Let them regret it!

All the women looked at Lin Feng, their eyes full of expectation. The faces of these guys are so disgusting that they are just villains. They looked at Lin Feng and prepared to fight in the face. As for whether he will go bankrupt or not, they firmly believe that Lin Feng will be able to get through this difficulty. Because, this is the husband that they choose, the man without one in ten thousand. This kind of man, how can lose to these dirty men.

Lin Feng nodded.

"Since you are ungrateful, forget it. Here, I would like to say in advance that I am not Gandhi, nor Buddha, nor Mandela. I have the heart to help the world, but if the world is incurable, I can only seek self-protection. " Lin Feng's voice, plain as water, did not get angry because of these people's various accusations, complaints, and taunts.

Do lions get angry at the barking of wild dogs? can't!

What does he want? What does Lin Feng want to do? Self insurance? Can he still protect himself now? He's broke!

wait! Bankruptcy!

People suddenly wake up. Well, if there is no delivery note, then Lin Feng is not bankrupt yet. Lin Feng will not go bankrupt until today's trading day is over. Now, however, it's only 10 a.m. and it's still very early to close at 3 p.m. it can be said that Lin Feng still has a chance to fight back!

As soon as these stockbrokers are alert, they subconsciously want to cancel their orders. But on second thought, how can Lin Feng fight back? He has no money! He's just waiting to die. Waiting for 3 p.m. bankruptcy. Still exaggerating here, who are you fooling!

Many stockbrokers naturally don't believe this. They just looked on. I want to see what Lin Feng is going to do. What can he come up with.

"Scavenging!" Lin Feng just spat out a word!

Sweep the goods! This JPMorgan's many stock brokers a Leng, sweep goods? How much money do you have! You're broke, okay! Even with jobs, Ellison and Paul Allen's support, how much money can they have? It's only tens of billions of dollars. It's just tens of billions of dollars. What's that!

Compared with the current stock market, it is just a drop in the bucket. Unless Lin Feng can come up with trillions of dollars again, it will be effective. Otherwise, it won't work at all.

However, to the surprise of all stockbrokers, the stock market is rapidly decreasing. Not only Nasdaq, but also standard & Poor's, Dow Jones and other stocks are decreasing rapidly. All the selling orders are accepted. No matter how much you hang up, no matter what your price, someone is sweeping the goods crazily.

"Well, what's going on?" Many stockbrokers exclaimed.

At the moment, the market has just dropped to 860 points, and according to the previous trend, it should continue to fall. After all, Lin Feng's tens of trillions of orders have been swallowed. If the market doesn't collapse to hundreds of points, it can't stop. The 700 point estimate from the outside world is good. It's not impossible to fall to three or four hundred.

After all, this time, the loss of Lin Feng is too tragic. Moreover, the loss of hundreds of trillions of dollars of banks, this debt, will also make the market pressure mountain big. So, it's very normal for the market to plummet.

But now? With Lin Feng gently spit out the word "sweep goods", as a result, the market crazy sweep goods, the market stopped leaking. Yes, the market is beginning to stabilize. This time, but let all stock brokers gape.

Where does Lin Feng get so much money? How can he have so much money in this crazy scavenging, just that moment, three stock market scavenging, Lin Feng at least spent trillions of dollars. Where did he get so much money? Moreover, Lin Feng is still sweeping goods! Constantly, constantly sweeping goods.

As long as all the sales orders are thrown out, someone will be receiving the goods. From the perspective of trading volume, we can see very clearly that the trading volume is constantly rising, and the total turnover is a rapid breakthrough, from the initial 300 billion US dollars, to 500 billion US dollars, 700 billion US dollars, and then to 1 billion US dollars, 130 billion US dollars

Trading volume is constantly improving. And that makes all stockbrokers hesitant. Well, what about Lin Feng's money? How can he get so much money!

"It seems that this is Leo vanta's money! Cole, have you found his place yet? " Asked old Morgan.

"Found it! Our people have arrived! Within a minute, his capital chain will break. " Cole Astor sneered, "I'd like to see what Lin Feng will do when he finds that the sweeping has stopped!"

As soon as the voice came to the ground, the crazy scavenging activities on the market ended.

