His Majesty the Pope of Francis is on the stage!

Many of you here are Catholics. When I saw the Pope Francis, they all looked devout. As for those who do not believe in Catholicism, in the atmosphere of the scene, also quiet down.

You want to know, why did Lin Feng invite Pope Francis to come here?

What happened!

"For those of you, and for those of you in front of the TV, and for those who believe or don't believe in Jesus, I'm here to prove one thing, that is, from today on, Nu Wa will no longer be our Catholic saint!" The Pope of Francis announced.

what! Nuwa is not a saint? Before that, didn't he dig Nuwa into Catholicism to become a saint? It's said that Lin Feng didn't agree at the beginning. What, now you're back? What does that mean?

"Nu Wa is a unique life in the world. She does not belong to our church, nor does she belong to any one person. Of course, she does not belong to all mankind. She is unique in the world. We should not restrain her or restrict her with our human values. She's the only one! She can be our human friend, our human mentor, but it does not belong to any of us! Any organization! Any country! She is she, she is Nu Wa Francis has a pious voice.

"I hope that Catholics all over the world will abide by such an agreement and not try to own Nu Wa. Although she was created by us, she does not belong to any of us. She is a unique life. She has her own thoughts and consciousness. We should protect such a friend as God has given us, and then we can achieve mutual benefit, so that we can achieve a win-win situation. " Pope Francis came to Lin Feng.

"Originally, the ownership of Nu Wa belonged to Mr. Lin. Because Nuwa was created by Mr. Lin. in theory, according to the ownership of human property, it belongs to Mr. Lin. But after all, Nu Wa is a living body, so before I asked her to join the Catholic Church and become a saint, I was worried that she would be reduced to a tool. But now I find that Mr. Lin never used it as a tool, but as a daughter. Well, my worry is superfluous. " Francis said, "so I don't think Nu Wa needs to be a saint in my church. Of course, Nuwa is a unique life in the world, and its ability may be used by outlaws. So, she also needs us to guard

The Pope of Francis came to this with a slight pause.

"I announced the establishment of the Templar order, which is responsible for protecting Nu Wa's independence and freedom from any threat or control." Announced by the Pope of Francis.

The Knights Templar, whose full name is "the Poor Knights of the temple of Christ and Solomon", is a military organization of Catholicism in the middle ages. It is one of the three famous knights. Its members are called "Templars" and are characterized by white robes with red crosses. They are the most effective group of crusaders.

But later, because of the Crusade and decline, and ultimately destroyed by the hands of King Philip IV of France. This is a name that has been dusty for hundreds of years. Now, do you want to reopen it? For Nuwa to reopen?

"I will choose one of the Cardinals to be the head of the Templar order, to lead the Templar order to guard Nu Wa. At the same time, I will appoint Mr. Lin as the deputy head of the Templar order, to protect his special 'daughter'!" Announced by the Pope of Francis.

This time, many of them are now calculating the power of Nu Wa, and they are very angry.

When the Pope of Francis declared Nu Wa to be an independent life, not belonging to anyone, they began to calculate. Of course, there are seven families in the United States, eight in Europe, and some interest groups, large and small. Nu Wa, that's artificial intelligence life. Especially from the perspective of Lin Feng, his ability is very terrible.

People with such terrible abilities naturally have to find a way to build a relationship with them and dig them up. Lin Feng let them be independent. That's right. Give them a chance. But Francis, what chance do they have.

It's OK to set up a Templar order to guard Nu Wa. They can buy off the Cardinals. These cardinals, though pious, do not mean that they cannot be bought. But if you let Lin Feng be the deputy head of the Templars, it's no fun.

It is clear that the chief is a puppet and the deputy chief is the core. In the end, Nu Wa was still under the protection of Lin Feng. It's still under the control of Lin Feng.

You say, is this interesting! Not only that, although this Nu Wa is no longer a "Saint", but there is another "Templar order", which is even more difficult!

Old Morgan and others frowned. The guardian of Catholicism, this is no joke! This is a very worrying thing. After all, they are all believers. Of course, for old Morgan and others, the Pope is a person. They believe in Jesus, but it does not mean that they can sacrifice their own interests for the sake of Jesus.

It's just that they have to worry about other people's feelings! There are too many Catholics. The whole western world, basically. They can't mess around.

This is not hundreds of years ago, the era of credit blockade. Now a network, you can know what happened in Zimbabwe, New York, the United States. Therefore, they must be cautious in their words and deeds.

"Nuwa, we must get it!" Matthew said, "if it is true, as Lin Feng said, Nu Wa and quantum computer can do so many things. That would be terrible! This ability will be subversive! "

Old Morgan and others are puzzled.

"Quantum computing is terrible. It will have a revolutionary impact on the existing IT industry. Of course, the impact on us is limited, but Lin Feng's talent gene pool is the biggest trouble! I believe that he must use Nu Wa's powerful processing ability to test everyone's genetic potential. In this way, as a result, he will be able to tap all the elite talents for his use in the future. And we will lose these talents. It won't be long, only ten or even five years, and we will be in a period of talent shortage! " Matthew had a dignified face.

"The biggest drawback of this talent gene pool is that Nu Wa's injustice is limited by Lin Feng. But now this injustice has been solved! Francis helped him out! " Matthew frowned and said, "then, Lin Feng can conduct global human gene testing openly and at will! Or potential test! And we can't stop it! "