Originally, today's "G23" has long fallen apart. Because of the rise of Lin Feng, the alliance between Lin Feng and Sumitomo Ning, and of course, the Adams family, the "G23" has disintegrated, but after all, we have not broken up completely. So, this time Lin Feng called, we are still here.

Of course, if Lin Feng didn't use Sumitomo Ning's special plane to send out Sumitomo Ning's signal, the American family would certainly not appear. They hate Lin Feng. Especially Lin Feng, who had nothing to do with them last time, made them very angry.

"I'm Matthew Taylor Mellon, the new owner of the Mellon family! Mr. Lin, I've heard a lot about you. You know, I'm a fan of "the second world" and I've been in "World War" so far Matthew said with a smile, "here, I'm very curious. I have a question. Mr. Lin, when will you open the space barrier? We players are looking forward to it

After a pause, Matthew added.

"I'm looking forward to it! All of us are looking forward to the game to open the space barrier Matthew looked forward to the addition.

Lin Feng is astonished! The new owner of the Mellon family is actually a fan of his own. This is a bit unexpected to Lin Feng. However, Lin Feng did not feel excited, but felt terrible. This time, Matthew Taylor Mellon should be the one who used the Internet to win.

This man is terrible! More terrible than old Morgan. Old Morgan, they are really resourceful, but they have one drawback, that is, they are too stubborn. These years of success, let them fall into a successful thinking error.

The world is in constant progress, and people should follow it. Especially after entering the Internet age, this is changing with each passing day. If the old thinking can't keep up with the times, it's easy to be eliminated.

And this Matthew is different. In particular, he also calls himself a fan with a smile, which makes Lin Feng even more scared. Old Morgan, they know themselves, but their understanding comes from intelligence. And a lot of things can't be described by intelligence.

It's like the NBA's detailed data, but no matter how detailed the data is, sometimes it can't represent the importance of a player to the team. Some players' data are not good in all aspects, even very bad, very bad, but leaving him, the team immediately dropped to a level. If you can win, you can't win. If you shouldn't lose, you lose.

And from the data, you can't tell. Only through their own observation, can we know whether a player is important to the team or not.

In the same way, a lot of things and behaviors can't be revealed through intelligence. Their biggest advantage lies in the influence of the game to the players, and then let their personal charm affect the overall situation.

But this Matthew is a man who knows himself very well, an enemy who knows himself very well, and that is the most terrible enemy. His understanding comes not from intelligence, but from his own experience. This kind of person, very terrible, very terrible.

"Don't worry, it should be launched this year. But before the launch, there will be a new surprise, waiting for you Lin Feng said with a smile, "I'll be expecting more support then!"

"Sure, sure!" Matthew said happily, "I'm bound to be the most loyal fan of second world!"

"That's your respect for me! Thank you very much Lin Feng said with a smile.

However, Lin Feng's boxing is right hand boxing, not left hand boxing. In Chinese etiquette, the right hand represents the war, and the left hand embraces the fist, which means peace. Even if the martial arts contest, that is the end of the point. And the right hand clasps fist, that is does not die endlessly. It's a battle of life and death.

Matthew obviously understood what Lin Feng meant. It's also right-handed.

"You're welcome! Should be! Thank you for all that Mr. Lin has done to us Matthew said the same thing.

Immediately, both sides cut off the video.

This time, Lin Feng looked dignified.

Matthew Taylor Mellon! This time, there's a wonderful character in the Mellon family. This also made Lin Feng feel a deep fear, an instinctive hostility for the first time.

In the past, the success of old Morgan was inherited from the success of their predecessors. That is because our ancestors have laid a solid foundation for them. Therefore, their success is natural. The best offspring, receiving the best education and taking over the best enterprises, should have come up with the best answer.

But Matthew Taylor Mellon is different. What he took over was a Mellon consortium that had lost three owners in four years, a Mellon consortium that was about to decline. He was just like Liu Xiu, Emperor Guangdi of Han Dynasty, and Zhu Youchu, Emperor Xiaozong of Ming Dynasty. The Mellon consortium may return to its peak again.

