Rebirth and crossing? What's the difference?

Very simple, rebirth is only the transformation of time, while crossing is the transformation of space. Of course, to be more detailed and complicated, rebirth is time. No matter how it changes, your own carrier remains unchanged. That is, you are still you, not someone else.

As for crossing, it is the transformation of your carrier. You are no longer yourself, but someone else, someone else.

Therefore, rebirth and crossing are different, but they are closely related.

"Father, in ancient times, there were many suspicious people who lived through rebirth, but most of them failed. Their ideas are too advanced. For example, Wang Mang, who is 99% likely, does the same thing as modern people today. However, his behavior completely touched the interests of those with vested interests. Finally, Wang Mang failed! " Nu Wa analysis, "and father, your rebirth, but much more fortunate. Just ten years! "

Lin Feng is full of emotion.

Ten years, it's just ten years. Ten years of memory, coupled with a little luck, made Lin Feng have the status and identity now.

"Father, if you were a little longer, more than 15 years, you would not be so lucky. I'm afraid there will be a lot of resistance. " Nu Wa is glad for Lin Feng.

What will happen if Lin Feng is reborn in 1994? Although it was only five years earlier, at that time, when China was still full of video games, there was no computer room or Internet bar. At that time, everything in China was very backward. A PS might be awesome.

And how does Lin Feng develop? In 1994? Of course, with his advanced memory, Lin Feng can make money by opening the game room. But at that time, the game room was still a monster, and it was easy to be hit. Parents hate it.

And 1994, for China, was also a very chaotic year. A lot of things have happened, such as the notorious Thousand Island Lake cruise ship murder, such as the decision on deepening the reform of urban housing system, which led to today's real estate boom.

This decision proposes three reforms and four constructions.

"Three reforms" means changing the old welfare system under the planned economic system, including: changing the system of housing construction investment from the state and unit to the system of reasonable burden of the state, unit and individual; Change the system of housing construction, distribution, maintenance and management to socialized and specialized operation; Change the distribution mode of housing welfare in kind to the monetary wage distribution based on the distribution according to work.

"Four constructions" means the establishment of a new housing system compatible with the socialist market economic system, including: the establishment of an affordable housing supply system for low - and middle-income families, with the nature of social security, and a commercial housing supply system for high-income families; Establish the housing accumulation fund system; We should develop housing finance and housing insurance, and establish a housing credit system that is both policy oriented and commercial oriented; Establish a standardized real estate trading market and housing maintenance and management market.

This policy also represents the official launch of real estate agents in China!

In addition, there are national crackdowns and so on!

In such a chaotic era, Lin Feng will be reborn in this era. Maybe, at the beginning of starting a business, he was blackmailed by gangsters, and then conflicts broke out. Either he counseled or he might take another road. There will not be today's forest wind.

As for that, go further. Before the 1990s, the country was more conservative. If you want to start a business, it will be more difficult. Maybe we can run some stalls and peddlers. After all, at that time, the reform and opening up was just beginning, and the awareness of self-management in China was just sprouting, growing and making money. But all kinds of deception and abduction also started at that time.

Lin Feng went back to that time, maybe he could make money. But it's possible to be cheated. After all, at that time, the contract law did not say so. People take money, do not give you goods, you how! Unless you have a relationship, or people will not give you goods, what's the matter with you!

As for video games, there are, but the arcade game hall is a place full of gangsters. If you want to get along with it, it will become {}} {}} {}} {}}.

Further on, it's more chaotic. At that time, there was no background, you want to stand out, that's ridiculous!

In that earlier era, qualification + experience was the king. As for ability and experience, that's bullshit. Isn't there a good saying: leaders say you can, you can, and you can't. If the leader says you can't, you can't, and you can't either.

Lin Feng reborn in the past, that is joking!

As for going forward, the period of war. The reborn person, does not have that kind of super strong personal ability, also has the good enough luck, I am afraid the result only has the death. Even if you can get away with being that powerful person, I'm afraid that people like Wang Mang and Yang Guang will eventually fall.

