10000 Fengshen coins?

What is this? The heads of state felt a tremor in their hearts and felt the impulse to throw out their VIP cards.

They feel the VIP card is hot!

"Oh, by the way, forget to say that this VIP card is called Fengshen card." Lin Feng pointed to the card and said with a smile, "all mankind, a total of 13! We have nine of you and four of us. I'll give them to you at your discretion! In other words, my friends may not be able to get it! There's no way. Things are rare. If a thing is not precious enough, it's not worth money! "

Lin Feng is willing to listen to this. Rare is precious! It's like, air is indispensable to everyone, but who thinks air is precious? Because even if we human beings are indispensable, but everywhere, it is not precious.

This is just like water resources. In the Yangtze River Basin, water is not precious, but when you get to the Sahara desert, do you think water is not precious!

There's only one truth in Lin Feng's card. And this card, a total of 13, is very satisfactory to the heads of state. Because it's a symbol of identity. Naturally, they are all old. It is estimated that they may not be able to wait for the coming of the era of human cosmos or the era of interstellar colonization. But their offspring can keep the card. It would be the most precious asset of their family.

But what is this 10000 Fengshen coin? Is this a bribe?

Among the heads of state, the four EU heads of state are the most frightened. Which four countries? Britain, France, Spain and Germany, of course. Lin Feng's money is not easy to take. And it's against the rules.

10000 Fengshen coins. It sounds wrong. It seems to be worth a lot of money.

"Why, afraid that I will bribe you? In fact, the money is really not much, very little. As for why we don't use US dollar, RMB or pound sterling, the main reason is that once the galaxy era starts in the future, we will still use the currencies of various countries. When people see this, they will be laughed at! You think, in case of meeting other races in the future, when people look at it, we will have this currency and that currency. What a shame. Therefore, I think we should unify the currency. Just like the ancient emperor of our country, the first emperor of Qin, unified weights and measures Lin fengxiao said.

On the Chinese emperors of all ages, what Lin Feng worships most is Qin Shihuang. For one thing, he unified the weights and measures of the six countries at that time with the same writing and the same track, which really made China a unified and powerful country.

Why Europe can not be unified is because there is no first emperor. If there had been a person like the first emperor, Europe would have been unified for a long time, and it would not have been possible to have so many countries.

As for whether this is good or bad, different people have different opinions. There are advantages and disadvantages! However, from the perspective of the powerful state power, the emergence of the first emperor made China always at the top of the world nation for the next two thousand years. Unlike Europe, it was not until the modern industrial revolution that it brought about earth shaking changes.

Of course, it has something to do with China itself. The Tartars of the Qing Dynasty, a barbarian, United China by various chances. Naturally, they had no foresight and vision. Otherwise, if the Han people were still in power, they might have absorbed the advanced knowledge of the west, and there would not have been such a catastrophe.

You know, the firearm of Ming Dynasty was a very advanced firearm at that time. If there is another person like the first emperor, it will be totally different. Of course, by the way, some people, who may have a special admiration for China, actually believe some rumors that the firearms stored in the armory of the Ming Dynasty were even more advanced than the firearms that the Allied forces of the eight powers hit China at that time, but the Manchu and Qing Dynasties could not use them, otherwise they would have driven the Allied forces of the eight powers out of China.

This is absolutely a rumor. At that time, there were no lathes in China at all, but only fire line guns, which was the limitation of productivity in Ming Dynasty. When the G8 allied forces hit China, what guns did they use at that time? This is a revolutionary change in technology. The combat effectiveness of both sides is far from the same.

"Therefore, after we go out of the earth, we should also unify our weights and measures. In terms of currency and language, we must unify them!" Lin Feng said with a smile, "of course, in terms of language, I don't insist on speaking Chinese. After all, English has many conveniences and can be mainly used in English. But I've got an advantage in money, so I'll use my Fengshen money! "

Over the years, Lin Feng has been growing up and many of his ideas have been improving. For example, originally, Lin Feng insisted on using Chinese in everything, but his experience over the years made him realize that Chinese is amazing, but not omnipotent.

For example, there is a saying in the UK: you say that you love the rain, but you open your umbrellas when trains... You say that you love the sun, but you find shadows in the sunshines... You say that you love the wind, but you close your windows in the windfalls... This is my fraid; Yousaythatyoulovemetoo...

