Aquino III sobbed, especially when lieutenant general buscock showed his interest in this topic, Aquino III complained of Lin Feng's brutality with tears and tears.

In the mouth of Aquino III, Lin Feng is a unreasonable, barbaric, cold-blooded, brutal madman. Like Hitler, he was slaughtering the people of the Philippines.

"Lieutenant general buscock, you must punish him on behalf of justice! Otherwise, there is no peace in South Asia! There is no peace in Asia! There is no peace in the world Aquino III held lieutenant general buscock's hand tightly, his eyes full.

Disgusting! Lieutenant general Buskirk has a pep. It's really disgusting to be held so tightly by an old man. Although the United States is open to homosexuality, it is not gay.

Western culture, there is a tradition of Pro cheek. Same sex can also kiss the cheek, but it's just a symbolic kiss, just a courtesy. And if you don't let go, there's a problem.

Similarly! Admiral buscock could not bear to be held by such a big man as Aquino III with tears streaming down his face.

Let it go! General buscok pulled, but Aquino III held it tightly and did not let it go.

what the hell! Not yet! Lieutenant general buscok smoked several times, but he was still angry.

"Let it go! Hands Lieutenant general buscock stares at Aquino III.

"Ah ~~~~~~~~~~" Aquino III finally woke up and quickly pulled out his hand, looking embarrassed.

Hum! Admiral buscock drew back his hand and took out a towel to wipe it.

This action naturally caused Aquino III's embarrassment. But he didn't dare have any dissatisfaction. Although he is the president, the other side is only a lieutenant general.

But can the president of the Philippines be compared with the admiral of the United States? This is not an equivalent comparison at all. He can only bear to be humiliated.

What's more, there are so many things Americans do to humiliate them. It's nothing!

"President Aquino, I deeply sympathize with you! However, this matter involves a lot. You must reach a consensus with Malaysia and Indonesia! Only when the three accuse Lin Feng can China come forward for your three countries! " Lieutenant general buscock said in a deep voice.

In the past, Americans didn't need so much trouble, as long as there was a little evidence, they could do it to you. But in the face of Lin Feng, they can't mess around. Lin Feng, if you want to fight the snake, you will definitely be bitten by it.

What are you going to accuse Lin Feng about this incident? Vietnam, the most critical country, seems to be turning against the tide now. So what is Lin Feng fighting with the four countries? You accused Lin Feng of starting a war? Lin Feng was able to bite back. The Philippines, Indonesia and Malaysia attacked Vietnam. Lin Feng helped Vietnam in the patriotic war.

As for the former four Nation Alliance, it's not counting. Because the Vietnamese side can use the conspiracy coup launched by Vietnam at that time as an excuse to put all the charges on the late Vietnamese political figures. This time, many of Vietnam's top political figures have died.

***Nguyen's biggest rival died in the Hanoi riots last night. And it's not him who died, it's his whole faction*** Our faction has been completely destroyed. In addition to Nguyen Tan Yung's people, only Nong De Meng, a harmless man and animal, survived.

In this case, any accusation can be put on the body of the Communist Party of China. The United States has no right to sue Lin Feng unless it can make him fight back and instigate him to fight against Lin Feng.

As for the economic blow to Lin Feng, it's useless. Unless the United States completely forbids Lin Feng's "second world" landing in the United States. But for what reason?

Is the game too violent? Too much? In this regard, Lin Feng's "second world" has been classified in detail. All players need to register an account in second world and an account bound to second bank before they can play.

If you are under the age of 18, the bank account will be in a gray state. The bank account can also be used, and you can deposit money and transfer money. Except that you can't withdraw cash without a bank card, all other functions can be applied.

Therefore, through this account, you can automatically distinguish the age of players. In the game, if you are under 18 years old, you will automatically remove the bloody and sexual images in the game according to the laws of various countries, and you will make them virtual.

On the contrary, as long as you are 18 years old or older and allowed by local laws, you can choose to turn on or off all sensitive images. In this case, you have no reason to accuse Lin Feng of illegal game.

Game violence can not be blamed, so what to blame Lin Feng? Legally speaking, Lin Feng is absolutely legal. Unless you have to say that Lin Feng is a terrorist. However, what are Lin Feng's Royal lawyers for? They have nothing to do with you. You're going to trouble him.

