The progress of China's network is too slow!

As far as Lin Feng knows, the real information management of local governments, companies and enterprises, is still in the wild era.

Of course, in this pioneering era, the land was reclaimed a little and then stopped. For information management, the vast majority of companies, most of them are a little touch that go, simply do not pay attention to.

What is information management? In short, it is to use modern information technology and advanced management concepts to change the old enterprise management methods, operation methods, business processes, etc. in order to more efficiently organize the internal and external resources of the company, improve the efficiency and efficiency of the enterprise, and maximize the interests.

For an enterprise, profit maximization is the eternal theme. Information management, however, can maximize benefits. This can reduce unnecessary internal friction and avoid waste of resources.

But in China, we don't pay attention to it. Still keen on the rule of man, not used to using scientific means to manage everything. Of course, there are reasons behind all this.

It's very simple. If people govern, people's rights will be great. When you have more power, you have more money. On the contrary, information management, all transparent manipulation, in addition to the top people, the rest of the people are operating under this set of transparent rules and mechanisms, everything is traceable. In addition, it will cost a sum of money to invest in a set of information management system.

For some companies, the money is a bit unfair. So, either did not do, or, also casually find an ordinary computer staff on the OEM.

As for the computer? In China, it is very extensive to understand the word computer. What is understanding computer? It goes up to say that Larry Page and Sergey Brin, the "Google" twins, also understand computers, can program, can write code, and can set architecture. Bill Gates also knows computers.

It goes on. As long as you can install an operating system, many Chinese people understand computers. As long as you know a little bit, in the eyes of others, that is to understand the computer. If anything goes wrong with the computer, you should be able to fix it.

This logic is a bandit logic.

For Lin Feng, it is very necessary to promote the process of information management in China. In this way, not only can China speed up the network infrastructure project, but also make Chinese people more adapt to the network and enjoy all kinds of convenience brought by the network.

Moreover, it is conducive to the growth of our company.

In recent years, Lin Feng's fight with "G23" has made Lin Feng understand why they are so aggressive. The reason is very simple. They have absolute control over resources. Without them, the world won't work.

Of course, it's not that it won't work, but that it will stop. Without these companies, you can't say that flying, driving a car, or even eating and drinking water will become problems. They control the absolute resources, so they are bullied, and the state will be extremely afraid of them.

As for myself, why I have been hit repeatedly, including being supported by the two gentlemen in China, and also being made difficult by some relevant departments, is because my enterprise has nothing to do with people's livelihood, strategic resources, energy and materials.

Energy, material and strategic resources are all related to people's livelihood and the survival of the whole country. But do you like this online game? What is it? Can we not live if we don't play online games for a day? sure! We all live the same way whether we play online games or not. But without those strategic materials and energy materials, the whole era would have stopped.

Therefore, Lin Feng has been thinking, why is the network, or it, so discriminated? Of course, it's not discrimination. We can only say that we don't attach so much importance to it, and it doesn't rise to the strategic level. That is because it, or the Internet age has not really come, has not really integrated into our lives.

Therefore, when Nu Wa appeared, Lin Feng wanted to promote Nu Wa several times. But after all, Nu Wa's ability was limited. At least her intelligence quotient and emotional quotient at that time were questionable and not reassuring enough.

But now, Nu Wa has been transformed and awakened. Her IQ and EQ are far higher than most people on this planet. In terms of comprehensive strength, Nu Wa deserves to be the first. In this case, the Internet age can really enter the world.

Of course, if you want to popularize the network, you need all kinds of hardware support. In this respect, ordinary families still lack a little, but for the major companies, there is no problem. They are not short of money.

Just how to persuade them to accept, it needs an opportunity.

Therefore, Lin Feng put this opportunity on the recruitment platform. Nowadays, recruitment is a common problem. With the improvement of the national economy, the increase of wages and the development of the mainland economy, it is generally difficult to recruit workers in coastal cities. In the mainland, although ordinary workers are not worried, it is difficult to find those knowledgeable and far sighted management or technical talents.

Well, this platform can solve the problem of difficult employment for enterprises, and for ordinary people, it can also provide them with a platform to find a job at ease.

