Lin Feng carries his hands and walks leisurely in the forest.

While enjoying the journey of listening to the waves, he was calculating how much money he should make. To be honest, this time he chose to come in, it really made Lin Feng feel happy and comfortable.

Although Lin Feng can go to such a place in reality, it is not so pleasant here. Think about it, they feel comfortable, those super rich people, get such a thing, they will have a kind of ecstatic feeling.

As for say, are super rich, so what can't do, still need to play the game! As for you! Well, not necessarily. After all, no matter how rich the super rich are, they have to abide by the rules of the world. Birth, aging, illness and death, laws and regulations, there are all kinds of constraints binding them.

No matter how rich you are, you must obey the law. Even Lin Feng himself was not really able to do what he wanted. Only here, in this virtual world, can you really do what you want. Super rich people naturally like to do whatever they want.

How much is a good price? Lin Feng thought and calculated. These super rich people are rich. They can't use up and spend all their money. Instead of putting it in the bank, it's better to spend it on yourself. Use this money to change China and increase residents' disposable income.

As for how to sell it! Lin Feng smiles.

No matter who they are, as long as they are human beings, they all have one shortcoming: they are greedy for the cheap.

Suppose a commodity, I tell you, sells for 100 yuan, you may have to hesitate. But suppose I told you not to take the money, let you take it directly, and you will certainly take it. Unless there are a few big men around, you take them, they will come to the immortal dance. But in this case, it's a minority, isn't it!

Generally speaking, people are willing to try something free! Including the rich! Although it is said that the rich will not be greedy for these small bargains, if they give them by themselves, they will certainly try.

As long as you go in and try, you will be shocked! Well, as long as the shock, then you can start charging! What's the charge? Naturally, it is to provide paid service fee!

"By the way, Nuwa, can you turn any picture into a 'VR' picture?" Lin Feng asked.

"Father, I can convert all the pictures of the game in real time. As for the movie, as long as there is a full body image of an actor, I can perform real-time VR image conversion! " Nuwa replied.

For VR conversion, manual operation is really troublesome. It requires various programming to convert it into data, and then perform real-time calculation. But for Nu Wa, it saves a lot of programs.

For example, programming, the most difficult step, Nu Wa directly free. In our opinion, we should input the content we want to show through the program code, and then show it through the screen in a picture acceptable to us. In the middle of this, there are several conversions.

And for Nu Wa, it's very simple, just think about it! Just like us, what is the solar system like? As long as you have seen the picture of the solar system, just close your eyes and think about it, you will see the picture of the solar system in your mind. You can add what kind of stars you want to add to the solar system.

The human brain in their own world, close to God, as long as you have enough imagination, then you can do anything. In the same way, Nuwa is the same.

For us, all kinds of programming is extremely difficult, which requires a lot of human and material resources to complete. But for Nu Wa, it's as simple as human imagining the solar system in their own mind. It's just a matter of breathing.

For Nu Wa, the only trouble is whether the computer hardware performance can meet the standard, and the transmission speed of network bandwidth. On these two points, it was Nu Wa's elbow making. For the rest, nothing is a problem.

Therefore, as long as the super rich enjoy the "VR glasses" and, of course, the "miracle" of "VR helmets", they will be willing to pay for them. Because this kind of paid purchase, only own exclusive. Only "Nu Wa" can restore everything to a "VR picture" in real time.

Lu Buwei, who has been living for more than two thousand years, has told us one thing, that is, there are rare goods to live in. Since you have something that others can't have, then you can sell it at a price. This is a matter of course.

As for the price, it depends on how interested they are. The more you want it, the more expensive it will be. One month service fee, millions of dollars, not expensive!

Of course, it's not just about services, it's about hardware‘ VR helmets are free, but you can't just have VR helmets. You need a computer. Moreover, if you want to provide the best "VR image", the ordinary computer is not good enough. You have to be a personal super computer like Lin Feng.

Only this kind of personal supercomputer can meet the needs of Nu Wa. As for remote data transfer, it is not impossible. At least bandwidth needs to be speeded up.

Now this kind of exchange data flow must meet the bandwidth of at least 30m. If the whole process is operated by Nu Wa's host, then the loan will be increased by at least ten times!

That's 300m bandwidth! Only in this way can the exchange of all data streams be fully satisfied! This, at present, is a temporary problem for the whole world. Because the reading speed of ordinary hard disk is not so fast, it has to be solid-state disk to have such a fast speed. Network bandwidth speed can be so fast, that's a bit choking.

Therefore, the matching "VR helmet" computer must be a personal supercomputer. Only in this way can we meet the needs of Nu Wa's real-time calculation "VR picture"!

Well, at present, only our own "phantom technology" has the ability to build a personal supercomputer! Of course, it's not that the rest of the companies don't. But all the other companies are assembling computers, and they have their own complete set of equipment, which can really achieve perfect assembly and 100% performance adjustment, especially with the "Nu Wa" system, which can really achieve 100% performance!

That's the advantage! This kind of advantage, can change money! Originally, the demand for personal supercomputers is very small, very small. Ellison ordered one, and Li Zekai, out of friendship and support, ordered one. The rest of us, we don't have any.

But with VR, everything will be different! That's a big demand!

Just as Lin Feng was thinking about how to maximize the benefits of VR, a huge fireball suddenly fell from the sky!

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!

(it ends at three o'clock today and continues tomorrow! Thank you for your support!)