What's more, the current president is Donald. Although he has defected, he is Lin Feng's father-in-law after all. Who knows if their relationship will suddenly improve.

All these reasons come together, so that those members of the U.S. Congress have to consider how to deal with Lin Feng. Unless, the United States is unreasonable. That means you're guilty, and you're going to be arrested.

But is it possible? The separation of powers in the United States leads to this extreme autocratic policy, which is impossible to pass. What's more, even if it passes, China and Russia are still behind Lin Feng. This situation is not something you can grasp if you want to.

So, they have to have countermeasures. Of course, this time, the most important reason is Vietnam's backwardness. This is America's biggest blunder. In terms of Vietnam China relations, Lin Feng bullied Vietnam like this. Why would Mao and Nguyen Tan Yung turn back?

That's what American agents have been trying to figure out. Now countless US agents are flocking to Vietnam, and they have to figure that out. What benefits did Lin Feng give to Ruan, so that he could plot against him.

Is it just the $10 billion promised by Lin Feng? Although this amount of money is large, it will not allow Ruan to be rebelled in an instant! There must be other reasons. Perhaps, Lin Feng promised to give Nguyen more power to help him become the head of Vietnam's military and government.

But what's good for Lin Feng?

Therefore, until the United States finds out the reasons for this, the seventh fleet of the United States Pacific will not take any action. As for the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia, they can do whatever they like. To deal with Lin Feng, OK. Wait until they get enough evidence.

As for the attitude towards these countries, lieutenant general buscock said: it's not enough to succeed, it's more than enough to fail!

This time, the air war between the four countries is a complete victory! This completely let Lin Feng show off his prestige in front of the world, especially helped him establish more prestige. What a fool!

Aquino III was obviously disappointed with the answer of lieutenant general buscock, but he was also calm. His real concern is not to punish Lin Feng, but to ensure his own safety. Now the seventh Pacific Fleet, Ken, is stationed in Manila, which has made it feel at ease. At least he doesn't have to worry about Lin Feng's fleet attacking the Philippines.

Now, all he has to do is contact Indonesia and Malaysia. Of course, he didn't care about the connection of the three countries. What he really cares about is the domestic situation. Lin Feng's people have completely retreated, so this huge market vacuum needs people to fill. Who will fill these people is a science.

It's all about profit. Although he is president, he can't eat it all at once and make some profit. How to divide this "pie" is a science.

As for Malaysia and Indonesia at the moment, these two countries are now completely shrinking their heads. On the Indonesian side, the Navy and air force of the country were completely crippled. In particular, in the end, the Navy shelled Ho Chi Minh City, which put great pressure on Indonesia's public opinion.

Now the only thing President Susilo can do is to find the ghost as soon as possible. But the whereabouts of admiral Seagate are unknown, and his family are also missing. So, who will carry the pot?

This is something that Indonesia has to solve as soon as possible. In addition, how to solve the huge compensation proposed by Vietnam? Vietnam has offered up to 34 billion US dollars in cash compensation! Indonesia can't afford the money.

Indonesia's GDP last year was only 510.2 billion US dollars! This is the gross national product. You asked him to pay $34 billion. The debt is too heavy!

Susilo is not willing to pay for it. Well, we have to find someone who can carry the pot, take everything on our own, and then get rid of the relationship with the Indonesian government. In this way, everything will be OK. At most, the Indonesian government gives a little government consolation money. And this money, obviously, is not much.

"Haven't you come up with a solution, you rubbish?" President Susilo Bambang roared.

He is very dissatisfied with the cabinet. Every year, we spend so much money and raise so many people. As a result, at the critical moment, there is no one who makes up his mind. You say, what does raising such a group of people have to do with raising a group of pigs? The most important thing is that raising pigs can kill and eat. This group of people have raised pigs, which is useless compared with raising pigs!

There was a shiver in the cabinet. This is a situation that they have never met before. They have never met this situation before. How to deal with it? How do they know.

It's hard to find enough people to carry the pot without involving the government! They think and think, just one thought, unless Susilo takes all this responsibility and resigns. If a new government comes to power, maybe it can! But can you say that?

At this time, the Ministry of national defense came a frightening news: Lin Feng hit the door!