"Find out Lin Feng! Anyway, we must find out Lin Feng! " Suddenly, Tyler Mellon said, "I don't believe Lin Feng is dead! He should just be missing, or frozen, and not die! The Chinese government does not dare to directly eliminate such a sensitive person in this sensitive period! "

All of you have a change of mind.

"Indeed! We all think that Lin Feng will die! But maybe he's not dead! " The Kennedy master nodded, "it's better to keep Lin Feng than to kill him! That way, the Chinese government has more choices! "

"Then use all our means to find him!" Old Morgan said coldly, "use our best means to find out Lin Feng!"

"There is nothing in this world that money can't buy. If you can't buy it, it only means you don't have enough money! " Old Rockefeller's money cult broke out.

Of course, this is true. What you can't buy is just because you don't have enough money.

Why is Lin Feng so arrogant? Because he has enough money. On the contrary, you should let him have no money to see. His fame and military are nothing but rootless duckweed. Everything in the world is based on money.

"There's an old saying in the country called," the emperor is not bad for hungry soldiers! " Old Morgan sneered, "whether farmers hide Lin Feng or kill him, there will always be evidence and witnesses left, so we will buy this evidence!"

"Then we have to set up a secret account, otherwise those who have the whereabouts or evidence of Lin Feng may not dare to contact us!" Taylor Mellon suggested.

The crowd nodded.

"Let's wait for Lin Feng's people to finish their search and make it public! I'd like to see what happens if Langya knows that China is hiding Lin Feng behind his back? " Old Morgan sneered.

It is easy to say that such behavior of the agricultural government is not noticed. Once detected, hehe! Old Morgan, they really want to know what "wolf tooth" will be like! If the Chinese people know about the government's behavior, it will be interesting to see the newly established image!

At this time, when the European side received the news of the US concession, they all breathed a sigh of relief. In the eyes of EU heads of state, Americans have always been extremely overbearing and never give in. When it comes to things, Americans are always rude and unreasonable.

This time, the European Union was overjoyed that the Americans would shrink back. Because if the Americans don't shrink back, Lin Feng's Fengshen fleet is also hot tempered. No, it's not hot tempered. It's Mars hitting the earth. They are really afraid of the world war.

No one wants the end of the world!

Fortunately, at the last moment, the United States is braking!

In an instant, the European Union sent all kinds of flattery. After all, the United States suffered a great loss this time. They must be angry. Therefore, it is nothing to send a little comfort and flattery to let them calm down and let the world go through this crisis.

Anyway, for these politicians, it's just a matter of saying beautiful things and coming when they open their mouths. It's just a matter of the upper lip touching the lower lip. It doesn't take much effort at all! As long as the U.S. doesn't get mad, it's easy to say.

What's more, this time it was weird! America's concession is strange. On the EU side, I dare not think much about it! I'm afraid to think more. Because, think deeply, this world is too terrible.

"Medvedev, see! Americans, they are afraid of death The Russian President's eyes brightened and he laughed, "they all say that Americans are hegemonic, leading the world in science and technology, and the largest economy. No one is an opponent. But now I see their weakness. They are afraid of death! "

"President, Americans are really afraid of death! Their life is so superior that their lives are so precious that they are afraid of sacrifice in war. They dare not die Medvedev agreed.

"It seems that our plan can be implemented!" The Russian President smiles.

Medvedev's eyes lit up.

This plan can be implemented. This is also a long-term, long-term plan of Russia.

"But the president, it seems that this is not the best time yet!" Although Medvedev is excited, he thinks that now is not the best time.

The people in the United States who have just been attacked by Lin Feng are extremely upset. They are forced to board the ship for inspection. The Americans feel very bad about this! As soon as there is a change on the Russian side, maybe the Americans will spread all this evil spirit on Russia.

"Hey, hey! It's not the best chance, but it's coming soon! " The Russian president laughed, "Medvedev, where did Lin Feng go?"

Medvedev shook his head! I really don't know. However, he speculated that the United States should send it away. But I don't know where to send it.

"I guess the Americans must have lost Lin Feng, and he was so confused that he didn't know why!" The eyes of the Russian President, like a bear on the earth, showed his strong domineering, ferocious, violent and greedy.

"Lin Feng, the Americans must have lost him! And where did Lin Feng go? Hehe, this is the most interesting thing now! If the Americans didn't lose Lin Feng, they would never accept the inspection of Fengshen fleet! Americans will never do such a humiliating thing, for they have not suffered a great loss or betrayed the truth! "**** It's very accurate.

Medvedev is naturally inferior to the president in political consciousness. But being reminded by the president, he also woke up. Indeed, the Americans, what a proud country, are not unreasonable. Will they do such a low spirited thing!

"Now, all the truth is that they have illegally detained Lin Feng and are in China. Then, if Americans want to reverse the passive situation, they must hand over Lin Feng. But what about Lin Fengren? If it's not in their hands, then they will definitely find out Lin Feng. " The Russian President laughs, "and Lin Feng, guess where?"

Medvedev frowned.

"In the hands of the Chinese government? But why... I see! " Medvedev came out in a cold sweat.

"It's impossible, it's incredible!" Medvedev was in a cold sweat.

"There is no impossibility in this world! If it was me, I would take the opportunity to get rid of Lin Feng! Of course, getting rid of him may cause a lot of trouble. So, house arrest him, or let him not show up for the time being, and then decide what to do according to the development of the situation. " Russian President sneered, "Lin Feng, this time, he may suffer a big loss! But he made it himself. His influence is too huge, Fengshen fleet, Somalia, plus those friendly countries behind him, no government will tolerate him! At least, if you have a chance to kill him, you will kill him! And for us, when Americans go to Lin Feng, it's time for us to implement the plan! "