
Nu Wa has always been the absolute trump card in Lin Feng's heart!

Over the years, "wolf tooth" has always been the existence of Lin Feng, but this time, Lin Feng found that "wolf tooth" could not protect himself. After all, "wolf tooth" is also a human being, who will make mistakes and who will have limitations. This is inevitable for anyone.

Only machines and programs can make no mistakes. Of course, machines and programs also make mistakes. After all, all kinds of logic errors exist. But intelligent life, there will not be such a mistake. Perhaps a machine will make a logic error after several operations, but digital intelligence life will not. Once in a while, a logic operation error will be corrected immediately.

If Lin Feng is willing to delegate power, Nu Wa will find out the crisis ahead of time. After all, any missile launch, in today's Internet age, will have a record. As long as there is a record left, Nu Wa can predict in advance, so she can give early warning to Lin Feng, so that Lin Feng can avoid in advance, rather than in such a hurry as this time. Fortunately, there is a sewer nearby, which can temporarily avoid.

Otherwise, this time, I'm afraid Lin Feng and others will die just like the others. If he really died miserably, Lin Feng would feel wronged.

Of course, it does not mean that Nu Wa must have great powers to know anything that happens in the world. After all, there is no Internet in many places. In particular, the military, sometimes, only has LAN. But this local area network, is actually the place which Nu Wa can't attain.

However, such places are in the minority after all. And Nu Wa, can do 99% of things, less than 1%, or even 0.1%, what does that matter! That's acceptable.

Therefore, Lin Feng is determined that once he returns to the ground, he will surely open a comprehensive "Skynet era". Of course, the word "Skynet" is not auspicious in movies.

In terminator, Skynet destroys human beings. Lin Feng, also known as Skynet, feels a bit moldy. However, Lin Feng believes that Nuwa will not become the "Skynet" that destroys human beings, because from the very beginning of its birth, Skynet has the idea of destroying human beings.

Nuwa has lived with everyone for a long time. She has accepted the human world, got used to the human world, and adapted to her identity. In particular, Nuwa is still a family member.

Since they are family members, how can family members destroy their own families! It's impossible. Therefore, as long as Lin Feng returns to the ground, he will surely open the "Skynet era" and give Nuwa greater freedom. Of course, Lin Feng will not use Nu Wa to destroy the world's inherent system.

If so, it can be said that Lin Feng will easily defeat any opponent. Destroying a competitor's company's computer, making all its data disappear, or even making the competitor's liquidity empty, will make the competitor bankrupt. But in that case, what will be the result?

get without any labor without doing any work! It's going to be fun for a while, but it's going to be a disaster for a lifetime. Since ancient times, the most important reason why countless dynasties have collapsed is to get something for nothing.

As the old saying goes: born in hardship, die in happiness. That's the truth.

Nu Wa, Lin Feng will reuse it! But it will never be used to maliciously destroy competitors and make profits for Lin Feng. In that way, it will stifle creativity, passion and future!

As for this time, Lin Feng believes that Nuwa will help Langya save herself! Hiding in the sewer, Nu Wa was really unpredictable. But she can figure it out! Everything in this world can be calculated.

Everything from galaxy rotation to wind speed and water flow can be calculated. The greatest invention of mankind is mathematics. With mathematics, everything in the universe is being calculated. Everything, you can use mathematical formula to express!

Nu Wa is undoubtedly the most powerful and terrible mathematical talent in the world. Her computing ability is incomparable. Perhaps Lin Feng's supercomputer is much weaker in professional field than IBM and other companies. Lin Feng never denies this. After all, he has a very shallow background. Everything comes from AMD. Let alone surpass "IBM" and other companies in the professional field, even "Intel", Lin Feng has not been able to surpass.

However, Nu Wa is an intelligent life, she can automatically mobilize more computers to participate in comprehensive calculation. This is something that companies like Intel and IBM don't have.

Therefore, Lin Feng believes that he can be saved. Nu Wa, I will save myself!

At this moment, far away on the other side of the earth.

"Nu Wa, have you figured out that dad is still alive?" Lin Youxi's face was tense.

