"Kobayashi, what happened in Japan?" Mr. Xi asked.

Anyway, they are waiting here. The two gentlemen are bored. They just discuss their concerns with Lin Feng.

"Over there? What's the matter? That's good! " Lin Feng pretends to be stupid.

"Well, don't pretend. How about you and the girl from Sumitomo? Can you keep her down? " Mr. Wen is bored.

Lin Feng laughs.

"OK, OK. This, OK! But after daybreak, I will fly directly to Japan! " Lin Feng said in a deep voice, "the baby in her stomach is due to be born tomorrow. If I happen to arrive, I should be about to be born. With luck, I can still catch up with the birth of the baby

"Boy or girl?" The two gentlemen asked with concern.

Although Lin Feng has many children and grandchildren, it's a bit against the national conditions, but it doesn't matter that Lin Feng has so many wives here. On the contrary, they expect Lin Feng to have more children, more sons and more blessings, so as to inherit his huge industry. Otherwise, he will encounter an accident. If no one inherits the huge industrial chain, it will be chaotic.

When Lin Feng's side is in chaos, great changes will happen to China.

"Boy Lin Feng shrugged, "it seems that they have used the secret recipe of their Sumitomo family. Boys guaranteed

The two gentlemen nodded. Although the history of Japan is much shorter than that of China, the inheritance of Japanese is much longer than that of China. Is there a so-called Millennium family in China?

The seventy second generation of Confucius' grandchildren and so on. To tell you the truth, I don't know how many generations of collateral relatives are far away. It's almost meaningless to trace back to the source.

It is very difficult for China to find a family that has been inherited for one or two hundred years. What's more, Japan's cultural heritage has lasted for thousands of years. Of course, this kind of inheritance does not refer to the kind of inheritance of genealogy. It refers to the inheritance of family customs, etiquette, family rules, ancestral home and so on.

Only the same surname, blood involved in the kind of inheritance, that is called inheritance?

There is a saying that 500 years ago it was a family!

"What about her control of Japan?" Mr. Wen asked with concern.

At present, Japan has not been aggressive in the past. In the political arena, Shinzo Abe is very clever and honest, and Japan's foreign strategy tends to be the middle way. This naturally reassures the Chinese side. But what will happen in the future, they don't know. Because at present, Sumitomo Ning is still absorbing the resources of the other three families and is still in the process of integration.

Once the integration is completed, they don't know what this woman will do. Because according to the poor information they got, Sumitomo Ning was calm, skillful and had the legacy of Wu Zetian. But what is more terrible than Wu Zetian is that she is more cruel and cruel.

No one knows what such a woman will do once the integration is completed. They only know that Sumitomo Ning is an extremely ambitious woman. She would never be content with the status quo. Otherwise, he would not seize the opportunity to swallow Mitsui, Fujisaki and Yasuda after he became the head of Sumitomo's family as a woman.

And the only short board of Sumitomo Ning, or can let people guess is Lin Feng.

"At the moment, the control is relatively weak. Japan was stunned by its bloody methods. Therefore, at this time when turmoil is most likely to break out in the early stage of integration, we are silent instead. Her incorporation is relatively smooth. But sooner or later, the turmoil will come. But as far as her means are concerned, it should be no problem to complete the incorporation of the four families. At that time, there will be a new and terrible super consortium Lin Feng affirmed.

Japan is currently the world's third largest economy, second only to the United States and China. More than 70% of Japan's GDP is provided by the four major families. The remaining 25% is provided by two other consortia. Only 5% of the industries in Japan have nothing to do with the four families and the two consortia.

Sumitomo Ning alone controls 70% of Japan's economic lifeline. How terrible do you think it is! This is how terrible, how terrible!

"How much control do you have over her?" Mr. Wen continued to ask.

This is what he is most concerned about. This is also one of the values of forest style. Because, two gentlemen already felt the mountain rain to come, the wind full building's omen.

Lin Feng is not a politician, he is a businessman. What he did was very business. But he is not a pure businessman. Jews are pure businessmen. Lin Feng is not. He has some unrealistic romantic ideas.

For example, all people get rich. For example, the rise of China. These are the feelings of romantic poets. As a businessman, this idea is ridiculous. Because only the emergence of the gap between the rich and the poor represents the progress of society and the vitality of society.

