one day you offend some people and get transferred, it's not impossible.

They are naturally worried about that.

"Well, don't worry. As I said, since we have created this" baigui trading platform ", we are naturally based on the principle of mutual benefit. You are the first members. Whether the people behind come in or not depends on whether we all agree! As the founder and manager of this platform, I naturally have the right to accept or reject it! " Lin fengxiao said.

The CEO of the top 500 didn't feel much about Lin Feng's promise. Does it make any difference whether you all agree or not? The key lies in whether the superior is satisfied and agrees, not you!

But in the last sentence, Lin Feng agreed or not, which made them feel like a reassurance. With Lin Feng's words, I believe they will consider a lot, and they will be more cautious about their arrangements and transfers.

"I know that there are many business circles in our country, such as Zhejiang merchants, Hui merchants, Shanxi merchants, Jiangxi merchants and so on. I believe all of you here should also be members of many of these chambers of Commerce." Lin said, "I don't care which chamber of Commerce you are members of, but I want to say that these chambers of commerce are all divided by region and have their own limitations. What I want to build is a chamber of commerce with China as its boundary. As far as I am concerned, only China's all-round rise can be the blessing of the Chinese nation. And my goal is to drive the prosperity of the whole nation while we get rich! "

This sentence, got everyone's applause. All of you here, whether you are the boss of private enterprises or the boss of state-owned enterprises, have long refused the slogan of leading the rise of the whole nation.

This is an empty slogan. This world, is very selfish world, people do not for themselves, heaven and earth. You ask people to sacrifice their own interests to help others. Why?

reason! There has to be a reason. Are they all Chinese? That's impossible. Chinese people are 1.4 billion now. How can I help other people. Because we all have the same blood flow? It doesn't make sense! No one should do anything for whom. It's not your parents!

Of course, group heating is the best way to cope with the "freezing winter". Therefore, these people have set up various regional chambers of Commerce. Because people from the same place are more united in the face of various external crises. It's not easy for people to fall apart. Moreover, there are fewer people in the same region. Not so good and bad.

And the slogan of Lin Feng made them appreciate it. Because it's to help others while making money. They are all willing to.

Do a good job, who won't! It's just that there is a limit to doing good. We can't say that there is no bottom line to do good. That's a fool. Especially in China, I like moral kidnapping very much. If you make money, you should do more charity. In case of any disaster, if you don't donate more than a certain amount, you are not benevolent for the rich. You are all bastards.

So, now why so many super rich people are willing to be invisible rich and try not to show their wealth? That's the reason. After all, no one's money comes from the wind.

Charity is purely a matter of personal will, not a matter of being kidnapped by morality!

Lin Feng, that's good. To help more people while protecting their own interests. This naturally won applause.

This concludes the meeting.

But its influence has just begun to spread.

First of all, the strongest response is the establishment of! For today's country's urban-rural integration of the transformation project, a large number of migrant workers into the city, job-hunting is the most critical issue.

And the graduates of the job, and job dissatisfaction, and take the initiative to change jobs, how to find a satisfactory career, is very difficult.

After all, what is a satisfying career? First of all, you have to like this job. If you don't like it, you won't have enthusiasm. If you don't have enthusiasm, it's hard for you to be efficient and get high salary. Even if it was a high salary at the beginning, you will lose enthusiasm for your work, which will lead to lower salary and even dismissal.

Secondly, besides liking this job, you should have a salary that you can satisfy. No matter how much you like a job, you can't do without money. After all, this is a real world. Everything in this world needs money. You need to pay for everything. It's impossible without money. So, there has to be a salary.

I like this job. If I have enough salary, I still lack one. That's the future! Why have a future? Very simple, the world is thriving, every day, the world is in progress. Prices are going up every day.

If you don't have a future in your job, you're going backwards. Your quality of life will get worse and worse. Therefore, the industry you are engaged in must have a future, at least you must be able to make continuous progress.

