(today I watched the match between the thunder and the warriors. It must be said that in the last six minutes of the fourth quarter, I couldn't sit still any more. After the warriors' curry got injured in the third quarter, the king came back and shot through the thunder with a three-point shot to catch up with him.

At the critical moment, thunder's Du Shao also opened the superstar mode at the same time, but also with three points back to the warriors. Du Shaoyi scored three points and had 14 points left at the end of the game when the warriors were just one point behind. At three seconds, the score was raised to four.

At that time, as a warrior fan, I felt that the warriors were going to lose, and the thunder was finally going to win back, and the thunder "Wang Chan" was finally able to win the warriors. But the result is that the warriors have 10 left after a layup. 7 seconds, the use of full court man-to-man, forcing the thunder can not serve the baseline ball. In the end, Du made a mistake and was caught by the warriors. The final result is 0. 7 seconds, igodara's shot was fouled by Du Shao.

Both penalties must be hit! It's the warriors who level. Iguodala's free throw percentage is only 60%. As a result, against the huge pressure, igodara scored two free throws, while thunder scored 0. It's impossible to put in 7 seconds, and finally it's overtime.

In extra time, thunder is leading again. At the critical moment, curry came forward, scored three points in a row, stabilized the morale of the army, made a foul and sent off Du Shao. And at the last moment, when the two sides were 118 draw, with 4 seconds left, curry dribbled the ball through the half court. When the thunder all retreated to the three-point line and defended the three-point line, curry projected in the logo of the middle line! At the moment, we can arrange tactics and play a match. As a result, the library projected.

In! There's 0 left in the game. Six seconds! Curry killed thunder!

That's an unwritten, unwritten tactic of the Warriors: at the end of the game, curry has the right to fire in the middle line. As long as the opponent doesn't make a half court trap for curry, he can fire in midfield and shoot three points!

Look, I'm crying! This game is really awesome!

Finally, I'm afraid Du Shao can only sing: I should be under the car, not in the car, to see how sweet you are. In this way, it's easier for me to give up and give me the courage to leave~~~~

The brilliance of the game is far from what you can feel after watching the clips. And CCTV in this competition, broadcast two boring marathon! Thank Tencent for bringing NBA this year!)

"Every one of us has been studying since we were born, and then parents, teachers, uncles and aunts are worrying about us, which industry we should be engaged in when we grow up. In other words, which industry has a better future. Is it a doctor? lawyer? scientist? Or white collar? In other words, technical blue collar. And so on, especially when you graduate from high school, apply for University, fill in the major, this is a headache for a family position. We carefully choose again and again, for fear that the wrong choice will delay our whole life Lin Feng's words, recalled everyone, that is not how good memories.

That summer! For all, it's painful. Those who fail to pass the exam are naturally disheartened. Those who have passed the examination are also struggling with what major to apply for. Is it good for employment and high salary in the future! wait!

It can be said that every summer, millions of people feel confused. Of course, not only the students, but also the office workers. They are also constantly choosing their own career. In many cases, people are confused. They are forced to choose one for their livelihood, and then ride donkeys and horses, and choose slowly.

"There is a saying in China that says," women are afraid to marry the wrong man, while men are afraid to go into the wrong business. " If you make the wrong choice, the next few years may be wasted. How many years can we waste in our life? How many years do we have to waste? " Lin Feng asked aloud, "our life is very short. A long life is but a hundred years

Everyone was lost in thought because of Lin Feng's words. They were also curious about Lin Feng's "talent gene pool.".

"The human species, since its birth on the earth, has been constantly evolving to adapt to the nature. And because of our natural genetic factors, we can't physically compete with animals at the top of the food chain, such as lions, tigers, crocodiles and boa constrictors. In order to survive, we have evolved constantly. The cruel reality has taught us to walk upright, free our hands, and use tools. In order to be able to make tools, our brains began to develop, our limbs began to degenerate, and in order to enable us to better reproduce, we learned to use fire. We can get all kinds of food from nature to meet our physiological needs. " Lin Feng slowly tells the history of human evolution.