"Boss, they have found the foothold of Leo vanta, but he has left ahead of time under the protection of our people! But I'm afraid the deal will be terminated! " Wang Meng said in a low voice.

Lin Feng nodded. This is also expected by Lin Feng. Even if Leo vanta is hidden in the tight, in New York, it is not difficult for the other party to find out Leo vanta. It's just like in Shanghai, no matter who you are, it's impossible to hide completely. Within 24 hours, Lin Feng would be able to find out all the people with bad intentions.

It's not unusual for Lin Feng to find out Leo vanta. And it was expected. I just didn't expect it to be so fast. However, there are no eggs. For Lin Feng, these have long been under consideration.

At this point, sweeping stopped. Once the speed of sweeping goods stops, the market will continue to stabilize and begin to fall. And the rate of decline is no less than before.

Of course, at this moment, the speed of falling per minute is not as fierce as before. Before, every minute dropped dozens of points, or even hundreds of points, now every minute is more than ten points. But even so, relative to the current point, it is still very scary. One day, the market fell 70%, which is terrible.

Lin Feng, what else can you do now—— The eight families are curious about what Lin Feng will do next. Of course, what they longed for most was to see the look of despair on Lin Feng's face.

despair! This is what they want most. There is nothing more pleasant than seeing despair in a face that never admits defeat. And Lin Feng, no doubt, is the most desperate person they want to see. Defeat Lin Feng, make him despair, that is very pleasant.

It's down again! Many stockbrokers looked at Lin Feng again to see what he would do.

At this time, Lin Feng took a look at jobs. Jobs shrugged. He, Ellison and Paul Allen have all tried their best. As for the result, it's hard to say. This is beyond their control.

Jobs had already used all his funds to acquire the possible "apple" shares in the market. Ellison had already wiped out all the "oracle" shares in the market, while Paul Allen contacted Microsoft. In addition, they also made telephone interviews with many companies in Silicon Valley, such as IBM and Cisco.

But it's hard to say whether people will buy it or not. What's more, it's not clear how many of these companies belong to the eight families. After all, no one knows how many companies belong to the eight families before they go bankrupt. Before that, because DuPont consortium was thoroughly investigated by the US government, many companies were exposed. Before and after that, hundreds of listed companies were related to DuPont.

This is one of the eight families. What about the other seven? Who knows how many! Therefore, they have no hope on their side.

As a result, when the NASDAQ point dropped to 800, there was no news. This is undoubtedly very frustrating.

"It seems that those people are unwilling to get involved." Paul Allen sighed.

Although the stock price is very cheap now, it is lower than the market value of many stock companies. Now it is absolutely profitable to buy back some stocks. But the problem is that these companies don't want to get involved. In other words, they have been warned by the eight families.

Therefore, it is useless to wait for others.

But surprisingly, the stock suddenly stabilized. No drop!

Without any good news, the stock did not fall! This made everyone stunned. But take a closer look, Paul Allen and others are very angry. The reason why it didn't fall is that there are no sales orders at present, and the previous sales orders have been cancelled. Now it has dropped 1400 points. Basically speaking, all the things that should have fallen have fallen. If there is no order to sell now, it can't fall.

And why didn't you sell it all of a sudden? Obviously, because the stockbrokers are under the control of these eight families, they deliberately withdraw their orders. This is clearly playing with Lin Feng and deliberately showing off their power. How not to make people angry.

"Don't be angry! They like to show off, so wait for them to show off! And this is not our chance Lin Feng is calm, calm, but there is no dissatisfaction.

This man is powerful and always shows off. If you don't show off, how can others know you are powerful!

Hum! Old Morgan suddenly frowned. He saw the color of sarcasm from Lin Feng's face. He and others deliberately pause for a moment, but seems to be looked down upon by Lin Feng.

"Release the news, the market will fall to 685 points!" Said old Morgan coldly.

The heads of the families laughed. Old Morgan's order is a warning. Warn Lin Feng, if you have the ability, you can make it out as soon as possible, otherwise they will choose delivery at 685 o'clock. Once the delivery, Lin Feng can be completely bankrupt!

"When he goes bankrupt, he will raise the share price back to 1200 points!" Old Morgan said slowly.

It's not good for them to fall too hard. Therefore, after bantering Lin Feng heartily, the stock market will rise slightly.