"Where's father?" Lin Youxi looks excited.

"Sister, the greatest possibility for father is here at the moment!" Nu Wa called up the map of Japan. "My father should be in Japan. He disappeared in the South China Sea without a trace. There are only two possibilities. One is to be killed instantly, but the possibility is only 37%, and the other is to hide. Among the hiding places, the possibility of Sumitomo's home in Japan is as high as 73%! "

Lin Youxi's eyes brightened.

"Then why doesn't father show up? Does it mean that my father really hides to watch the play? But father should tell us. If we are afraid of being noticed, we should at least let you know! " Lin Youxi complained.

"I don't know. I can't ask about my father. There must be a reason for him to do so! " Nu Wa is still very calm and calm.

Although it has gradually had the human emotion, but in the emotion, Nu Wa is still a little immature. If she wants to express all kinds of human emotions more perfectly and freely, and communicate with human emotions, she still has a long way to go. Among them, the most obvious performance is to communicate with people. In terms of tone, Nu Wa always whispers in a soft voice, rather than having all kinds of emotional fluctuations and mood changes like human beings.

"Nu Wa, can't you contact your father?" Lin Youxi looks anxious.

Nu Wa shook her head.

"Sister, I have completely lost my trace on my father's side. I can only speculate that my father is in Sumitomo's home in Japan. As for entering Sumitomo's home, we can't at present. All its digital signal connections have been cut off! Based on this, I infer that my father may be at Sumitomo's home! " Nuwa replied.

Lin Youxi pursed. It's the same as not saying! But I think my father should be safe in Sumitomo. As for why not contact us, maybe it's to deal with the Americans! After all, Lin Feng's opponent this time is so terrible. Almost against the rest of the world. Naturally, he should be more careful.

Thinking of this, Lin Youxi was in a better mood. After all, we all know the relationship between Sumitomo Ning and Lin Feng. In Lin Youxi's eyes, Sumitomo would never hurt Lin Feng. Naturally, Lin Feng is safe in Sumitomo Ningna!

However, Lin Youxi did not expect that this world has always been very cruel. In the world of the law of absolute interest, no one can completely believe it.

For example, Sumitomo Ning's ambition!

"Do you need a reason to fall in love with someone?" Sumitomo Ning asked.

Do you need a reason to fall in love with someone? Ladies, you look at me, I look at you, I don't know how to answer. Because this problem is directly related to Lin Feng's life and death. They dare not answer rashly.

"Avril, do you think it takes a reason to fall in love with someone?" Sumitomo Ning asked.

Avril curled her lips.

"No! Love is love, which need what reason! It's not that complicated! " Avril said very frankly.

Sumitomo would rather not agree or oppose, but continue to stare at Lin Feng's face.

"So, how many people agree and how many people disagree?" Sumitomo Ning asked coldly.

All the girls looked at each other and were oppressed by Sumitomo Ning's aura.

Li Zhiyou, Huang Meixi, Lin Zhihui, Li Yunxin and Huang Shuqi stand by Avril's side. Then, Allegra and Sharapova, Lin Zhiling, Jessica and Liu Yifei think about it and stand beside Avril.

"If they agree, then you are against it!" Sumitomo Ning glanced at Liu YingYing and Ivanka, who were a little independent.

Of course, these two women are also the two women who make Sumitomo Ning look high. One is Lin Feng's self-made business partner, and the other is a born lady. These two people are also the most concerned by Sumitomo Ning.

"Why do you fall in love with him?" Sumitomo Ning asked, "don't you need a reason to love someone. What's the reason? "

Liu YingYing and Ivanka look at each other, Liu Yingying stands out first.

"Love a person absolutely need reason! At least I think so. Whether it's because of his appearance, talent, money or character, you can't fall in love with someone for no reason. The so-called love at first sight, but the most straightforward is attracted by his external conditions. And there's a reason for all this. You can't love someone without reason Liu Yingying explained.

Sumitomo Ning ponders and nods.

"There's always a reason why we fall in love with a man, or why a man falls in love with a woman. External is the first factor, followed by internal temperament, wisdom, personality, or family background. In short, no matter what the reason is, there is a reason. " Liu explained.

Sumitomo Ning nodded.

"Well said! Then why do you fall in love with Lin Feng? For what reason? " Sumitomo Ning asked.

Liu Yingying thought about it.

"I've known Lin Feng for a long time. How can I fall in love with him? I think I should be attracted by him. I'm not the kind of person to fall in love at first sight. Sometimes he is naive, but I am not easy to accept other people's care. Therefore, there used to be some small frictions, but this kind of frictions is also an opportunity to enhance mutual understanding between the two people. If there is no friction or contradiction between each other, I think there is a problem. Because you can't meet a person who fits 100 percent. It would be terrible to meet such a person! " Liu Yingying moved.

Sumitomo Ning eyebrows slightly move, then understand what Liu Yingying said.

Two strangers, never realize, get together, become husband and wife, and finally form a family. This requires both sides to fully open the window of their hearts to each other, so that each other can become each other's dependence. In the middle, there will be countless frictions and quarrels. Because, before each other are independent individuals, how can they fit together without friction.

If there is, it is that this person is deliberately flattering you, to aggrieve themselves to get close to you. This kind of person is very terrible. Because, one day, he will show his true colors. Once his goal is achieved, he will show his true colors. His purpose may be to covet your beauty or your family background.

At that time, you will be very passive, even make the whole person have a lot of negative emotions, and let you give up, because you have been used to his unconditional catering and reluctant.

When falling in love, or managing love, using mental skills, it is very terrible. Of course, some small business skills are indispensable, but subjectively, it's very terrible to calculate people by heart.

"Then what is the reason why you fall in love with him? What do you love about him? " Sumitomo Ning asked.

(it ends at three o'clock today and continues tomorrow! Thank you for your support!)