Fuwa's picture!

Lin Feng is embarrassed. Naturally, there are some in this mobile phone, but not many. It's just two or three, a single one, and then a group photo of three people. No more. Naturally, the women are not satisfied with this. One after another, they yelled for Lin Feng to get more photos from Sumitomo Ning. Otherwise, they would never let Lin Feng go.

Even the women are planning to wait for Fuwa's full moon and go to Japan together to put Fuwa's full moon wine. There is no such custom in the west, but there is one in China.

Lin Youxi did it, Lin Jiaqi did it, and now Lin Yuhan will do it. Although Sumitomo Ning did not marry Lin Feng, the women recognized his identity. Liu Yingying, as the oldest and eldest sister, naturally has to be tolerant. It was she who convinced the girls to accept Sumitomo.

Of course, another woman, Melissa in Fengjian, can't accept it. That's another concept.

"She didn't have a picture. As you know, she is not the kind of person who is addicted to her family. The existence of Fuwa is also the kind of person who consolidates her status and cultivates her future heirs. " Lin Feng explained helplessly.

"Ah ~ ~" naturally, the girls frowned. Is this suitable? In this way, isn't Lin Yuhan too poor? For a moment, Li Zhiyou, Huang Meixi and other people who already have children feel distressed at that time. They are also mothers. In the flood of maternal love, although Lin Yuhan was not born to them, he was also the younger brother of his own child. How could he not be distressed.

The rest of the women have no children, but most of them are born with maternal love. This heart is not very happy, think Sumitomo rather too utilitarian, too cold-blooded, cruel point. Even my own children.

Among the women, only Liu YingYing and Ivanka were silent. Along the way, Liu Yingying has suffered a lot, which others don't know‘ Since the growth of dingdang.com, in addition to some crisis moments, Lin Feng's hand, the rest of the time is Liu Yingying's own groping, step by step to the present.

She naturally knows how much a woman needs to pay to succeed in this world. In particular, Sumitomo Ning's command of a family is more costly. A lot of times, she can't help it.

And Ivanka, she's from a famous family. Before his father Donald Trump, the trump family was not rich. Before his father Donald Trump, the family could only be regarded as a wealthy middle class, not a rich family in New York. It was after Donald Trump started his own business that the trump family stepped into glory.

When Ivanka trump was born, the trump family was already very rich, which could be regarded as a New York family. The people she contacted were naturally rich and famous. Naturally, she knows the price women have to pay in such a rich family. Like Paris Hilton, it's very rare.

For a prosperous family, women always have to pay all kinds of costs. Sumitomo Ning, the price is even higher. As for whether it is fair to Lin Yuhan, the world is not fair. Born with a golden key, a lifetime of food and clothing, you always have to pay a lot of price.

Although she was a little impatient, she didn't feel wrong. Born in the imperial family, it should be!

"Eat, eat, I'm hungry!" Liu Yingying pointed to her stomach and said.

Most of the women's emotions come and go quickly. Soon they chirped together and surrounded Lin Feng into the living room to have a good meal.

"Why, your table has changed!" Lin Feng was surprised.

Originally, the table was a round table, on which an automatic turntable was placed, so that everyone could clip vegetables. Now what Lin Feng saw was a strange table similar to & symbol. They were scattered and sat close to each other. It's just a little bit far away.

"The dish is too far to be sandwiched. You can let the people next to it Liu Yingying said, "this is a" love table "specially designed for our family. Of course, it could have been designed as an electric one. It's a little troublesome, but I don't think we need an electric one to maintain our relationship. We can only show our love by putting food between us!"

Lin Feng nodded admiringly. It's really good. Although it's a little strange, people like me can't accept it. But Lin Feng, they are all of the new generation. Naturally, they can accept such an exciting table. After all, we sit closer, not as far apart as round tables or square tables.

The only trouble, of course, is the food. This is a matter of personal hygiene habits. However, most of the women have accepted this kind of Chinese personal hygiene habit. Overseas, it is absolutely not mixed, including eating Chinese food abroad, many are separated. Hotpot is also a small separate hotpot, not a big one.

But in China, in Lin Feng's family, all the women, Avril, are used to the Chinese table culture. And when we eat together at another table, we feel very warm, which is not found in American or western culture. Therefore, we voted unanimously on Liu Yingying's proposal.