If the whole people are rich, society will become inert and lose its creativity. One of them is Greece. A country that has long been riddled with financial problems is still lazy.

As for China's rise, it's a good idea. But in fact, as a businessman, Lin Feng put forward such an idea, which is very naive. Because you're not a politician. This is a slogan put forward by politicians to deceive voters. As a businessman, the country's wealth and poverty can't stop you from making money.

India, for example, is a super poor country. The annual per capita income is US $1330, ranking 146th in the world. China has an annual income of $4270, ranking 107th.

But such a poor India, its super rich, is also amazing. For example, pramki, known as India's Bill Gates, has assets up to 35 billion US dollars!

The poorer country, Zimbabwe, is known as the world's poorest country, with an annual per capita income of about US $0.1! Yes, that's $0.1! It's only $0.1 a year, and you can't even buy a lollipop.

But one of the wealthiest people in Zimbabwe, David mfiler, owns one of the luxury houses worth 8 million dollars! In such a poor country, a super rich person owns a luxury house worth 8 million dollars. What does that mean?

It shows that for businessmen, no matter the country is rich or poor, they can make money and make a lot of money. What kind of politics are you talking about as a businessman! Talk about the rise of China! You should make more money instead of thinking about the unrealistic romance of China's rise.

But Lin Feng is such a person. And people like this often get hurt.

Lin Feng may not be aware of the crisis, but the two gentlemen are aware of it. They have a keen sense of the crisis. This crisis is not aimed at them. In fact, it's hard for the world to threaten both of them. Their position has been stable, and everything in the future, strictly speaking, has been drawn for them for a long time. They only need and can only follow this line.

Almost nothing can shake their course. But the wind of forest is different, the variable of wind of forest is too big. They urgently need to know how much self-protection Lin Feng can have. Sometimes, they may not be able to keep Lin Feng.

If Lin Feng has enough influence on Sumitomo Ning, the stronger Sumitomo Ning is, the safer Lin Feng will be. The more powerful Lin Feng is in China. Although it sounds a little sad. It's very sad that Chinese masters need a Japanese woman to protect them.

It's even sad. But I can't help it. This is the sorrow of the times and China. In China, there has always been a saying that foreign monks chant scriptures.

This sentence is not unreasonable. Chinese people generally worship foreign countries. As long as they are foreigners, the first impression of Chinese people is money!

Hearing that someone's family has a foreign boyfriend, they instinctively think that they are rich. Although with the increase of Sino foreign exchanges, Chinese people have begun to realize that there are many foreigners and poor people. But in general, foreigners are still considered rich.

Of course, this kind of cognition, in fact, strictly speaking, has a definition. From this definition, Chinese people's cognition is not wrong. Foreigners do have money. It's just that this "foreigner" needs to add a few preconditions.

First, the foreigner must be white. Black people, that can't be done.

Second, you have to meet it in China, or in a resort. Because foreign poor people do not travel to places like China. The worst they can come to is the middle class.

Third, they are not exchange students. Well, I don't know what the background is.

Therefore, it is a subconscious cognition for foreigners to have money. It's natural that foreign monks can recite sutras. Sumitomo Ning is Japanese. Although many people in China don't like Japanese, it can't be admitted that Japanese are rich and highly disciplined. With such a powerful Japanese woman as Sumitomo Ning, narin Feng's domestic security system will rise several levels.

"It's hard to say!" This time, Lin Feng did not give a positive answer.

"She's not easy to provoke!" Lin Feng seriously evaluated the status of both sides, "she is a very ambitious woman. Although she got a lot of help from me along the way. But she also gave me a lot back. Of course, I didn't take out these things. You don't want to ask me immediately! When it's time to take it out, I'll take it out. But I'm not a philanthropist, I'm not a national agent. I am a businessman

The two gentlemen nodded. In this regard, they did not scold Lin Feng as unpatriotic as those old stereotyped people. This is what Lin Feng himself got. The country can't say a word, because you are Chinese, you must donate it to the motherland free of charge. This is a moral kidnapping! This is immoral in itself!

"Between me and her, it's more of a cooperative relationship! Of course, she is a woman, I am a man, this itself also has mutual attraction! But if I disappoint her, she will abandon me mercilessly! " Lin Feng said calmly.