Lin Feng's request is very rude. But can senators not agree? These eight families, well, now there are only seven left. The DuPont family has resigned. After all, it is impossible for the DuPont family to continue to serve as a member of Congress in order to protect themselves.

But there are more than 20 members in the seven. Are they going to make a collective apology to Lin Feng? It's a shame. But if not, Lin Feng will go.

"In three minutes, if they don't come here to apologize, I'll go right away!" Lin Feng is very calm.

Anyway, if you don't come, I'll leave. Who are you afraid of!

At the moment, although many reporters behind can see Lin Feng, they can't hear what Lin Feng is saying. I only know what Lin Feng seems to be waiting for. However, this does not affect the waiting mood of many reporters. They believed that something must have happened.

They expected that the meeting between Lin Feng and Congress would never be peaceful. But I didn't expect that just when I came in, something had happened. That's a good thing!

Although many reporters here don't like Lin Feng very much, it doesn't hinder their mood of not being afraid of the high stage. The more they fight, the more news they have to write. As for which side to comment on the news, it depends on their mood.

Lin Feng is very calm, but the members of the seven families are very upset. Lin Feng's attitude is too arrogant. But thinking about it, they have no better way to keep Lin Feng.

But to apologize, I really don't want to!

Two minutes to go! Lin Feng looked at his watch and was calm.

Members of the seven families continue to struggle.

One more minute! The wind in the forest is as light as a cloud.

Seven family members can't handle it. They have madly contacted their respective owners (except for the Mellon consortium of course), but they have no information. It's like it's missing. It's very unusual.

"Lin Feng must be kept. If anything happens to the owner of the family, he will not survive! " Said the Kennedy congressman heartily.

If something really happens to their master, their families will be in chaos. When the time comes, they will fight for power and profit, and Lin Feng will be watching. Isn't that a joke.

There is a saying in China, that is to say, we must first settle down in order to get rid of foreign affairs. It's not unreasonable.

Although this may lead to more chaos in the domestic situation and allow foreign enemies to take advantage of the situation. But it must be understood that foreign invasion is, after all, foreign invasion. Unless he exterminates the whole race, sooner or later he will be driven away. Once the opponent wins, you will be put into a situation where you will never be able to turn over.

The simplest example is Chiang Kai Shek. As a result, Yang Hucheng and Zhang Xueliang's Xi'an Incident forced him to resist Japan. Finally, the main force of the national army was lost in the Anti Japanese war. When the war of resistance against Japan was over, he suffered a lot, but the Communist army took the opportunity to develop its armed forces.

The most obvious example is that in the early days of the Anti Japanese War, the Communist army had only 50000 troops, and there were only a few base areas, such as Jinggang (mountain) base area, and so on. After the end of the eight-year Anti Japanese War, the armed forces of the Communist army expanded to 1.3 million people, and had 2.2 million local armed forces in its liberated areas. At the same time, the control area reached 2.6 million square kilometers, with 100 million people.

On the contrary, although there is not much difference between the national army and the pre war military strength, its excellent armored divisions such as the all German armored divisions are all lost, and the quality of the army is declining exponentially.

The rise and fall also gave civil war an opportunity. Otherwise, if it is a comparison of military strength before the Anti Japanese War, it is not a civil war, but "suppressing bandits.".

The eight families understand this better. We must first put an end to the civil strife. But the situation is a bit complicated. Lin Feng, a powerful enemy, is too terrible. He has the power to destroy a "race.". They dare not let the forest wind roam outside. It's too dangerous.

Therefore, if their owners have an accident, Lin Feng must also have an accident. At least we can't let him stir up the wind and rain outside.

After reaching a consensus, a total of 25 members of the seven families came together. Of course, the four members of the Mellon family came first. I can't help it. Who let their owner have died. In the family civil strife, the natural momentum is also much worse.

Let the Mellon family members go and have a look.

"Just the four of you? Don't challenge my patience. You know, when I leave, it's you who regret it. " Lin Feng waved his hand, just like dispersing flies, "don't you want to leave me here?"

Damn it! The members of the Mellon family look at Lin Feng and want to cut him to pieces.

"It's no use staring at me. Let them all come and apologize. " Lin Feng said faintly.

"We did come. But can I take a step. There are so many reporters here, it's not convenient. " The Mellon family gritted their teeth.

