(I'm really sorry, it's too late today. I'm going to change my ID card in the morning. I can't help it. My ID card will expire tomorrow. At that time, banks, securities and train tickets won't be available. Last year, I said I'm going to change my ID card. Patients with terminal cancer say I can't change my ID card! Until February 29, the last day!

As a result, I ran to the police station three times and tossed all morning. I'm in the sun! I'm going to the bank again. The bank said it was the business of the credit department, but the manager of the credit department went out for a meeting. He is in charge of you, or you can come at 2:30 in the afternoon!

I wipe it! Although I am a terminal cancer patient, once I decide to do something, I must do it well. Since I decided to do it in the morning, I don't want to put it off until the afternoon. Unless something irresistible happens.

Well, there's only one proof! Find someone! Find a classmate who works in the neighborhood committee. I told him. He said it was simple. It's just a bullshit proof. I'll give it to you! Then he followed him to the old community. He went in directly. Without saying a word, Zhang Zi took it and covered it with a crack! Then go out and give it to me. Simple and clear!

I'm completely speechless! Nima, let's ask for a seal. He's going around. He used to seal it directly. What's this called? Bureaucracy? Or inaction?

I wipe, and then go to the police station, for the third generation ID card! That woman, she's not talking any more. I asked her to give me a new account, she said nothing, the same use, there are files!

I'm fucked! There's a file, you let me prove it! There are files, you toss me for a long time! There are files, you hurt me to find a classmate to come out and run! Damn it! FUCK!

Well, I'll have to have a rest in the afternoon. It's time to repair the lamp at night. The craftsman is good and the price is cheap. It's only 40 yuan. After the repair, he left and came back later. He put his vice in the lamp cover! Nima, again. However, if the male compatriots save private money, nothing is safer than saving it. It's definitely a place where women never move and never check.

One danger is electricity; Second, it is also high and needs to step on a ladder; Third, it is dirty! Of course, I'll talk about it, and let's listen to it!

Make complaints about it! I'm so sorry!)

"I believe you must be very curious about the relationship between" Moon Palace "and" talent gene pool "and" Google " Lin fengxiao said.

"When it comes to the relationship between them, I think first we need to know how to build this talent gene pool!" Lin Feng said, "this is the key! We all hope that in this life, we will not choose the wrong road, hope that we can be smooth sailing, then, how to do it? There are 6 billion people in this world, and I believe that it will soon reach 6.5 billion, then 7 billion or more! So, how do so many people build their gene bank? "

Everyone is looking forward to Lin Feng. They believe that Lin Feng must have a solution, otherwise, Lin Feng would never say it.

"We should all know that Nuwa is a unique artificial intelligence life in the world. Of course, we prefer to call it digital life. She has the ability of logical processing and thinking that human beings can never have. Thinking is the key factor that distinguishes us from other species. And Nu Wa, also can think. And she has a processing speed hundreds of millions of times more powerful than human beings! " But at present, there is no supercomputer in the world that can carry Nu Wa

Lin Feng stopped for a moment, waiting for everyone to accept the relevant information of "Nuwa". After all, before that, "Nuwa" had always been a kind of propaganda, and we didn't know much about it.

"However, surprisingly, Google has developed a quantum computer, which is a cross era masterpiece and a milestone in the field of it. Of course, I believe you must be very strange. Since "Google" has developed "quantum computer", why has it not been seen on the market, why has it not heard from the media, why has it not won the Nobel Prize. That's because the computer is a combination of software and hardware. Hardware alone Lin fengxiao said.

"It's like, we are human because we have not only a body, but also a soul. Both are indispensable‘ It's the same with quantum computers. It's impossible to have a body without a soul. And Nuwa is the soul Lin Feng looked forward to it. "As for what can Nuwa do after cooperating with quantum computer?"

Everyone was full of curiosity. It's true that Nu Wa and quantum computer are one of the two. What can they do? That's what people are looking forward to.

"If I say far away, you may not think it has much to do with it. So, if I say near, it has something to do with you. It should be very clear to all of you that today we will start the download of the super large copy of the unified game "fight between man and heaven: the fury of the gods" of "the second world". The game will be officially launched one week later, that is, after the end of "Laba Festival". And the big boss behind the scenes of this copy is the spirit of nature simulated by "Nu Wa". People's constant, unbridled acquisition of nature and endless greed have aroused the anger of the spirit of nature, that is, the spirit of God. " Lin Feng told me.

Everyone, be quiet at this moment.

We don't know much about the super copy of fight between man and heaven: the fury of the gods. Before that, there were not many introductions to "the second world", but only some superficial introductions. For you, it's not clear what this super copy is like. You have to wait for Lin Feng's introduction.

"Nu Wa will command all NPCs to launch a" extermination action "against the players within the permission of the rules of the game. In the eyes of the gods of nature, we humans may be nature's viruses. Our activities are constantly eroding nature, bringing all kinds of disasters and chaos to nature, making nature miserable. So nature became angry and began to fight back. But although the gods are angry, they can't break the rules of the world. Because once the rules of the world are broken, the world will not exist! " Lin Feng said slowly, "so, all of us, will usher in a God's anger within the scope of the rules. God, will use all the power it can use, under the same rules of the game, to fight back against mankind! "

The eyes of all players start to shine. This mode, they understand, is simply man-machine combat. But no one has ever experienced such a large-scale man-machine battle. And it sounds very interesting!

After all, in recent years, we have had too many PK, too many. Although still full of fun, but occasionally change a taste, is also very fascinating.

What's more, under the same game rule mode, can the artificial intelligence of the computer defeat the human intelligence? This is also very curious!

"Dear friends, I would like to advise you that Nuwa is a living body. She is not a computer program or a computer intelligence program. She is a living body, so she can think as well as we human beings. Her wisdom, I would like to say, is absolutely beyond most of us. Only by working together can we cope with this super copy of the "fury of the gods". For you, it's a scene of man fighting against the sky. I hope you can feel the horror of nature's anger after destroying nature. At the same time, I also hope that we human beings can unite as one and cope with all kinds of difficulties together! Instead of calculating and opposing each other. Human beings are too small for the universe. If we want to get out of this earth and see the wider world, then we need to unite! " Lin Feng said.

"What's more, the most important thing is" the fury of gods fighting between man and heaven ", which is also the prelude to opening the" game space barrier " Lin Feng smiles.