Two more days!

There is still time! But that doesn't mean we can solve the problem. Because, people have tried all kinds of methods, but the results have no effect. They have tried all the ways of communication with Nu Wa before.

Can't wake up!

Even Bryan Cohen screened Nu Wa's "ontological data", and even read those data to stimulate Nu Wa, which is useless.

None of this works!

Since all the ways you can use have been used, there is still no way, that time for you, with or without, is meaningless! Just like the death penalty, the remaining time has no meaning, all the meaning is just waiting for death!

In the second world, people's faces were all gloomy. Faced with this situation, they are helpless.

Soul! Too mysterious! Perhaps for human beings, the soul is really God's forbidden zone!

"Pa Pa!" Lin Feng clapped his hands!

"All right, everybody, don't be upset! Since there is still time, then everything is possible! So, let's try again! You know, we have a chance to touch the soul! " Lin Feng said with a smile, "this is an opportunity that all soul experts have never had! We should be surprised and satisfied! "

Lin Feng's words just made everyone feel a little better. As for the results, they are not optimistic. Because, in the past few decades, they have tried everything they know, but it has not worked.

To put it simply, we are at a loss.

Lin Feng shook his head. This can't do! No morale!

"Well, since everyone is tired, let's go to dinner first! After dinner Lin Feng called everyone to the company restaurant.

Now, because of this week's service suspension, all employees have been paid by Lin Feng to have a rest. Lin Feng is not the kind of stingy boss, since the company is OK, let the staff out to play.

Although the company now has paid annual leave every year. But who would be too few holidays! Especially in the IT industry, once you work overtime, it's crazy. Almost, there is no rest. What nine to five? That's bullshit.

If you really want to catch up, it's normal from six in the morning to one or two in the evening! So, when we have time, we will let the staff take a vacation. Including the kitchen. Although they are all here, the kitchen is also full of people and they have to take a vacation. Lin Feng has always treated vacation equally. In addition to the security department and the necessary personnel on duty, when it's time to take a vacation, it's time to take a vacation.

As for eating, there is a freezer in the kitchen. There are many things in it. Make it yourself! There are all kinds of barbecue stoves.

"Come on, come on, let's relax and have dinner together today!" Lin Feng moved the toaster to the roof of the top floor, got smokeless coal, lit the fire, set up chicken wings, mutton kebabs, Beef Kebabs and so on, and a little bit of Jue Wei duck neck and so on. Of course, the end of the day was beer.

This barbecue is not fun to drink Baijiu, barbecue must drink beer!

"Come on, come on, drink, don't wring!" Lin Feng said with a smile, "anyway, we can't help it now. Let's fill our stomachs first!"

Everyone has a strange face.

"Boss, how can you eat like that! You have such a good appetite Brian Cohen is the most frustrated.

Although the birth of Nu Wa was a little puzzling, it was he who "raised" her. He really felt like a child to her. It turns out that if you say no now, it's gone. I'm not sad.

Of course, the Nuwa program is still there. In theory, there is always a time for recovery. But the problem is, it's almost a week off. If the time comes, there will be no "Nuwa" in the service, which will have a great impact on the company.

Bankruptcy is not going to happen, but it is necessary to give up the world's number one position. Moreover, the title of the company with the most technological innovation ability in the 21st century will never be changed.

The value of Nu Wa is far beyond that of the second world. If you really want to comment on the value of "Nu Wa", after the start of "interstellar colonization", once human beings find a foothold on other planets, such as Mars, or even other planets, the value of "Nu Wa" may even surpass the whole earth.

Of course, the premise is that there is no second "Nuwa.". As a result, if we say no now, we will not. This can not be sad!

Lin Fengwen smiles.

"Have you ever heard of such a logic?" Lin Feng blew a bottle of beer in his hand. "We have a tough problem. We have to ask ourselves: can we solve this tough problem? If so, what are we worried about? "

The crowd nodded.

