The NASDAQ index is still rising! All the stocks are going up, too!





NASDAQ index, step by step, the pace of steady and unshakable rise. It's up 30 points! It's up 30 points since yesterday's close. Well, the man behind the short selling of NASDAQ has also lost $17544 billion!

This is an absolutely huge number, and almost no family or consortium can afford it. But now, there is no explosion! No one was blown out! Because once the position burst, the stock market will immediately appear, whether it is the index or the stock, there will be a large fluctuation. But now, there is no explosion.

This behind the scenes man also has the strength too! This makes many stock brokers have to look at the eight American families. Because in the world, except for them, I'm afraid no one can bear such a loss!

$17544 billion! The gross national product of the United States last year was only a little more than 12 trillion US dollars. Now it has directly crushed the gross national product of the United States. I'm afraid no one can achieve such a powerful power except the eight families in the United States.

Is it really them? Many stock brokers secretly speculate. However, no one said it. After all, they know the things that come from the mouth. Before that, Lin Feng accused the eight families of being behind the scenes. What happened? Wall Street was bombed. Lin Feng died, and so did the president of the United States. Who dares to say?

But if it's really them, it's terrible! They even ignore the national interests, forcibly attack the stock market, seek personal interests, this is too terrible! This kind of person is too terrible.

"What's the matter?" Old Rockefeller also felt that something was wrong, "this has been rising, something is wrong! Is there a huge amount of money going into the market? "

The stock market is both simple and complex. To put it simply, if you buy more people, you will be bullish. If there are many sellers, they are bearish. This is a standard market supply-demand relationship. Just because it becomes a stock or a bond, the market wind direction is easily manipulated, and the public will follow suit, resulting in abnormal fluctuations in the stock market.

Now this situation, or someone is constantly buying stocks, and is using a lot of money to buy stocks, leading to the stock market in a sad mood, still rising; Or the system has a problem, there are super hackers changed the system, let it continue to rise!

In the first case, it's impossible. At present, no one has such a large amount of money. Sumitomo would rather not have! It is true that the four millennial families in Japan under her control have such huge funds, but these funds can not be mobilized in a hurry. This is just like why Hitler loved Blitzkrieg so much during World War II, because he destroyed his military power before the other party's army had assembled.

It takes time for troops to build up, just as it takes time for funds to build up. Now, however, a huge amount of money has gathered together without knowing the sound to buy a large number of stocks and fight back against them, which is impossible! At least Morgan, they've never heard of anyone using so much money.

Well, there's only one other possibility, a super hacker. But at present, they have bribed a lot of hackers, using various means, coercion and inducement to bribe a lot of hackers, and also invited the top security experts to watch over the U.S. stock market system. At the moment, they don't have any alerts. So, what kind of hackers can bypass so many top hackers and top security experts to make the stock market rise?

"Morgan, you can't keep going up! We can't afford to go up any more! " Old Rockefeller looked at the rising index of the stock market and said in a cold voice.

Now the index has risen to 2216 points, and if it goes on, it will be more than 20 trillion US dollars! It's too much pressure for them. Although the Federal Reserve is theirs, and their funds have unlimited guarantees, this account is here. The loophole in your account is too big, and it also needs real money to fill it. It's not just what they say or how to type numbers on the keyboard. In the end, it depends on real money to check accounts.

If they don't have enough cash to make up for this huge amount, they will go bankrupt. Now, of course, they can afford it. But keep going up? Now it's only up 36 points. What if it's up 160 points? Or 360? Even 1360? All this is possible. Once that happens, they're done!

In today's crazy stock market, everything is possible. Nothing is impossible.

"But what can we do now? Is the market closed again? " Chris Mellon looks embarrassed. It's just the resumption of the opening. The market will be closed immediately. It's a shame. This is a bit of a shame.

You know, the whole United States does not agree with the opening of the market, it is they who insist on it. As a result, as soon as the market opened, it would be closed again. He can imagine how the people will evaluate this.

"Chris, if you're still obsessed with face, then the Mellon family will be destroyed in your hands! Because of this, your two elder brothers lost their lives to Lin Feng and Sumitomo Ning. If you still think face is important, you will do the same thing! " Old Morgan gave a cold reprimand.

The rest of the owners nodded. Face is really important. But in the face of absolute interests, face is not important. What eight families, what founding officials, these are just false names. In the face of absolute interests, everything can be abandoned.

Chris Mellon suddenly, after all, he is still too young, although nearly 40 years old, but in front of these owners, he is really too young.

"Thank you for your guidance!" Chris Mellon said respectfully.

Old Morgan and others were slightly surprised. It seems that Chris Mellon is not a rotten wood. He can know his mistakes and correct them. His future is limitless. It seems that after two unreliable family leaders, the Mellon family finally ushered in a good one.

Then, the U.S. stock market closed again 15 minutes after opening. The reason, of course, is the millennium bug. Of course, this once again caused an uproar in the industry.

Millennium bug! If the stock market soared a few days ago, it was a millennium bug, which is believed by the outside world. Because it's impossible for the stock index to soar by thousands of points in an instant, but now it's rising slowly, only by 36 points. It's called "Millennium Bug". It's a bit hard to convince the public.

However, no matter how outrageous the outside world is, the SFC has only one external caliber - Millennium Bug. As for whether the outside world believes it or not, they don't care. They should not worry about this. It's up to the eight families to worry about. As for that, what does Congress think? This is about Congress!

Of course, the SFC also believes that Congress will not think about it now! Now the eight families have made huge promises and temporarily controlled the parliament. The parliament has lost its self-consciousness. They are now a puppet. You have to say why there is a puppet government in a democratic society like the United States. In fact, this is not a puppet government. After all, the real puppet government is controlled by a few people. And now, Congress can still have its own ideas, only temporarily bought by money.

The oligarchy economy is also a drawback of Western capitalist society. Washington limited the birth of power as much as possible, but it could not avoid the emergence of oligarchy. He never expected that in a few years, the world would be controlled by a group of businessmen. Money has become the most terrible thing in the world.

"Check! We must find out what's going on! " Old Morgan ordered a thorough investigation.

They control Congress, but it won't last long. The biggest difference between oligarchic economy and powerful government is that oligarchic economy uses money to control everything, while powerful government uses violence. As long as a power has military power, it can be controlled all the time. And oligarchy economy, it's a real smash. If you don't smash the money, the person will break up, run away, and you're finished!

So, they are in a hurry!

At the moment, Ellison and others finally meet with Liu Yingying.

"What did you do?" A meeting, both sides asked a word.

As a result, it is clear that this time the U.S. stock market rose against the trend, they did not do it.

"Who is that?" Both sides are confused.

This matter, can make this kind of thing, they also thought in the mind, nobody!

"Maybe we know!" Soros and Abby Cohen came together.

They did escape from Wall Street before, but they were still affected by the aftermath of the bomb. Although they were not seriously injured, they still lay in the hospital for a few days. However, not in the public hospital, but considering the influence of the eight families, they chose the familiar private hospital. This injury is just good, can get out of bed, immediately rushed to and Avril, they will and.

"Who?" Asked Liu Yingying.

"At present, this is not a" Millennium Bug "at all, but a large number of funds have come into the market to rescue the market. So there's only one person - Leo vanta. He should get all the money back and start to enter the stock market to save the market! " Soros said in a deep voice, "although I don't know how he did it, no one can save the market except him under the current situation!"

"I just wonder why he didn't know how to get his money, and how could he get so many accounts to save the market? It's not just money. " Abby Cohen frowned.

(end of three chapters today, continue tomorrow!)