Wu Zhaopu looked up at the sky and roared, feeling sad and indignant.

He and Lin Feng have known each other for more than eight years. In the past eight years, they have worked together to build "second world" into one of the best companies in the world!

Over the years, let him be willing to support the whole company for Lin Feng behind his back and give all the honors to Lin Feng, just because he also adores Lin Feng very much. He is very supportive of what Lin Feng has done. He also believes that Lin Feng will change China and the world.

Wu Zhaopu studied in the west, and had minor in Sociology for a period of time. He had a deep understanding of Western society. Is this society normal now? abnormal!

In the Western civilized society, although the people are very happy, this kind of happiness is based on the blood and tears history of other backward nationalities in the past 100 years. Their highly developed social material civilization is based on the cruel exploitation of other races for more than 100 years.

Apart from these, the social structure of the whole western developed countries is still extremely disadvantageous to the poor. A careful study of Western society shows that it is extremely difficult for a poor person to make a difference and change his fate.

There are so many myths in Silicon Valley. Behind these myths are almost all middle-class families. If you want to say that those who are really poor and can eventually become the creators of the American dream, how to say, so far, those people who are familiar to us all have far-reaching backgrounds.

Bill Gates, Chinese people may not know who the president of the United States is or who the president of the country is, but they must know who the richest man in the United States is Bill Gates.

My father is a lawyer and my mother is the president of the bank.

Warren Buffett, the stock god, whose grandfather is only a grocer in Ohama Town, but this grocer is the pillar of the local economy. In his father's generation, Warren Buffett's father has become an excellent bank stockbroker, and then opened his own stockbroker! Warren Buffett can buy stocks at the age of 11. Why? That's why.

Let's talk about Lin Feng's good friend, jobs.

Jobs's life experience is more difficult. He was abandoned by his parents when he was born, but he was adopted by a couple of jobs. And the jobs couple are Silicon Valley employees. Silicon Valley employees are not ordinary people. They are definitely middle class. Jobs grew up in Silicon Valley. This is also the foundation for him to create the "apple" empire in the future.

As for Lin Feng's best friend, Ellison. American Jewish immigrants! Jews alone know it's extraordinary. Then the mother is unmarried single mother, life is poor. However, my uncle's family has a pretty good life. They belong to the middle class, and they are pretty good middle class. As for why Ellison is still poor at the age of 30, it is because he has too much money in his early life to fulfill his dreams.

Of course, this kind of "waste" also gave him the motivation to succeed in his business.

If you look at it carefully, you can't find a real winner in America, one who really comes from the bottom. No,

Wu Zhaopu's research has made him very disappointed in this society. A scientific research institution he once worked for once conducted a survey on the "American Dream". The result of the survey made Wu almost despair.

Poor people, if they want to turn over, that is absolutely a case. It is a rare thing. Because this scientific research institute, from the Research Laboratory of Harvard University, has discovered a fact that makes the poor desperate.

Poor people are doomed to failure from heaven! Poor people are doomed to be poor people.

Naturally, this is ridiculous in the United States. I think it's incredible. Most people have the impression that the poor are doomed to be poor. It will not happen in European countries, at least not in the United States. It will only happen in socialist countries, which are monopolistic countries. Because of resource monopoly! So the poor are the poor.

But this research is enough to crush the pride of developed countries, especially the Americans.

Why do you say that?

It has been about a century since the concept of "American Dream" appeared. It was first put forward by American historian James Strasbourg Adams. Adams believes that the American dream means that all people, regardless of origin and status, can fully realize their inner potential. In the field of behavioral genetics, if "inherent potential" is regarded as genetic gene, the concept of "American Dream" can be reinterpreted as that all Americans have the same opportunity to realize their "genetic potential" equally.

Researchers at Harvard University used a variety of data similar to "IQ" to measure the personal achievements of respondents, covering a wide range of aspects such as reading, work and daily life. Next, the researchers continued to analyze the impact of genes on individual achievement and compared Americans from different socioeconomic positions.

