(only two today! Continue tomorrow! Thank you for your support!)

"You don't want to play cards with them?" Asked Lin Fu, looking at the Spring Festival Gala.

Lin Feng shook his head.

"They just have three tables. One more person can come out for a change. It's not suitable for me to go! What's more, no matter what cards I play, no matter whether I win or lose, I have to be scolded and criticized for being eccentric. You say, I'm still farting in this situation! " Lin Feng said.

Lin Feng's parents laughed and said no more. In any case, the younger generation will solve their own problems. No matter what happens, their elders are not involved. Of course, they can't get involved.

Lin Feng is like this. How can they help! Lin Feng can stay at home for a few more days. They have already Amitabha.

Spring Festival Gala, very boring! For Lin Feng, the Spring Festival Gala has always been so boring. For the feeling of the Spring Festival Gala, Lin Feng thinks it is a dish - Northeast stew. There's everything in it. As for whether it's good or not, different people have different opinions.

However, it's disappointing that the current sketches and crosstalk programs are getting worse and worse. Of course, the rest of the Spring Festival Gala shows are not good-looking, such as singing and dancing, Peking Opera, and so on. Originally, there were not many people watching them. As for acrobatics and magic, to be honest, it's really good-looking.

But whether it's acrobatics or magic, you have to go to the scene! Only in the scene, you can feel the incredible moment, you will be shocked. In front of the TV, if you fart, you will be like watching an ordinary program.

Fortunately, there is another function make complaints about the Spring Festival Gala. After watching the Spring Festival evening Tucao, it is undoubtedly the most pleasant thing for the office workers to make complaints about the second day or after the Spring Festival holiday.

On the first day after the Spring Festival, no one is in the mood to work. Everybody's a jerk. Make complaints about sitting up, vomiting, eating melon seeds and drinking tea. What's more, it's just a little more pleasant.

"In other words, the Spring Festival Gala is not very good-looking. Xiao Lin, do you have any way to do it? You are so powerful Mother Lin suddenly spoke.

To be honest, if it wasn't for the Spring Festival Gala on New Year's Eve, it would be a Chinese tradition, and now few people have watched it. But now the program is not very good. It's ugly!

What else can we do? This way seems novel. In fact, it's just the director's poor skill. And my son, so excellent, so capable. He always creates all kinds of miracles. As his parents, he naturally hopes that Lin Feng can solve this problem.

"Er..." Lin Feng Leng Leng, this, to be honest, the Spring Festival Gala is not good-looking, is to please all parties, more importantly, to please the above. It's normal not to look good. There are no good-looking programs with political nature. It's not impossible for us to solve the problem by ourselves. However, there may be some troubles.

However, his mother seldom opens her mouth, and Lin Feng has no reason not to agree. Besides, Lin Feng knows what his mother thinks. Nowadays, the tradition of new year's Eve is less and less. After dinner on New Year's Eve, everyone went to play separately. It's said that it's a big family. In fact, few of them end up together.

For example, on my side, all the girls have gone to play mahjong. Originally, they also wanted to watch the Spring Festival Gala on New Year's Eve, but it was too ugly. From their perspective, the program of the Spring Festival Gala was as bad as it had to be. And what's the favorite thing for this woman to do when she's together? That's make complaints about Tucao.

On the spot, began to vomit up, make complaints about all kinds of rotten things. Naturally, this program can't be watched. So for the first time, the girls watched the Spring Festival Gala with Lin Feng's parents, and half of them went to play mahjong.

"Yes! I'll do the Spring Festival Gala next year! Let the people of the whole country return to the tradition of new year's Eve Lin fengxiao said.

This is not only to fulfill the wishes of their parents, but also to fulfill the wishes of parents all over the country. A big family, in front of the TV, watching the wonderful spring festival gala, eating melon seeds, cakes, that is a very warm thing.

The Spring Festival Gala finally ended in a mess.

At zero, it's time for the national telephone to say happy new year. Lin Feng's phone, of course, is constantly ringing. In addition to a number of friends on the phone, naturally, there are also politicians from all over the world.

Lin Feng's position in the world has long been beyond outsiders' understanding. He has a huge amount of money in his hand, and this time, he retreated in the anger of the Communist Party, showing his terrible ability to all countries in the world. No matter what the reason is, in a word, people like Lin Feng can only make friends, not offend.

You are in big trouble for offending Lin Feng.