1999, calculated by Nu Wa, is the most suitable time for rebirth. And Lin Feng, just born in this era.

"Father, it's a real coincidence, what a coincidence! But this coincidence, too terrible! So, I don't think it's a coincidence! " Nuwa said, "father, although I don't know who our enemies are, or whether we have enemies, I think we should make ourselves stronger faster!"

Lin Feng nodded. Indeed, this is not a coincidence. My rebirth is not lucky. Maybe there is something behind it. And I don't know. I don't know what causes my rebirth and what's the purpose. In all kinds of ignorance, what Lin Feng can do is to be strong!

Make yourself stronger!

"It's just father. I'm worried that no matter how hard we try, it's impossible to resist the unknown force!" But Nu Wa was a little worried and a little lack of confidence.

As a "God" in the digital world, she is the first and only life known so far. She knows too well how terrible her ability is. In this world, she is God. You can't destroy her, but she can destroy all the digital world in a moment.

All high-tech products dealing with data stream can be destroyed in a moment. Of course, this kind of destruction is not the traditional kind of material destruction, but the complete paralysis. It's like human brain death, becoming a vegetable.

She is so terrible. If there is such a force in the arrangement of Lin Feng's rebirth, this force, or this force, will be as terrible as she is in the digital world. In a moment, the sky and the earth are destroyed.

In the face of this terrible, how to resist? You can't resist it! This makes Nu Wa feel smaller than the world.

"Nu Wa, where does this power come from? We don't know. We don't know what the purpose is. We do not know whether they are good or evil. Maybe they can really destroy the sky and the earth in a moment. What we have done, in the face of this force, may be very ridiculous. Just like the fortress built by ants, we just need to pour a little water into it, and it can be easily destroyed. Pour a little gasoline in and you can burn it to ashes. But we still have to do it. No matter what happens in the future, we can always be stronger if we do it now. And every time we are strong, our future will be more secure! Protect us and the people we want to protect! " Lin Feng's resolute face.

Lin Feng has seen many powerful enemies. For example, "G23" once made Lin Feng feel afraid. But in the end, gradually step by step operation, now Lin Feng is not afraid of them. Even said that Lin Feng has the absolute ability to let them burn, even let them fly to ashes.

If we had given up at the beginning, there would have been no present Lin Feng.

Of course, this force may be more terrible, but Lin Feng will not shrink back. I'll be afraid, but I won't be. It's a big deal to die. In these years, my real life expectancy is almost 40 years old. Although life is still young, but do not regret.

In life, what matters is the content, not the length of time. Boring life, after 100 years, there is nothing worth pondering. On the contrary, a colorful life is worth a hundred years in ten years.

"So, Nuwa, next, we may be very busy. I will draw on your ability in many ways. Of course, not with your ability to do bad things, but to change the country, change the world! We have to speed up a little bit! " Lin Feng's face was dignified. "This country is a bit hard to return, but what should be changed is to change."

confirmed habits are hard to get rid of? Why do you say that? It's very simple. After a hundred years of elegy, the Chinese people finally found new China. We all see hope. The whole society is thriving. Although there are some disadvantages in the whole society and the living conditions are also very difficult, we all hope for the same future. However, ten years of great destruction has destroyed this flourishing spirit. The whole society is completely corrupted. It was not easy to get things out of order, but before people's hearts were stable and steady, they ushered in the reform and opening up.

Just experienced that catastrophe, we all have lingering fear. Before I could catch my breath, I saw the colorful world outside. The outside world is too wonderful, and people always learn difficult, easy to learn bad. Soon, the Chinese degenerated.

In particular, when you have suffered so many injustices and disasters, you can see a "paradise", a society of extreme material wealth, a world even more paradise than the paradise you once dreamed of.

The people of our country are completely reduced! Five thousand years of civilization has completely fallen under this series of catastrophes. It's not easy to change!