And want to find a job with such three points, is undoubtedly very difficult. In particular, there are too few ways to find a job. Basically, job hunting is nothing more than friend introduction, factory recruitment, and agency. Of course, with the development of the Internet, online job hunting has become a trend.

However, these four ways are limited by the lack of personal resources, and most of them are available for friend introduction and factory recruitment. Generally only through the intermediary or network job.

And network job inside, recruitment information, too much good and bad, more reliable are intermediary. But the Commission of the intermediary is relatively high, and may not be able to help you find a suitable job.

Therefore, it is by no means easy to find a suitable job now.

The emergence of "" has given everyone a hope.

It's very simple. The reason is that this is Lin Fengkai's. But whether the company or website established by fanlinfeng is good, not to mention the quality, at least one thing is absolutely guaranteed, that is integrity!

In this world, the lack of integrity makes the trust between people absolutely lacking. And Lin Feng, it can be said, is widely recognized in China.

Apart from Lin Feng, it is difficult for everyone to trust others, companies, including the government or the state. Who is to blame? Obviously, this is the tragedy of an era.

Therefore, Lin Feng came into being.

Naturally, is also tied to Nuwa's little assistant. If you want to find a job, you only need to bear the application fee of 3 yuan per month. Then Nuwa will help you find the most suitable job for you.

yes! It's that simple.

Isn't it complicated and difficult to find a job, especially when the world is so big and there are so many jobs, how can I know which job is the most suitable for me and can bring the biggest change to my life? It's hard for an ordinary person to make a choice.

And there is an old Chinese saying: women are afraid to marry the wrong man, men are afraid to enter the wrong line!

For men, choosing a job is very important. Once the wrong choice, delay is youth. Now, there's no need to be afraid.

In Nu Wa's little assistant, it's easy for you to find a job. Just tell Nu Wa what your specialty, education background and skills are, and then what requirements and conditions you have, as well as unacceptable jobs, etc. Then Nu Wa will choose the most suitable job for you from all the jobs in the country.

And what's the most powerful? That is to sign a contract.

All the work provided by must be contracted. There must be labor contracts, which is an agreement reached by Lin Feng and 10000 enterprises.

Moreover, all users can sign a power of attorney with Nu Wa. Nu Wa will charge 1% of her first year's salary as a commission to help you negotiate with the management on behalf of Lin Feng. And in the event of labor contract disputes, Nuwa will also help you follow up, to telephone or video negotiations with the management.

It can be said that this advantage is incomparable to any intermediary. At the same time, when necessary, Lin Feng will also act as the backing of the labor side to negotiate with the management side.

Lin Feng comes out! This is obviously the heavyweight, which gives all job seekers the greatest confidence. In the past, I was afraid that I would be cheated when I met the black hearted employers.

And now there is Lin Feng behind, who will be afraid!

As a result, the number of people who download and install "Nuwa assistant" has increased from the initial 20-30 million fans to 300 million. Moreover, the number is still expanding.

Of course, this is also driven by Fuxi's mobile phone sales. Because "Nuwa assistant" can only be installed in "Fuxi" mobile phone! None of the rest can be installed.

Of course, this is not a bundle sale. In order to avoid the result that Microsoft was almost split up by the US Department of Commerce because its operating system was bundled with ie, "Nuwa assistant" was not bundled with "Fuxi", and "Fuxi" mobile phone would never bring this software.

This software will be installed automatically by users. Of course, in today's situation, the amount of domestic installation is almost one person.

After all, food is the people's priority. And if you want to have enough to eat, the most important thing is to have a job. Not only does it bring its own game function, but now it also brings its own "Nuwa assistant" of, which is naturally welcomed by everyone.

"Boss, now the number of Fuxi mobile phones in China has exceeded 400 million! Although "apple" has launched a new generation of "iPhone 2", which is gaining weight in the international market, it is our "Fuxi" world in China Tang Jun, President of phantom technology, is pleased to report the results.

Lin Feng nodded.

"And jobs?" Lin Feng asked.

Tang Jun was silent.