So, such as the French president, the German prime minister, the British Prime Minister, they naturally call Lin Fengdao happy new year. Apart from them, they are the heads of state in Africa. They paid homage to Lin Feng. They are all eager for Lin Feng to invest. Especially Lin Feng now so rich, so crazy money, they for Lin Feng, that is. This is the time to show loyalty.

Naturally, one call after another.

To be honest, Lin Feng has been numb. Although these people all know that at this time, Lin Feng calls a lot. Everyone also said their identity, and then said a happy new year and then died. But dozens of African countries, more than a dozen European and American countries, and a group of friends are still calling. When Lin Feng is finished, it's almost 2 o'clock.

The cell phone is almost dead! Lin Feng is going to cry!

"Father, actually I can imitate your voice!" Nuwa suddenly said, "according to your voice line, I can simulate it through data frequency modulation, which can make people confused between true and false!"

Lin Feng was shocked. All right.

"Isn't that anyone's voice you can imitate?" Lin Feng asked in surprise.

"There has to be a lot of data for reference. And father, your voice data is too comprehensive. I have a database of all kinds of tones, scenes and emotional sounds, so it can be perfectly simulated. The rest of us can't be so perfect. But it's OK to cheat ordinary people! " Nuwa answered faithfully.

Lin Feng sighed. What is high technology? This is it!

"Nuwa, although I can ask you to simulate the answer for me, you should remember that the key to being a man is respect. Respect, not only people respect you, you should also respect people. No matter what their purpose is, when they call, they come with blessings. Naturally, I will answer them in person. If you want to imitate my voice, it's disrespect. Do you understand? " Lin Feng said.

"Father, I see!" Nuwa nodded, "but father, when can I have a body. In that way, I can truly touch my father and feel the nature. For me now, you're all numbers! "

"Nu Wa, don't worry. I will help you with this. I have already told Sumitomo Ning that she has already told her robot company that it is developing the most advanced computer for you to meet the needs of human body. However, at present, this technology is still a problem that human beings haven't solved for the time being, so please wait a little longer. I don't think it will take long for you to have a suitable body Lin Feng said.

"Thank you, father!" Nu Wa looked happy.

But Lin Feng shook his head. At present, the most important problem of robot technology is energy. Can not meet the robot activity enough energy, it is impossible to run for a while, go to charge it. Besides, it's facial expressions. The human face has rich expression activities, according to the statistics of scientists, the human face can simulate at least 142 expressions, such as smile, bitter smile, laugh, snicker, etc. These subtle expression changes constitute our complex human body. And these are the most difficult to simulate for robots.

Japan's robot technology is obviously unable to simulate these. Of course, it is basically possible for Nuwa to feel the real world. It's just that there are still a lot of experiments to be done.

After all, this is a humanoid robot, a full scale humanoid robot. In particular, it is a very difficult scientific research project for the Japanese to solve the energy problem. Of course, once there is a breakthrough in research, it will be a great progress for human science and technology.

"Xiao Lin, your phone has finally come in!" There's a call from two gentlemen. For calling Lin Feng, they are all going to collapse.

It's been playing, it's been busy. Lin Feng's phone has been busy for nearly two hours. But they have to call Lin Feng today. Because after daybreak, it's different.

"I'm really sorry that someone has been calling in all the time. It just stopped!" Lin Feng is also helpless, "perhaps, I should add a mobile phone number!"

Before, Lin Feng had two mobile phone numbers. One for the public and one for the private. And there are already too many private phones, too many people know. Although those who know about it are people at the level of head of state, they usually don't call Lin Feng. But once this fight starts, it's endless. Lin Feng doesn't want to. Every year.

"Who made you a noble man now?" Mr. Xi joked, "well, what are your plans for the Spring Festival? If you don't have one, come and have a chat with us! "

"Well, I'll go there in two days. Let's talk!" Lin Feng nodded and said with a smile, "after all, I haven't visited you for a long time. This new year's day, my younger generation naturally wants to visit you! Of course, Chinese tradition, after the third day of junior high school

"Ha ha, OK, we'll wait for you on the fourth day of junior high school!" The two gentlemen hung up laughing. It's late. They're going to bed, too.

The phone has just been cut off. Lin Feng is ready to take a rest. As a result, the phone call came again.

"Lin Feng, it's hard for you to call in!"**** Come in the same words, but soon into the subject, "my sincerity to, your money?"