How to explain? Lieutenant general buscock finally chose to report truthfully. There is no way to hide this fact. Of course, he polished it a little and expressed that he just invited Tita vantes to the ship as a guest. As a result, some misunderstandings occurred, which led to Lin Feng's questioning. As for the rest, he and Lin Feng reached an agreement or something, naturally not to say.

It has to be said that lieutenant general buscock believes that what is waiting for him is the sanction of the military court. As for inviting a woman on a ship, at most, he will get some accountability, but he will not be punished too much.

The U.S. Capitol is also very angry about lieutenant general buscock's behavior. They're not mad at lieutenant general buscock playing with women on the ship. As a matter of fact, it's normal for the top military officers to play with women. Although the incident is a bit big this time, it is not the anger of those high-level members of the parliament building and the military.

The problem with their anger is that you let Lin Feng bully them. What a shame! The seventh fleet of the United States in the Pacific Ocean was driven to the command ship by Lin Feng. You say, how shameful it is!

The US Navy has never been so humiliated since Pearl Harbor.

Congress immediately launched a fierce and angry criticism of lieutenant general buscock's disgraceful behavior, and some even proposed immediate dismissal and allowing him to return home for review.

In principle, lieutenant general buscock should be finished. After all, those members of the US Congress have always hated Lin Feng very much. If he is bullied by Lin Feng, these members will not give up.

However, what is a good official in the court! That's the truth.

At this point, President Donald spoke.

"Even though lieutenant general buscock's behavior is detrimental to the prestige of our navy. But I think, he is very good to maintain the rational and restraint, no impulse. Otherwise, on impulse, he will inevitably set off an all-out war with China. In particular, they should be on the edge of the South China Sea. " Donald raised his voice and suppressed all the comments.

The edge of the South China Sea. To be honest, Lin Feng was too clever to choose Ho Chi Minh City. Their fleet had to pass through the South China Sea. Otherwise, it will take a long detour. It's OK to walk like this. After all, China does not have a fleet, and it does not have the ability to sail on duty. But at the moment, it is a handle.

If you go to war with Lin Feng in China's sea area, it will only lead to an all-out war. Even if China counsels again, it can't counsels on this issue. After all, you've invaded human waters. If there is no war, the dignity of that country will be completely lost!

"I think it's very commendable that lieutenant general buscock can keep calm in this situation. Although our navy is powerful, it must remain calm enough. Otherwise, we will be the culprits of the world war. We must be alert to Hitler's lesson! " Donald's words calmed the restless members of Congress.

"Is this the end of the matter? Will lieutenant general buscock not be punished? " Some members of Congress frowned.

In this matter, the president has the right to speak and decide. Although they can propose, the final decision rests with the president of the United States.

"No! Naturally, there will be punishment. But what's our purpose now? " Donald asked, "our goal is not to go to the South China Sea to wage war, but to clamp down on China and then get enough benefits from it! That's our goal. War is not our goal! "

Many members nodded. Indeed, who is willing to go to war when they have nothing to eat too much! War is no joke. For politics, there is no way out. Only by war can political differences be resolved.

"So, I think, let lieutenant general buscock make a contribution! If he can achieve our goal this time, let bygones be bygones! Otherwise, it will be dealt with according to military regulations! " Donald asked, "what do you think?"

Many members thought about it and nodded. For them, the most important thing is to get benefits. The rest is not important.

Soon, they gave the order. Lieutenant general buscok stayed in his post to see if he was guilty. Finish the goal, let bygones be bygones, or we will be punished by military law!

Lieutenant general buscock was a little relieved. This is similar to his guess. I just didn't expect that it would be president Donald who would speak for him in the end. Well, isn't Lin Feng's father-in-law talking for himself. Originally, he thought the biggest problem would be Donald. After all, he is Lin Feng's father-in-law, and Lin Feng and Ivanka are so close. Maybe Donald will help Lin Feng out.

The result is the opposite. The people behind him didn't support him. Donald did. What a fate! Maybe it's true that Donald and Lin Feng have fallen out. Donald became the representative of those people.

Anyway, he's safe!

"Admiral, what shall we do now?" The adjutants asked.