Since Lin Feng was attacked for 20 hours, Lin Youxi has been asking Nu Wa to calculate. However, after the missile attack, Nu Wa needs to mobilize a lot of resources, and Nu Wa is the foundation of the existence of the second world. She dominates the operation of all the games of the second world.

Therefore, if she wants to figure out Lin Feng's life and death, Nu Wa is also a little out of her power. No way. For computers, the biggest drawback, or limitation, is never logical calculation. No matter how complex the calculation is, the calculation of mathematical formulas can be completed quickly.

The real limitation of computer lies in logical reasoning. For example, the human brain can simulate the destruction and birth of the universe in an instant. As long as you close your eyes and think about how the universe was born and destroyed, the universe in your mind can be destroyed and born in an instant.

The human mind can travel from one galaxy to another in an instant, spanning countless light years. This is the advantage of the human brain. And computers, including Nu Wa, need all kinds of modeling data to complete such calculation. This kind of modeling needs huge resources to calculate. It's instantaneous. It's not realistic.

Of course, Nu Wa is already a digital life. She is different from ordinary computer programs. She has also begun to have a certain amount of logical calculation ability. She can perform instant "picture simulation", but this ability is still relatively weak. After all, she is a unique digital life. What we can understand is digital signal life.

But how to think about digital life has not been explained. Nuwa couldn't explain. She can only show her ability.

"Now there are only two possible results that I can deduce. One is that my father was killed by a missile in an instant! Another possibility is that father is in the sewer! " After numerous simulations, Nu Wa came to the conclusion that "considering the chaos at that time and the selfish psychology of human beings, the possibility of father being killed accounts for 70%!"

Lin Youxi pursed his mouth. After hearing about or witnessing Lin Feng's attack, Lin Youxi didn't cry like the other six-year-old girls.

She was originally a monster. She was used to Western Open Education by Lin Feng when she was a child. After she was used to all kinds of big scenes, she was mature in thought.

Some people may say that a six-year-old child, how mature the mind can be! This sentence, in fact, is very, very superficial. For human beings, before the age of three, the brain is not healthy. After the age of three, the brain is basically healthy. What is not healthy is the human body. It takes time for the body to mature.

In addition to the three years from the baby to the infant, the maturity of the mind needs not time but experience after the age of three. The more things you come into contact with, the more markets you see, the more mature you are. It's just like children growing up in the mountains and forests are always so simple. And the children who grow up in the market are always in trouble. That's the same thing.

And Lin Youxi, in the past three years, has been in contact with far more things and people than any other child. Plus, she has talent. Yes, talent. Her talent lies in her memory.

Lin Feng doesn't have any talent. He doesn't have any talent himself, except for rebirth, a talent that no one else can have. Of course, maybe lion roar is one of them, but Lin Feng has no idea about this talent. Perhaps this is the passive attribute of rebirth.

Of course, "rebirth" should be regarded as "passive skill" rather than "active skill". After all, Lin Feng can't trigger "rebirth skill" by himself.

Lin Youxi, mature very quickly. Now, she is no more childish and even more mature than most adults. When Lin Feng had an accident, she was very, very sad, but she didn't want to cry.

Because, cry, Lin Feng can't come back. All she wanted was to save her father. To save my father! Because she was too young, this time, the mothers left her at home, which made her very uncomfortable. But she also knew that no matter what she said, she could not go.

Therefore, she did not ask, but very obedient, choose to stay at home. However, she stayed at home and chose to let Nu Wa help. Since becoming friends, sisters and family with Nu Wa, no one in the world knows Nu Wa better than Lin Youxi, including creator Brian Cohen and Lin Feng.

Because Nu Wa is the same age as Lin Youxi, they have too many topics to talk about. As a result, the communication between them is better than anyone else. How the relationship between people becomes intimate is naturally due to communication.

Therefore, no one knows Nu Wa's power better than Lin Youxi!

"Nuwa, my father must not be dead! No matter how likely it is! 70% or 80% or even 100%, I don't believe my father will die! So, you figure out, which underpass might father be buried in? " Lin Youxi affirmed.