"Why do you want to lie to me? I'm not stupid! Just in front of them, you apologize! " Lin Feng said faintly, "I'm always the most amiable, and I'm not hard for you. You just need to bow to me, that's enough. Well, I'm so approachable! "

FUCK! Hearing Lin Feng's words, these councillors were very angry. Are you approachable? You are deceiving people too much. But can they say no?

The life and death of the six family owners are unknown, so they have to bear it.

Soon, a scene that surprised all reporters appeared. Twenty five members of Congress bowed to Lin Feng to apologize. Although many reporters still don't know what this is, it's very shocking that Lin Feng was able to make 25 members of Congress bow and apologize.

What's going on? Many reporters feel a little bit, not the brain. But they took this picture.

Many congressmen bowed to Lin Feng to apologize. There must be a lot of articles in it!

"Mr. Lin, please say what you want next!" Said the Kennedy congressman in a cold voice.

At the moment, he doesn't care about the criticisms of reporters outside. He is now concerned about how to get Lin Feng in. As for these photos, they have many ways to see and talk about them. Moreover, these journalists and many media are controlled by their eight families. They can't turn the world around.

"The second request is very simple. I'm invited by President trump, so he has to come to meet me. He doesn't meet me at the airport. I can forget it. But when I get to the Capitol, if he can't put on airs, I'm sorry! I'll turn around and go! " Lin fengleng hum.

Let trump come here! Although this is a bit inappropriate in terms of national etiquette. But Lin Feng was invited by trump, and it's natural for him to come to meet him. And it doesn't embarrass them. What they want now is to let Lin Feng in.

Soon, trump will be here.

"Mr. President, father-in-law, you are so big!" As soon as Lin Feng saw Donald Trump, he was sarcastic.

"Mr. Lin, I'm here. Please go ahead." Donald also has a cold face.

Many councillors in the past four weeks nodded to themselves. It seems that Lin Feng and trump really fell out. But as far as Lin Feng's character is concerned, this is also very normal.

Being stabbed in the back by his father-in-law, who is also a confidant who forgets his old age, it's strange that Lin Feng is not angry. However, this is good. If the two fall out, Lin Feng's party members will lose the most important link. Otherwise, it would be very difficult to have an American president as the backing.

"Mr. Lin, you can say your third condition!" Asked the Kennedy family member.

Lin Feng smiles.

"To ensure my safety, I can't go there alone!" Lin Feng said, "but my" wolf tooth "is still being shamelessly detained by you. It can only be released tomorrow. So, I suggest that these journalists join in! "

Let the reporters in! Many members frowned. If you want to come in, you'll be in trouble. These journalists are the most troublesome. Although many of them are employees of their companies. But there's always something wrong. It's going to be a lot of trouble if it's on the air. And even their employees, it is not impossible to be bribed.

How much can they give these employees? Tens of thousands of dollars a year. But how much can Lin Feng give? If there is any key evidence, Lin Feng can buy it for $1 million or even $10 million. And can you guarantee that these employees won't leak for money? This is obviously impossible.

"If you object, I'll leave at once!" Without waiting for many members to object, Lin Feng raised his voice.

It can be imagined that many members have a bad look. They have done so many things, but in the end, Lin Feng left. That's a network phrase - it's a dog in the sun.

Cunning Chinese boy! Many councillors scolded him secretly. Lin Feng is very cunning. No wonder they are allowed to do it one by one. Now they can't stop riding a tiger.

"Yes, we can. But these reporters can't come in too much! Ten people at the most Said the Roosevelt congressman in a cold voice.

If we control the number of journalists, we can naturally control 10 journalists when necessary. As for why the number of people is not less, Lin Feng will not agree. In order to avoid squabbling with him here, I directly asked 10.

Lin Feng nodded.

"This is reasonable. But I have to pick a few first Lin Feng said with a smile, "otherwise it's all your people, it's not easy to do!"

"Whatever!" This time, the seven family members did not object. No matter whether these reporters are controlled by them or not, as long as Lin Feng comes in, what really happened can be controlled.

Soon, Lin Feng picked three reporters, one from the Houston Chronicle, one from USA today, and one from the New York Times. All of them were reporters from newspapers under Lin Feng's name.

As for the other seven candidates, a large number of members randomly selected some journalists from the major newspapers.

"Please, Mr. Lin!"