At 9:25 a.m. on November 16, 2008, the seven major American owners came to the stock exchange again. This time, a few days ago from the Wall Street bell, eight owners lost one.

For those sharp eyed and knowledgeable stockbrokers, it's natural to find that old DuPont is absent this time. And if you see there is a rumor that old DuPont had an accident. Of course, it is not known what happened. However, at present, all the eight families and seven heads of the family are present, and now DuPont is the only one left. It's strange that nothing has happened.

You know, today is a big day for the U.S. stock market, a day destined to collapse, a day destined to have a significant impact on the U.S. economy and even the world economy. In this case, DuPont, as one of the most important consortia in the United States, does not appear. Do you think this is normal? This is obviously abnormal!

So, what happened to old DuPont like some rumors? Many stockbrokers whispered.

Originally, all the people were talking in a low voice, but when there were more people, the voice was naturally loud. It was loud, old Morgan, and they heard it. But I was not angry when I heard that they let out the rumor that old DuPont had an accident. As for the reason why it was released, the reason is very simple, that is, to look at the reaction of the outside world. After all, the death of old DuPont cannot be hidden. We need to see how the outside world views the death of old DuPont! They like to express their words in response to external reactions.

time out! 9: The clock struck at 30. Old Morgan, with a sledgehammer in hand, sounded the opening bell of the US stock market.

"God bless you!" At this moment, countless people prayed silently and sincerely to God, hoping that miracles could happen again today.

"I'm sorry, boss!" Kevin Mitnick is far away in Somalia, with a face of remorse and guilt.

There's no way. He can't move with the reward of 500000 dollars. As for his hacker friends, he doesn't know whether he can believe them now. Half a million dollars is not much, but it's very lethal, and it just killed him. Now that the "Millennium Bug" has been removed one by one, he can't stop the stock market from restarting.

"It's open!" Ellison and others were pale. No way, they can't stop it. It's not hard for the eight families that control the Federal Reserve to make the stock market open. You know, the whole Senate is mostly their people, and the house of Representatives is also their people. It's easy for them to control American politics.

Especially when Donald is not here, it's easier.

Lin Feng is bankrupt! They are more difficult! It's even more difficult to rescue Lin Feng. In particular, once Lin Feng goes bankrupt and the court starts the bankruptcy procedure, all the companies of Lin Feng will be sealed up. When they arrive, I'm afraid they will have to rely on their own strength. As for Avril, they may also be in trouble because of Lin Feng's bankruptcy. Because, at that time, they may have to find a lawyer to prove that the property they own belongs to premarital property, not post marital property, otherwise, all their assets will be sealed up by the court.

Ellison and they can expect that once Lin Feng goes bankrupt, the court will, under the control of the eight families, first forcibly seal up all the assets of Avril and others, freeze them, and then wait for them to file a lawsuit. This can involve their energy, so that they have no way to make trouble.

As for them, not to mention that. This move was expected by them, but it could not be avoided. What Ellison didn't expect was that it would really open so soon. They think there's at least one more day, tomorrow, November 17. They will have time to rescue Lin Feng one day. As long as Lin Feng is rescued, they believe that Lin Feng will solve the problem of stock market crash. Although they don't know what Lin Feng will do, they believe that as long as it is Lin Feng, it can be done. This is a blind obedience to Lin Feng. But they prefer to believe that it's a belief.

The magic of Lin Feng is worth their adventure! But now the eight families don't give them that time at all. No time!

"Here they are Paul Allen said in a deep voice.

At the moment, Avril and her special plane arrived, 13 special planes (each lady, Lin Feng sent a special plane) arrived in New York at the same time. But they were banned. Of course, Avril and she were allowed to enter the country, but the 1200 "wolf teeth" soldiers who accompanied them were not allowed to enter.

"Why can't they come in! They have a legal visa! " Avril and others are very angry. Naturally, they know that they are making trouble for them‘ Langya's visa is definitely obtained through legal procedures. As a result, the other party can't enter the country with a word. At that time, they were infuriated.

"Sorry, we have the right to refuse entry to anyone who is harmful to the United States!" But the Customs Department has no expression. Although at the moment in front of Avril, Jessica such a charming beauty, they do not have any expression. public business affairs should be strictly managed!