The study found that wealthy Americans are more likely to realize their genetic potential than poor Americans. Among the richest 5% of Americans, the heritability of IQ is 61%. In contrast, among the poorest 5% of Americans, the figure is only 24%.

Why? The reasons may be various, but the most important point is the environment! Researchers at Harvard University have found that environment is very important for a person's growth, intelligence development and self potential.

Obviously, the environment of the rich is much better than that of the poor. As a result, the children of the rich are more likely to accept more advanced technology and have more time to realize the exploration and search of self-worth in life.

On the contrary, the poor have to eat three meals a day. Although education gives everyone an equal stage. But this equality is only a big and unified one. It seems fair. In fact, according to everyone's own family conditions, it is doomed to be unfair on the way to study.

Of course, it's not that the poor can't turn over, it's just that it's extremely difficult to turn over. If a poor family wants to turn over, it will take generations of hard work.

Of course, the United States gives the poor another chance to turn over. If reading is not good, play sports! As long as you are in good health! But in a way, it's also genetic.

For example, NBA's little emperor James, who came from a poor family, was once supported by his mother through relief. Finally, he became the NBA champion in 2003, easily earning tens of millions of dollars. It's true that the poor have changed their fate!

However, his body inherited powerful genes from his parents. Only parents that generation, did not encounter this opportunity to play, and he met! But how many genes can the little emperor have?

There are 24.8 million basketball players in the United States! And NBA total 30 teams, a team up to 15 players, which can accommodate a total of 450 players! How much money can you really make?

Therefore, it is extremely difficult for the poor to change their fate. Even the American dream!

As for China, it is relatively more difficult. Because of the redistribution of resources, it is almost more doomed for the poor to turn over. All resources are firmly in the hands of those with vested interests. It is difficult for the poor to change their fate.

Of course, China also has an advantage that the United States does not have, that is the college entrance examination! China's cramming education has led to universities only recognizing scores but not people. Although some students get more resources because of the allocation of resources in the education system. But on the whole, the cramming education in China, as well as the mark only theory, still let as many students as possible, get a relatively fair opportunity.

Once you are admitted to a famous university, you can change your destiny through knowledge. Not to mention creating the "American Dream", we can at least get rid of poverty and enter the middle class.

But, strictly speaking, it's just as hard for the poor. The whole society is extremely unfair to the poor. It is endowed with human rights! Where is this human right? They are monopolized by the rich and powerful. The "spirit of freedom" and "gifted human rights" that the United States has always boasted of are actually given to us by the "rich and powerful."!

When they take back this right, what do you have left? What else can you do? You can only beg, you can only starve to death. Of course, to some extent, all the poor have a way to change their fate!


When this society forces you to have no way to go, you should not forget that there is another way behind you, that is, crime; It is not shameful to do so—— This is a famous saying by the famous poet Mayakovsky of the former Soviet Union. His representative poem is Lenin.

Stalin commented on him: "Mayakovsky was and still is the best and most talented poet of our Soviet era."

But unfortunately, this great former Soviet poet, mysteriously shot himself at home! At that time, he was only 37 years old! Have a beautiful and deeply love his girlfriend, rich family, but accidentally shot himself at home.

This is a big mystery!

Of course, as far as Wu Zhaopu is concerned, he naturally does not want everyone to commit crimes. In that way, the society will be in a mess. As for Wu Zhaopu, he saw another person who can change the world, who can really change the world. That's Lin Feng!

Lin Feng is the most amazing and incredible person he has ever seen. Lin Feng's existence directly changed his cognition of the world. Lin Feng has no money, no family money, no advanced education, no broad contacts, but in just a few years, Lin Feng has everything. It's incredible.

And more importantly, Lin Feng did not lose himself. He's growing up, but he's not one of those powerful people. He's unique.

But now, such a unique one has been killed! Wu Zhaopu can't accept it!