Therefore, while the players are enjoying the surprises brought by the opening of the game, Fengjian huilisa has negotiated with major enterprises and companies. No one will refuse the olive branch thrown by Lin Feng.

Lin Feng's current status, after Somalia, is different from the past. He is a man who has a country. And a man who dares to challenge America. At home, both their strength and courage are supported by these managers.

Lin Feng sent olive branch, they naturally readily agreed. However, they have a condition that if they sign a recruitment contract, Lin Feng must be present. Of course, it's not that they look down on Feng Jian huilisa. The executives of various companies have also made it clear that they just want to have a chance to get to know Lin Feng, or a platform.

"Boss, are you present?" Asked Lisa in the wind.

Lin Feng smiles.

"How many domestic top 500 enterprises have come?" Lin Feng asked.

"Well, almost half of them are here. I promise to attend!" Said Lisa in the wind.

"Well, you tell them that if all the top 500 domestic enterprises come, I will attend. Also, tell those private enterprises that as long as they want to integrate into this platform, I will receive them all. Just this once! Next time, if they want to join, they will need a threshold fee. This time, I'll pay all the entertainment expenses! " Lin Feng said.

Ah?! In the wind, Lisa was stunned. Private enterprises, as long as they want to integrate into this platform, will receive all of them. How many enterprises will there be in the country? This is absolutely like Ganges sand, countless. In this case, is Lin Feng a receptionist?

Lin Feng nodded.

"Yes, all of you! As long as they come! " Lin fengxiao said.

In the wind, Melissa felt that there were too many people. There are too many small and medium-sized enterprises in China. Moreover, she is worried that it is inevitable that some fishy eyed people will come in, which will lead to many unnecessary accidents in this conversation.

"There's a limit, of course. In this way, all enterprises at most one person, not more than one person! And it must be someone with decision-making power, that is, a person at the president level. As for those small and medium-sized enterprises, there are too many people. Let's say that the number is limited to 10000! The total number is limited to 10000 people! That is 10000 enterprises! The top 500 state-owned enterprises in China must come, and then the private enterprises from top to bottom, and another 8500, and then leave 1000 places for those small and micro enterprises! " Lin Feng said.

In the wind, Melissa nods.

"In addition, for these 1000 small, medium and micro enterprises, let them sign up, fill in the relevant information, be more detailed, and write down the development direction, personnel structure, and future goals of their enterprises. Then let Nu Wa go to screen! Pick out the most potential 1000 SMEs! " Lin Feng said.

The purpose of holding this meeting is to promote China's informatization process, to let the network enter thousands of households, and to become an indispensable tool that people must rely on.

Indeed, you can live without the Internet. But there is no network as there is no car, no telephone, as inconvenient, as essential. It's even as inconvenient as no running water.

Without running water, people will not live? Live the same! You can go to rivers, rivers and lakes to draw water and eat well water. But is this convenient? Naturally, these are inconvenient. Humans, they're not used to it.

So, the same thing! Without the Internet, it's just as inconvenient as you can't eat tap water! To achieve this, that is the success of Lin Feng.

"I know! But boss, where do we have a meeting? Where is the location? " Lisa asks in the wind.

So many thousands, 10000 enterprises, that is, 10000 people, where is such a big conference room? There doesn't seem to be any in Shanghai.

Lin Feng smiles.

"You don't have to look for it. Isn't it ready-made?" Lin Feng shrugged, "so big a ready-made meeting room, no, no waste!"

Ready made? In the wind, Lisa began to search in her mind. Well, it doesn't seem to be! There's no meeting room that big. Apart from some government conference rooms, there is no

"Well, boss, do you want to borrow it from the government?" Lisa asks in the wind.

Lin Feng nodded.

"Then I'll go and communicate with the Shanghai government. However, they may not borrow this! " Theresa hesitated a little in the wind.

After all, this kind of hall is used by the government. Lin Feng borrowed it for a meeting. The other party may not borrow it. After all, from the perspective of the government, it's a bit embarrassing to lend you a private meeting. Of course, in Shanghai, Lin Feng should still have this face.

Lin Feng smiles.

"If you're not in Shanghai, since you're going to have a meeting, you need to be more grand. Just go to the capital, to the Great Hall of the people! " Lin fengxiao said.

In the wind, Melissa was confused.