"Son of a bitch! Go in Sharapova's personality is also hot, proposed to rush in.

Along the way, the 1200 "wolf teeth" felt like a fire burning in their hearts. They had been holding a bad breath for a long time. When Sharapova said that, they were ready to rush through at any time.

"Wait! Don't talk nonsense, Maria Liu Yingying sees something wrong and stops it quickly.

There are not many people in the customs here, but who knows how many FBI or military units are ambushed in the airport. They are waiting for their own mistakes. Once it does, whatever the reason, the U.S. government can directly send troops to suppress it. There is no face or reason for this. If you attack a country's customs, it is tantamount to aggression. Any country has the right to destroy the invaders directly. Therefore, we should not be impulsive now.

"Yes, we can't be impulsive here!" Ivanka trump is also in a calm mood. Compared with other women, she is the saddest. Her husband and Dad were bombed at the same time. No one is more sad than her. But at the moment, no matter how sad you are, you have to clean up your mood.

"What shall we do?" Avril and others also calm down, know each other's provocation, I'm afraid is to deliberately provoke them, irritate them, let them rush through.

What should I do? When Liu YingYing and Ivanka trump look at each other, they are at a loss. They are so despicable that they can't let them in. Because this is the land of others, and everything else has the final say. You have no right to say more!

What should I do?

"Why don't we go first?" Avril gritted her teeth. Now that everyone is in New York, you can't let them in. How can you do that! This, no doubt, will make them crazy.

"No! Ladies and gentlemen, it's too dangerous for you to go in like this! We can't risk you! " Wolf tooth also does not allow Avril and others to go in alone.

New York is now in the middle of nowhere. Who knows what will happen. They can't let Avril risk them.

The girls are also anxious. They want to pass by, but it's right to say "wolf tooth". What if they also have an accident? What can we do?

Just then, Governor Schwarzenegger of California called.

"There's something wrong with Lin Feng. I can't help. All I can do now is get you into America. You fly to Windy City, here I has the final say. I can go through the formalities for Langya. " Schwarzenegger said.

Go to Windy City! This makes the women's eyes bright. It's a wonderful move to save the country.

"Thank you, Mr. governor." Liu Yingying thanks carefully! You know, Schwarzenegger is very risky. Schwarzenegger will be held jointly and severally liable for any incidents and goods caused by "wolf tooth" in the United States. This has a direct impact on his official career. Even if the "wolf tooth" does not cause trouble, just relying on Schwarzenegger to give them the green light, I am afraid his political future will be bleak.

At this time, Schwarzenegger is willing to turn on the green light for them. I have to say that the friends Lin Feng has made are really good.

"OK, let's go to Fengcheng quickly!" The girls said anxiously.

"Wait! It's too slow! It will take more than ten hours to go to Fengcheng and come back. We can delay it, but Lin Feng can't afford it. In this way, we are divided into two groups! " Liu Yingying said in a deep voice, "I, Avril, Ivanka, Sharapova, Allegra, Feifei, Jessica enter from here! Zhiling, you take Shuqi, wisdom, Zhiyou, Meixi and Yunxin to Fengcheng! "

what! There are two ways! All the women were stunned!

"Now Lin Feng is pressed for time. We have to divide our troops into two groups. Let's try to rescue Lin Feng. And if we fail, Zhiling, your side is the key. You are most familiar with "Langya". In the past, you must first stabilize "Fengcheng" and not let "Fengcheng" chaos, and then contact Lin Feng's forces in the United States to see how to launch rescue! Once we are really trapped, don't worry about us, save Lin Feng! Remember, you are older than them, you must protect them Liu Yingying asked.

Her arrangement has been carefully considered. Huang Shuqi, Li Zhiyou, Lin Zhihui, Huang Meixi and Li Yunxin are very gentle and weak. They can't help much in this rescue, but they are easy to become a burden. But can they not come? Of course not. Therefore, this time, the soldiers were divided into two groups. Lin Zhiling, who has been Lin Feng's secretary, took them to Fengcheng, which can protect them to the greatest extent and stabilize the base camp of Fengcheng. And they are going to work hard!

No matter what difficulties and obstacles are ahead, we should work hard!