In the face of Lukashenko's strength, * * * responded by erecting an electronic screen on the border between Russia and Belarus. A countdown screen.

24 hours a day, half a day is 6 hours. So, this electronic countdown screen starts to count down from six hours**** Through this, we can put pressure on Belarus.

Asshole! Lukashenko looked angry.

There's nothing like a countdown screen that puts more pressure on people. That every second in the countdown of the counting board, every jump count, people are flustered**** This countdown really hit Lukashenko's heart.

The shorter the time, the more panic you have. The more I worry about it, the more I worry about it. Although Lukashenko thinks that * * won't and dare not call in, you are always worried about things that haven't happened. You are always cranky, afraid of all kinds of terrible things and the most extreme things.

In this case, the residents in Belarus will panic, which will spread and become more and more frightened as time goes by.

Once the human emotions reach the extreme, and can not vent, can not be released, then it will collapse. At this time, a hero stands up and raises his arm, then the people will follow. In the same way, if a person Spreads Panic talk, the public will follow suit, leading to the collapse of social order.

Lukashenko asserts that he will be under more and more pressure as the countdown goes down. As a dictator, he may become the focus of social speech, and even be bombarded by all sectors of society.

Time goes by. Soon, there were only five hours left. At this time, * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *. Its momentum is huge. From tens of kilometers or even hundreds of kilometers away, you can see the overwhelming dust caused by the march of the big army.

He did it on purpose! Lukashenko growled**** It's intentional. It's just to create pressure on yourself. Make yourself unbearable and force yourself to collapse.

With four hours to go, * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *. Thick smoke, dust, overwhelming, breathtaking.

At the moment, Russia's military strength, even if it has pushed three Belarusians, is enough. All the troops of Belarus have been sent out. However, in the face of the war on the Russian side, it is not enough for us to see it on our own side. As far as the war in Russia is concerned, it's frightening to watch.

A wave of current, in that battle, I felt that a wave of current could push myself. For the first time, Lukashenko felt that his strength was not as good as his strength. In the face of Russia's strength, Lukashenko really felt that he was too weak. How incompetent!

Of course, the national strength of Belarus is here. When it comes to Russia, it is far inferior to each other. This is to blame, it can only blame too much bullying. Besides, those EU bastards who sent an ambassador to talk about peace have no sincerity at all. In this case, the EU should send troops, not ambassadors.

The ambassador has a gross use! Can you kill people with words, or can you kill thousands of people with one word!

"President, why don't we just tell Russia where Lin Feng is going. After all, there is no disaster in our country! " Proposed by the Prime Minister of Belarus.

"It's no use saying that now**** That bastard, he's clearly bullying us. When we tell Lin Feng where to go, will he give up? Now he is also Chen Bing on the Chinese border. What if he asks us to give Lin Feng to him? " Lukashenko asked in reverse.

In the face of the crisis, you can't always make a theory. This guy is not a good talker.

"Besides, I don't think he really dares to beat us! In other words, all he has done is to make an appearance. " Lukashenko said every word.

Make a show? Belarusian Prime Minister Mikhail miyasnikovic was surprised**** What's the point of putting on such a big fight?

"Good! Maybe he's just acting! " Lukashenko nodded. "He's fighting like this. You see, is this an attack formation?"

Miyasnikovic shook his head. Although he was not a soldier, some of his basic military knowledge was clear. In modern war, the distribution of forces should be as dispersed as possible. Even if it is a charge, it will be scattered rather than concentrated. Because you have to charge intensively, and when the other side shoots down, you will have no establishment.

At the moment, the battle set up here is not for war. It's more like a parade here to show the "muscles.". In this case, it is impossible to fight. Because if Belarus takes the lead in attacking, it can destroy half of its troops in an instant. Of course, if Belarus dares to attack.

"Who did he show it to?" Miyasnikovic frowned. Is that for Lukashenko? What if Belarus doesn't? That's not a joke.

"He didn't show it to me. I haven't been noticed by him. In other words, I'm just a chess piece that he uses! " Lukashenko showed an exasperated but helpless look. "He showed it to Lin Feng. He was at high speed. Lin Feng beat us. It didn't take much effort. He only needed an idea to push us. In half a day, he can take Minsk. That electronic screen is not for us, but for Lin Feng. " Lukashenko sighed dejectedly.

It was only at this moment that he suddenly realized this. He thought that he was giving him an ultimatum. In fact, he was telling Lin Feng that he had only six hours. This makes Lukashenko very helpless.

The president of his own country, who is also an autocratic president with strength and skill, has been ignored by the Communist Party. You say, how does this make Lukashenko not depressed.

"Is this forcing Lin Feng out? If the time is up, what if Lin Feng doesn't show up? " Asked by Prime Minister miyasnikovic.

On this issue, he can't see through.

"If Lin Feng doesn't show up, then * * will push us and do it! If you don't do it, it won't be a war! " Lukashenko said angrily, "putting out such a big battle is not only putting pressure on Lin Feng, but also on himself. He is forcing him to do so."

Prime Minister miyasnikovic has an angry face. He got it, too**** The bigger the action, the less he can stop, and the less he can speak. It's time. If Lin Feng doesn't come out, he will do it. Otherwise, he can't stop.

But the fate of Belarus is in the hands of Lin Feng, which is ridiculous! Also, will Lin Feng appear?

"Yes, he will!" Lukashenko sighed, "otherwise, * * * * would not have set up such a big battle. He let himself have no choice, also let Lin Feng have no choice! We, from beginning to end, don't matter at all