"Five hundred miles back!" Lieutenant general buscok raised his voice and said, "since he has promised Lin Feng, it must be done. Otherwise this guy will be in trouble! "

Lin Feng is very difficult. And if he wants to achieve his goal, he must bear it first.

What is the goal of the superior? Very simply, it is through this matter that China is forced to sign more unequal treaties. And these unequal treaties, in short, let China follow the WTO agreement!

This sounds a bit awkward. The WTO agreement must be abided by. Why force China to abide by it. The reason is very simple. At the beginning, China and the WTO signed an agreement to open up certain areas after a few years. And so far, it's not open. In this case, the international community can't threaten you with long guns and short guns.

Although the United States is very strong, it does not mean that the United States will be able to do whatever it wants. After all, the U.S. government is not a dictatorship like Hitler's, and it always follows certain rules.

Therefore, the goal is to make China open to monopolies in Chinese mainland by using Lin Feng.

Once it opens up, China's economy will be exposed to the "wolf's teeth" of other countries in the world. That's their goal. Of course, it's also the goal of the seven families.

Economy dominates the world! The seven families want to use the economy to rule the world. In this world, everything is inseparable from money. You need money to fight!

As for Lin Feng, now the seven families have begun to change their policies. Under the mediation of Francis, they did not want to be rough with Lin Feng. It's hard to get rid of their grudges.

Since you, Lin Feng, want China to rise, their best way to deal with it is to let you, Lin Feng, see for yourself how China is crushed by them step by step and finally completely defeated.

This is the best revenge!

Now, they just watch Lin Feng and the four countries of Vietnam tear up, and then they finally come forward. Lin Feng's war, from the beginning to the end, does not occupy the moral high righteousness, so Lin Feng, how will you end? How to avoid the calculation of the United States!

Lieutenant general buscock had a sneer on his face. Of course, he will take back the recording from Lin Feng. He didn't mention it because he couldn't get it at that time. He will wait for an opportunity, waiting for an opportunity that Lin Feng can't resist.

At this time, Fengshen was on board.

"Ms. vantes, your compensation has made you suffer. In this way, I won't give you money. I help you build a theater, a theater that belongs to you. In the future, you can perform your dance in this theater. Whatever you want to perform, it's up to you! And I'll help you set up your troupe. " Lin Feng apologized.

what! Set up my own theater company, also have my own stage theater!? Tita vantes was shocked by Lin Feng at this moment.

This is what she has been dreaming of, a stage of her own, a troupe of her own, so that she can freely perform the dance she wants to perform, no longer constrained by others, no longer looking at people's faces.

But it takes a lot of money to have them. This is not something that can be solved by hundreds of thousands of dollars or millions of dollars. If you want to have your own theater in the downtown area, it will cost millions or even tens of millions of dollars, and then you have to own your own theater company. The annual maintenance and operation cost will cost hundreds of thousands of dollars at least! It's all a lot of money.

This is an almost impossible task for Tita vantes. Unexpectedly, Lin Feng helped her finish it. And this is far more touching than Lin Feng's giving her money.

Give me the money. She won't want it. Because Lin Feng has done a lot. In particular, she was satisfied to have the proud lieutenant general buscock apologize to her dancer.

But she couldn't refuse the offer.

"Mr. Lin, this gift is too heavy!" Tita vantes is still afraid to accept it. The gift is too heavy. It doesn't feel so good.

Lin Feng smiles.

"It's OK, you just need to give me a VIP qualification in the future. As for the place, when you think about it clearly, tell Zheng Zha! He will be in charge of it Lin Feng patted Zheng Zha on the shoulder.

Tita vantes glanced at Zheng Zha, turned red and ran away.

When Lin Feng saw this, he laughed.

"I said, Zheng Zha, you seem to have captured the beauty's heart unconsciously!" Lin Feng winked at Zheng Zha.

"Boss, I didn't do anything! Besides, I don't like that! " Zheng Zha said.

"You don't want to get married. What are you afraid of! Of course, I'll just talk about it. Don't take it seriously. Sometimes, you also need an identity! " Lin Feng said with emotion, "so convenient for you! And Tita vantes like this, very suitable! Of course, I don't mean to let you marry her. I just say that her identity is very suitable for us to collect intelligence! "