"That can't be solved?" Asked Brian Cohen.

Lin Feng laughs.

"If it can't be solved, then you're worried about a fart!" Lin Feng laughs, "come on, drink, eat kebabs!"

People are speechless.

This kind of logic, too, too rogue! However, if you think about it carefully, this logic is not without reason, although it is a bit rogue. Isn't it? People, why bother themselves sometimes! unwanted!

Of course, this kind of logic just makes them feel a little relaxed. And what really makes them relax completely is wine!

This wine is really good sometimes! This man is upset, drinking. Happy, drink. No worries, no happy things, that can also drink.

Drink for fun! For human beings, there is really nothing that wine can't solve. If so, another dozen!

After the wine, people's mood gradually improved. This topic has become more and more. Of course, we will discuss about Nu Wa.

"I don't think the conventional way will work. Why don't we do something unconventional?" Larry Page, eating chicken wings and biting bones, muttered, "let's just go and ask those experts who specialize in soul to come and have a look. Maybe they can do something! "

Soul expert? If it is before, it industry, invite soul expert to come over, that can be regarded as idiotic certainly. After all, the two sides are not close at all.

On the one hand, it is metaphysics, which is illusory, on the other hand, it is Neo Confucianism, which is extremely rigorous and can't make any mistakes. There is no intersection between the two. There is an intersection between them, which is a complete fantasy.

But now, now, we have to admit one thing: the story of Arabian Nights is true.

They would have thought of asking soul experts to solve the problem of Nuwa. And, it seems, it's the only thing they can do.

"Are you sure you're going to invite this kind of expert?" Lin Feng has a strange face.

People you look at me, I look at you, helpless nod. On this matter, they are also helpless. If there was any other way, they would never say such "Crazy" words!

IT industry elites, go to theological experts to solve it problems! My God! If we want to talk about it, they will lose face! Think about these people sitting here. They are all people who have changed the IT era.

The "second world" games have changed the direction of development. They all lead to an era and a trend.

As for Bryan Cohen, he is still a little puzzled, not to mention that he built Nuwa himself. However, just relying on the title of "father of it" is enough to make him proud.

There are also Larry Page and Sergey Brin, who have really created a strong presence of search engine pioneers and are committed to raising the upper limit of human science. These people are all powerful people.

Of course, there's another Steve jobs not here. Steve Jobs's life is numbered. For him, every day is precious, precious. For him, every day is the last. Because he does not know that the sun will still rise tomorrow, but can he still see the sun tomorrow?

Well, jobs doesn't know. So, about Nu Wa, he heard from Lin Feng and was very interested. But now, his goal is to study the second generation of smart phones, the second generation. Not the second one! In the middle, the meaning sounds similar, but there are differences.

This may be the last work of jobs' life, so he wants to create a new era‘ Apple's new "iPhone 2" is very popular. It adopts the similar appearance of Lin Feng's "Fuxi" mobile phone and has a higher pixel camera. But all these are a continuation of jobs' work.

In phantom technology, jobs hopes to continue to create a new era! A new era! If "iPhone" is like that, it's a cross era product!

So, he didn't come!

Otherwise, there are so many talents here. But so many talents, in the end, have to ask for help from theologians. This is definitely the darkest day in it.

Of course, for Nu Wa! It's all worth it!

"Well, there is a lot of research in Japan. I'll send someone to inform you immediately. It's estimated that we'll be there in two hours. Then I'll ask the Pope Francis to come and see if he can do anything Lin Feng said.

The crowd heaved a sigh.


"Well, let's keep drinking!"

Soon, the soul experts from Japan arrived.

"Mr. Lin, can we go to see Nu Wa?" The Japanese soul expert was excited.

Soul! This is the first time that human beings really touch the soul body! You know, before that, no matter how you study, the soul is illusory, you can't study at all. All your research is just based on some kind of illusory test of radio wave particles.

And today, they can finally touch the first soul!