You say you like rain, but when it rains, you open your umbrella; You say you like the sun, but when the sun sows, you hide in the shade; You say you like the wind, but when the wind blows, you close the window. I'm afraid you love me the same way.

But Chinese is magical and great!

Literature and Art Edition: you say misty rain, Orchid Pavilion far; Later, he took the whirl lightly and covered his clothes deeply. You say spring is brilliant, green sleeve is red fragrance; Later, it covered the West Tower and stood beside Qing. You say soft wind blowing, drunk thinking; Later, he closed the doors and windows tightly, and his account became a disaster. You say love is tender, how to forget each other; But my eyes turn slightly, and I'll be frost.

But is that the end? No, How profound is Chinese!

Book of Songs: Ziyan admires the rain, opens the umbrella to avoid it.

Zi Yan likes Yang, but he refuses to seek shade.

Ziyan likes the wind and leaves the house.

I'm afraid that Ziyan will grow old together.

Is that the end? also!

Lisao version: junle rain Xi open umbrella branch, junle day Xi forest block out the sun, junle wind Xi fence tent, junle I Xi my heart bite.

Is it over? No, Still have!

Five character poem version: love rain partial umbrella, love Yang but shade.

When the wind comes to cover the window, Ye Gong startles the Dragon King.

Short words, long love.

My husband said that he loved me. He didn't dare to think about it.

There are five words, so naturally there are seven.

Seven words quatrain version: misty rain umbrella light move, happy day partial to the tree benthos.

Once the wind blows through the window, Fu Jun always hesitates.

Then, seven character quatrains can be written again.

Jiangnan in March rain, Luo umbrella light support fine fragrance.

Day send slightly drunk like a dream, body according to thick green, take advantage of the shade.

Suddenly hear the wind sound spread Zhuge, light frown moth eyebrow lock blue window.

A piece of Acacia, you can't understand, Jinchi only fear scattered mandarin duck.

Look, this is Chinese, this is the greatness of Chinese! Is this comparable to English? Can't compare! But precisely because of the greatness and incompatibility, the popularity of Chinese in many places is not as simple as English. Because English has 26 letters and four or five thousand words, while Chinese has only four or five thousand words, and there are more than three thousand commonly used words.

You know, it's a word, it's a word! This is equivalent to more than 3000 letters in English. If so, English will definitely become the most difficult to learn in the world. But English has only 26 letters, four or five thousand words. But in Chinese, I don't know how many times. And when each word is combined, the meaning is completely different.

Therefore, it is too difficult for Chinese to be fully popularized, especially in many aspects. For example, the car so many buttons, with English abbreviations is very clear. But Chinese, too beautiful gorgeous, meaning too changeable, abbreviation is fatal!

For example, "ESP" in English is translated as "body electronic stability system" in Chinese. How do you abbreviate it? Especially when it comes to small buttons? This is obviously not convenient for English.

In addition, English letters are relatively simple, not as rich as Chinese characters. A, more simple writing, a combination of several letters means a long string of meanings. But Chinese, too beautiful and gorgeous, is not as simple as English.

These are also the insights of Lin Feng over the years. Not blindly pursue the popularization of Chinese. Of course, Lin Feng hopes to spread Chinese, the most beautiful language, to the whole world. But it doesn't mean that everything should be in Chinese.

It's like Arabic numerals are always easier to use than Chinese characters. It's the same all over the world. We all use Arabic numerals instead of national ones, because it's too cumbersome.

This is adjusting measures to local conditions! Of course, Lin Feng spared no effort in promoting Han culture. This promotion is not only the Han culture, but also the 5000 year history precipitation and 5000 year spiritual treasure of the Han nationality.

The heads of state looked at each other. Language is not required, but currency is required. This is a bit fatal. After all, no matter how unified the language is, it is impossible to destroy the mother tongue. But the unification of currency is really fatal.

Once the currency is unified by Lin Feng, then in the future Lin Feng will have the right of currency pricing, and then all countries will be controlled by Lin Feng. This guy, who says he has low political intelligence, NIMA, is an old fox! This guy is so smart!

"Ladies and gentlemen, do you want to know how many dollars this 10000 Fengshen coin is equivalent to?" Lin Feng laughs again.

(end of three chapters today, continue tomorrow! Thank you for your support!)