But I'm in trouble. The other side this time, is in own main floor and own fight. In the past, it was Lin Feng who fought in other people's territory. And Lin Feng's own IT industry, old Morgan, they can not shake. After all, technology, word of mouth and popularity are all on Lin Feng's side. You can't shake it.

Therefore, Lin Feng has a very stable rear area. No matter how he fights, Lin Feng's base camp will have the strength. Now, the other party directly to their base camp, that would lose, but everything is over.

Of course, Lin Feng was not afraid. The so-called car to block, water to cover. Now that the other party has killed him, Lin Feng will not be polite. Let's see who is good at it.

"Boss, can't we get off the plane?" Zheng Zha asked.

Lin Feng nodded.

"Of course, I want to get off. I'm back. If I don't get off the plane, it's not a joke!" Lin Feng said with a smile, "Zheng Zha, what is the most powerful weapon to kill people in the world? This is the mouth of yo yo. They are the real killers. If I don't go down, I'll be in trouble! "

Lin Feng himself is a person who is good at controlling public opinion, and naturally knows the harm brought by the other party's support. If you avoid it and go straight back to your palace, it's over.

It can be said that the people in this world will immediately spray themselves as selfish ghosts who have made money and want to swallow them alone. It's Grandet! Although Lin Feng risked his life to earn all the money.

But people don't think so! They always think about their own interests. Even those deities, Lin Feng also believes that, except for the most devout and rational ones, most people are eager for their own money.

3 million RMB! This amount of money is definitely not a small number for the Chinese people. This money will definitely drive a lot of people crazy.

Think about the lottery that swept the whole country in China, but it's only 5 million. What's more, the most important thing is that the 5 million lottery tickets have to pay 1 million taxes, leaving only 4 million yuan. It drives families crazy. Also let countless people into enemies.

Three million is a huge number! One is enough to make those who are simple minded and crazy for those who are eager to get rich. In particular, the people are so poor, the people are so poor. Many people are eager to change their lives. In particular, many people do not have the ability to change their lives, or even are not willing to change the lives they have now. Even now, they are very poor and unhappy.

But the poor are poor because they don't know how to adapt. It's that they're afraid of change. They long for pie in the sky, they like to have all kinds of dreams.

Lottery has become a window and a platform for China's poor people to change their fate. A platform for pie in the sky. Because before Lin Feng's rebirth, he was also such a group of people. Longing for a huge pie to fall from the sky and kill yourself.

I'm looking forward to five million dollars in my life to change my life.

Now, Lin Feng's reputation, Lin Feng holding a lot of money, you say, these people can not do this dream? Although Lin Feng has 100000 reasons to refuse to give money, they only recognize one. Lin Feng is so rich, so patriotic, and claims to make the whole people rich. Now Lin Feng has the ability to make the whole people rich at any time, so you can fulfill your promise!

If you don't cash it, you call it a liar! You call it a fraudster!

Is this going to escape? You can't escape!

"Matthew, that's a brilliant move. Win! It's better than our moves! " Old Morgan and others said with admiration.

They have moves, but they don't work. Their move is to use the Chinese government to make trouble for Lin Feng. They only need to give up part of their interests. For example, they have written the Diaoyu islands into an international law to permanently recognize them as China's legitimate territory. Before that, it was only an oral recognition, but it was not included in the international law. There was Taiwan (Gulf). They could also promise to allow China to accept Taiwan (Gulf) peacefully. These two points are enough for the Chinese government to embarrass Lin Feng. It's just that they haven't done it yet.

Because the Diaoyu Islands are a very good excuse for causing trouble. Taiwan (the Gulf) is a channel to clamp down China's access to the Pacific Ocean. They are not willing to give China the right to go to sea easily.

So Matthew Taylor Mellon's resolution is supported by them.

Win! Isn't Lin Feng the best at creating, guiding and controlling public opinion! Now let's see the power of winning! It's up to you!

"To deal with him, we can only deal with him with his tricks. However, I don't think he can solve it! Of course, it's just a distraction. " Matthew said sincerely, "if you want to defeat him completely, you have to start with bitcoin, or Fengshen coin.". It's a platform that's going to hurt his economic empire! "

Virtual currency! This is a more terrible world than real money! And playing currency, they are definitely far better than Lin Feng.