Of course, this is only limited to the home, outside, eating with outsiders, it is still unacceptable. This is really unacceptable to women. After all, at home, it's all family, we are familiar with each other, they are all people who know the root and the bottom. People outside, even friends, are different.

"Tut Tut, you you are even better." Lin Feng said with admiration, "you don't have to be a master of China on the tip of your tongue for this craft!" Lin Feng took a bite of the dish and said with admiration.

Of course, if you really want to talk about it, the taste is certainly not as good as those professional chefs in "China on the tip of the tongue". But this man is a sentimental creature. It's not a cold-blooded snake. The same thing, if you look at it in different moods, is totally different.

It's like when Sister Feng first came out, she was enraged by people and gods and wanted to destroy her humanity. Now I go to the United States and live by renting a house in the United States. I breathe fresh air, earn US dollars, eat safe food, speak English, and have a little surplus in my life. I can speculate in stocks and take a holiday. This is much better than most Internet blowers in China.

Now, there has been a change in this aspect of public opinion. It is no longer the common indignation of the people and the gods as before. Instead, there are people who appreciate it. This is to see their different views, different angles. Fengjie is still Fengjie, but in the eyes of the public is not the same.

Of course, there was an experiment where men were interviewed randomly on the street. When asked whether they would like to marry Fengjie or a stewardess, most of them would like to marry a stewardess. It's insulting to say that Sister Feng really can't stand it. And the stewardess, it's naturally beautiful.

Of course, this is just a random interview on the street, which does not represent any authenticity. The only representative is that men are still creatures of the appearance Association after all. The lower body thinks about animals.

"You you, look, Jiaqi is big now. Do you have any plans?" Lin Feng asked.

For all the women, Lin Feng did his best to help them achieve all their wishes. In her married life, Lin Feng respected their choice. Lin Feng is willing to be a lady at home. If he is willing to work, Lin Feng has no opinion and will do his best to help.

All this depends on his personal choice. Lin Feng's only objection is to live a rotten life. In the middle ages of Europe, the ordinary life of those ladies was as erosive as they wanted to be. Even in the Renaissance, it was also erosive in their private life. And the reason for this is just because they live a carefree life of emptiness and boredom.

Therefore, Lin Feng hopes that his woman can have something to depend on. Man is a very insecure creature. If there is nothing for people to repose, then people will become very decadent, or terrible.

"Well, I'm still interested in food. But "China on the tip of the tongue" now operates so well. I think it is already a high-end brand. I want to build a brand suitable for the common people. " Li Zhiyou said.

She has been thinking about it for a long time. Over the past year, she has been taking care of Lin Jiaqi at home. Although she lives a comfortable life, she has an inexplicable sense of emptiness. Too idle. Although there are many sisters, they are not really idle. But seeing that each has her own career, she naturally doesn't want to be a burden at home. Besides, she is really interested in the catering industry.

Lin Feng smiles.

"Well, it's true that the catering industry is a development direction now‘ "China on the tip of the tongue" is a high-end brand at present, but in the middle and low-end market, it still has a bright future. In particular, China is a country that loves food. But now many places are occupied by Western fast food. Including before, I have never competed in the foreign fast food market. " Lin Feng sighed.

Although Lin Feng launched the "starting point fast food restaurant" at the beginning, and McDonald's and KFC seized the market, once occupied a large market share in small and medium-sized cities, it must be noted that no matter how big the market share is, what they sell is also foreign fast food. Later, although Chinese fast food was also introduced, Lin Feng had eaten it himself, so he could only say that he could eat it. As for the taste, let's not talk about it.

Therefore, Lin Feng also hopes to bring real Chinese food to the Chinese people, so that all Chinese people can enjoy authentic Chinese food. This market is promising.

In China, no industry can make more money than catering, and it is easier to make money.

Food is the essence of the people!

"Brother Lin, I'll help Zhiyou, OK?" Huang Meixi proposed.

"And me!" Lin Zhihui also raised his hand.

Lin Feng smiles.

"Of course, Wu Peici is in charge now. You can communicate with her more and see how to start. As for logistics, you can communicate with Shuqi more, and if you want to launch takeout, you can communicate with Yingying more. I believe that you will succeed! " Lin fengxiao said.

Food culture is also a way for Lin Feng to promote Han culture. Of course, it is also the first area in which forest style is distributed in China.