"In the end, we humans have evolved to be at the top of this food chain. The lions, tigers, crocodiles and boa constrictors that used to hunt us in the past have become our food rations and help us to reproduce! " Lin Feng said with pride, "this is the power of evolution! If we want to live better in this nature, if we want to be at the top of the food chain, we must evolve! It's constantly evolving

All the audience nodded. Indeed, without these evolutions, how could humans be the masters of nature. Now the earth will not has the final say.

"Of course, the world is fair. When God opens a door for you, he always closes a window for you. In order to reproduce, our intestines and stomach began to accept all kinds of cooked food, all kinds of Cereals, which directly led to the overall degradation of our body function, and finally we human pregnancy in October to give birth. The baby we give birth to needs one year to walk, three to speak, five to read, seven to have unforgettable memories, and eighteen to grow up. And foals are born to run! That's the price! God can't allow us to be born to read and write, to conquer nature! However, we humans, with our strong minds, have conquered the nature and become the masters of the world Lin Feng said.

The scene was silent, and everyone was attracted by Lin Feng's words.

"But now, human evolution is slowing down. Of course, slow. It's all nice words. In fact, humans have not evolved much for thousands of years. Although the modern industrial revolution and the development of modern science and technology are changing with each passing day, human beings have not changed in essence! Even the brain, modern people are not better than the ancient people. It's just the accumulation of thousands of years of history and culture that makes human beings have made great progress in modern times! But after that, our development is still very slow! In the 1960s, we could land on the moon. And now? Have we landed on Mars? What about exploring the solar system? " Lin Feng shrugged and spread out his hands, "no, not at all! So, why has human progress been so slow these years? "

yes! Why is human progress so slow these years? What is the reason?

"Because we humans have so much knowledge!" Lin Feng explained the reason.

Everybody's in a daze? Too much knowledge? This, isn't it. It's not that the more knowledge we have, the more we feel that we are short of knowledge. How can Lin Feng say that human beings have too much knowledge? This, isn't it!

The crowd looked suspicious.

Lin Feng smiles.

"You must think I'm wrong! The knowledge we have now, not to mention the whole universe, or the earth, is too scarce. What on earth is deep in the ocean? What is deep in the earth? Can we conquer cancer? Can we live longer, There are many, many problems that we haven't solved, and these are all knowledge. We are extremely short of knowledge! " Lin Feng said with a smile, "but I still want to say that we humans have too much knowledge!"

Everyone is silent this time. And some people already understand what Lin Feng means!

"I believe that someone should have understood what I mean! We used to study for hundreds of years. I don't know what to learn in Europe, but in China, what we need to learn is the Analects of Confucius and the Three Character Classic, which are recited since childhood and studied hard for ten years. Basically, you can read most books. And now? From seven years old to 30 years old, you become a doctor. Can you say that you have learned all the knowledge? No, you just haven't finished a department! You are still very poor! You still have a lot of knowledge to learn. The reserve of knowledge is too much for us! That's why there are categories! Human beings can only choose what they like and what they are good at to learn, and then go to work, to support themselves and to help the progress of human society! " Lin Feng said aloud.

"However, we often do not know what we are good at, we can only subjectively think what we like. If you bet right once, you may have a happy life. But a lot of people didn't choose the right one. Most people's luck is not so good, and they are not able to choose the major they are good at at at one time. Even a lot of people, not necessarily in this life, can choose to be good at their own professional Lin Feng said with emotion, "every time we make a wrong choice, we need to make atonement with our youth. Every wrong choice requires us to pay the price with our limited life Lin Feng said with emotion, "therefore, our human progress is very slow now. We don't have so many talents to create and invent more things for us! We can only slowly raise the level of civilization by accumulating knowledge! "

"But what if we knew from the beginning what we were good at?" Lin Feng asked aloud.