a leader in manufacturing!

This has always been a pain for all Chinese. For Chinese people, China has always been known as the world factory. When we are complacent, we do not know that this title also represents the third world country, representing poverty and backwardness, representing labor-intensive, representing sweatshop.

This is not a good name, a good moral. Only by making a powerful country can we really win the respect of the world.

For example, Italy, although it has been playing a comic role in modern times, no one dares to ignore it when it comes to made in Italy. Made in Italy, that's a good endorsement. It's the people, not the whole national manufacturing system, that make fun of each other.

Now, Lin Feng wants to change the sad title of China as a manufacturing power and turn it into a manufacturing power. And how to become a manufacturing power is not just a closed door problem.

Now is the global economic model, you have to build a car behind closed doors, that is absolutely impossible, and it is not conducive to the development of enterprises. If an enterprise wants to develop, from rough manufacturing to quantity, it must go out. Because there is no market, your enterprise has no funds to continue research and development, to improve.

Therefore, your products must go out and enter a virtuous circle. Otherwise, it will only be a vicious circle. All along, inferior products are sold at low prices. Once you encounter exchange rate rise or normal market fluctuation, you often can't stand the baptism of the market and will be eliminated by the market.

And how to go out? Lin Feng doesn't want to try the traditional way of going out. Because that's too slow, and it's too difficult to open channels. On the contrary, through the network, we can sell Chinese things at the lowest cost.

What's more, as far as Lin Feng knows, foreigners are very interested in many Chinese folk arts and crafts. They like them very much. This is also the most common and most willing thing for foreigners to buy when they travel to China.

It is true that the national is the world. How many handicrafts are there among Chinese people: Song brocade, bamboo weaving, straw weaving, manual embroidery, blue calico, batik, manual wood carving, clay sculpture, paper-cut, etc.. With the 5000 year history of China, there are too many, too many folk artworks that are now in the dust.

One of the most frustrating things about this is that when foreign friends travel to China, they often buy shoddy Chinese folk art, which they liked very much at that time, but shoddy is shoddy. After a long time, they will feel disgusted. After all, everyone's aesthetic and values exist. The price of good things may not be estimated, but the price of bad things is known that they have not been cheated.

Therefore, to a certain extent, it has affected the impression of foreign friends on China.

These folk arts and crafts are now dying. If you want them to rejuvenate, you have to give them a market. There is no market, so who is willing to join the industry? This is a very realistic problem.

A lot of Chinese handicrafts are in the last place because no one wants to inherit them. They all think that they don't make money, but now the society is very realistic. If you don't make money, what do young people eat and drink? They can't suffer as much as the older generation.

From frugality to luxury is easy, from luxury to frugality is difficult. This is an eternal truth.

Even if young people can eat pickled porridge and drink boiled water, it is also considered health preservation. But the question is, can you live in a house? Do you have a family? Would you like to, and so would the girl you're looking for? If you can bear hardships, do you have to ask the girl to follow you? There is no such reason.

If we are born to bear hardships, who would like to be born? It's better to die early and reincarnate early! No one can kidnap someone morally and make them suffer with you.

This is also a very funny and realistic thing for Lin Feng in today's society.

In reality, many men and women begin to fall in love from University, then they go out of the ivory tower, enter the society, struggle hard, and finally break up because of the cruel reality. The man continued to be poor, and the woman married a man who was kind to her. Men are there to scold women for being too realistic.

Is the man right? yes! Lin Fengde said, you are right! But you're a jerk!

Women leave, right? More right! And reason! I didn't do anything wrong.

Why? It's very simple. A woman's youth is just over ten years. Most of the good times have been given to you, but you can't give her a good tomorrow, so that she can't see the hope. Why can't she go? Because both sides have worked together for so many years, no matter whether you succeed or not, you have to be your woman and work hard with you all your life? This is a kind of moral kidnapping.

Of course, men also have men's helplessness. After all, the world is too cruel. But Lin Feng, as a man, scolds a man. It's very simple. If this woman is just with you, and after a few days, a rich man chases her, and she runs away, then she's just plain hot, and she's vain. This kind of woman should be scolded. In ancient times, it was OK to kill.

However, if you suffer for several years, and finally leave, it means that your man's failure! Because, you have the ability to let her suffer with you for several years, but you don't have the ability to leave her and let her stay with you for a lifetime. That's not your incompetence. What is it?

Sometimes women don't want much. She can accept you poor, accept you down, but can not accept you have no ambition, no one wants to give her a happy heart. Of course, at this time, it's no use saying more. Doing is what matters.

If a man works hard every day, even if he makes less money, women will accept it. She will convince herself that you can make a better life for both of them. On the contrary, you have to abandon yourself. It's strange that the woman doesn't leave.

Therefore, as Chinese folk artists, if you don't give them a hope, they are absolutely not willing to jump into this abyss. In the end, they can't even get their wives. This is something they will never accept.

Therefore, Lin Feng will let these folk arts and crafts go abroad. And the best way is through Dingdang. This is an online shopping platform that can directly open stores to every family in the world.

Besides, not only handicrafts, many Chinese goods can go abroad through Dingdang. Com, and reasonable tax avoidance can be carried out. Many intermediate links can be saved to minimize the price and compete with the goods of other countries in the world!

"So, Yingying, you have a great responsibility here!" Lin Feng's tone is dignified. "What you do is directly related to the future of China's 5000 year old craftsmen!"

I'm sorry for the delay! Continue tomorrow! Thank you for your support!)