"Lin Feng may be down here!" Ellison said, pointing to Avril's picture.

Jobs looked at it carefully and nodded.

"If he can survive, this is the only place he can escape!" Jobs affirmed, "before, we all thought that he was dead, and we all wanted to get a statement and justice for him. Now we have to change our thinking!"

"But if they know that Lin Feng is not dead, then Lin Feng is in danger!" Paul Allen looked worried.

Now, everyone thinks that Lin Feng is dead. Yes, according to the current search results, only a dozen of them, whether they are Lin Feng's friends or Lin Feng's enemies, are lucky to survive. They are still in a coma in the hospital, and some of them even died after being sent to the hospital for rescue.

Therefore, although the conclusion that Lin Feng is dead has not yet been officially recognized, it has already been recognized in our hearts. And now, if Lin Feng didn't die, then the other party will certainly kill Lin Feng again. They will kill Lin Feng. Ballistic missiles are used, and the whole world is in an uproar. Do you think they will keep Lin Feng alive?

Eight American families will never show mercy! In this case, how to save Lin Feng? That's the key!

Ellison three people think about it, there is no way. Now the whole search and rescue work is controlled by the eight families, and they can't interfere at all. In this case, it's not easy to save Lin Feng! They can't even get close to that area.

"If you can't get close and take over, then let it be open and transparent!" Mr. Jobs said, holding on to the golden glasses.

Open and transparent? Both Ellison and Paul Allen have bright eyes.

"They certainly won't agree. We will refuse on the grounds of the safety of the president, but we can launch a prosecution! " Ellison said.

"Let Lin Feng's team of Royal lawyers appeal to the New York court and ask for publicity!" Paul Allen said.

"This may not be enough, we need to mobilize more forces to carry out the referendum!" Jobs said.

Referendum! In the United States, if people are not satisfied with a certain bill, a referendum can be held. Even if a state is separated from the United States, a referendum can be held. Everything, as long as you are not satisfied with the reality of anything you see, you can have a referendum. This is protected and supported by law in the United States.

Of course, some people criticize that the referendum in the United States is just a beautiful soap bubble, which has no practical significance at all. At this point, we can only say that it belongs to the ignorance of the sprayer.

It is true that the only referendum on the division of the United States belonged to the period of the civil war. The slaves in the South mainly asked for a referendum to split the United States. Then President Lincoln thought it was illegal, so he launched the civil war. According to many people's opinions, since American law allows a referendum on independence, why did Lincoln launch a war? Isn't this a naked deception! This is the ugly face of capitalism.

Here, in fact, there is a reason, that is, slavery was prohibited in American law at that time. It was only because at the beginning of the founding of the United States, considering the actual situation of different states, that it acquiesced in the slavery behavior of the southern manor owners. However, with the development of modern civilized society, southern slavery has obviously become more and more unable to meet the needs of social development, as well as the desire of human nature for freedom, and the embodiment of the spirit of American freedom, southern slavery must be eradicated.

In this case, the Lincoln Administration launched a just war. Because the simplest point is that legally speaking, at that time, more than 4 million black slaves did not participate in the referendum of independence in the south. And according to American law, they are also American citizens. Since you are an American citizen, you have the right to vote. They don't vote, only a few slave owners vote, it's not legal! Since it's illegal and we have to force a division, that is to pursue independence. Naturally, we have to fight!

Now, any state in the United States really wants to be independent. As long as you are approved by the referendum, the U.S. government will allow you to be independent according to the law. But so far no state wants independence. Because, in the arms of a strong U.S. government, independence is undoubtedly asking for trouble. Once it becomes independent, its economic, military and international status will not be as good as before.

"We can have a referendum!" Ellison said firmly.

"But not in a hurry! Now the referendum, I think, they will immediately refute it! Our current appeal is limited! " Jobs said calmly, "we have to wait for Avril and them to come back before we can have a referendum."

The eight families are very smart. Now that they are demanding a referendum, they will surely realize that Lin Feng is not dead. Well, they don't have to do much. They just need to create a little seismic wave, which is enough to kill Lin Feng. Maybe the earthquake wave is not good, so after the sewer is closed, throw a incendiary bomb to exhaust the oxygen, narin will die as well. In this case, if you don't do it, you have to do it quickly. What's more, they should not be aware of the real intention of others.

So, Avril, when they arrive, they have plenty of reasons to make trouble! Yes, it's noisy! As long as they make trouble, they can distract the attention of the eight major families in the United States, and they can draw a shudder from the fire. Otherwise, if the attention of the eight families is focused on them, they will not succeed.

Women, although the United States is the most developed civilized country in the world, discrimination against women still exists. This is just like the discrimination against black people. Although it is not universal, it exists in many places. It's the same for women. The eight families, perhaps from the heart, don't think Lin Feng these women, don't think they can do things, but will all focus on them three.

Even jobs thought that if they had not strengthened their security forces, and there were always a lot of reporters around, maybe they would have been in trouble, just like Gordon Moore. After all, they are not ordinary people. They are all people with strong influence in their respective fields. They are all elites, absolute elites of the United States. Their threat is naturally better than those women of Lin Feng.

So, they can't move now. We must wait for Lin Feng's woman to come!

(there's another one! Try to update before 12 o'clock!)