U.S. restart stock market!

When the news came out, there was a global uproar! You now restart the stock market, it is not to kill you! All investors expressed their most supportive protest at the first time. All people, all investors, not only American investors, but also investors from all over the world, expressed their strong protest through various channels at the first time!

"Shit, SFC! Go to hell

"What the hell is the U.S. Department of Commerce doing! This time to restart the stock market, you eat shit

"Fuck your family! SFC! Your whole family's brain is broken! "


It can be said that, for the first time, the US Securities Regulatory Commission and the Department of commerce were reviled by investors from all over the world. For them, now the stock market restart, is to kill them! In the past 24 hours, New York has been bombed by missiles, and so far no result has come out. Not only that, the president of the United States is also in this disaster, but also the most critical hero, Lin Feng, who saved the American stock market, has been out of touch for 20 hours! In this case, do you restart the stock market? Are you going to let the stock market crash?

In the face of global doubts, of course, perhaps mainly abuse, the US Securities Regulatory Commission also expressed its views for the first time.

"Although the United States is facing a lot of difficulties and troubles, I would like to ask you to remember that since its founding, the United States has experienced countless difficulties for more than 240 years. We have overcome all kinds of troubles. In the end, the United States is still the most developed country, the most civilized country and the most fascinating country in the world. There are countless American dreams born here, even though we have experienced seven economic crises! Ladies and gentlemen, it's seven economic crises! " Ms. white, chairman of the securities and Futures Commission, put out her finger and made a pattern of 7.

"1948 ~ 1949, 1953 ~ 1954, 1957 ~ 1958, 1960 ~ 1961, 1969 ~ 1970, 1973 ~ 1975, 1980 ~ 1982, a total of 7 times! All investors, all Americans, please listen carefully. It's seven times. The United States has experienced seven economic crises! Every time the economic crisis broke out, the people at that time would think that the end of the world was coming and that the American economy would collapse! " Ms. white, chairman of the SFC, said in a loud voice, "but what about the result? We should be very clear that after every economic crisis, we all stand up again. Yes, every time we stand up again! And, every time, our economy is better than before! Every one of us, earn more than before! And every time, we Americans, willpower is stronger than ever! And this also urges us to go further! " Ms. white, the chairman of the SFC, is very vigorous.

"Therefore, no matter how many difficulties and obstacles we encounter this time, we will move forward without hesitation, and we will overcome all kinds of difficulties one by one! So, please believe, believe, restart the stock market, may encounter a stock disaster, perhaps unprecedented stock disaster, but I firmly believe, firmly believe that the stock market will soon recover! Here, I would also like to express my heartfelt thanks to Mr. Lin, Mr. Lin Feng, a Chinese who suffered a terrorist attack, and Mr. Lin who once made unremitting efforts for the US stock market Ms. white, chairman of the SFC, bowed.

"Shameless show!" Ellison sneered.

"Therefore, this stock market restart is also the best comfort for Mr. Lin! He has done so much for us, don't we have the confidence to face such a stock market disaster? " Ms. white, chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, said, "a Chinese can take on everything, face everything and make his own efforts. Don't we Americans dare to face all the disasters we have caused? Are we Americans so cowardly? Are we Americans already so vulnerable? " Ms. white, chairman of the SFC, raised her arm and cried, "no! I want to say no! We Americans are not cowards! Absolutely not

"A successful show!" Jobs's face was full of sigh. Although they are now in a hostile relationship, regardless of their position, the other side's show is indeed very successful, which can at least arouse the fighting spirit of many Americans. And it can also break down the hostility of restarting the stock market to a great extent!

Of course, as a friend of Lin Feng, Lin Feng has now suffered such a disaster, but he has to be shamelessly used by the US Securities Regulatory Commission, which also makes jobs very unhappy. Very disgusting.

"Terrorist attack! It's ridiculous, when can terrorists have ballistic missile technology! Or has our country become the largest terrorist organization in the world? " Ellison angrily satirized the remarks made by Ms. white, chairman of the Securities Regulatory Commission, on Weibo.

These words were forwarded millions of times in a flash. Indeed, Lin Feng died of ballistic missile technology! There are no more than seven countries in the world. Terrorists are even more impossible to master. You said terrorist attacks, which is a bit of a fool!

For a moment, the whole network, including the media, criticized Ms. White's terrorist attacks. They all think that Ms. White's speech is too irresponsible. They think that her speech is totally groundless and irresponsible. It's very impolite. It's very impolite to Lin Feng, to his family and to us president trump. It's also a very bad speech.

Later, Ms. white, chairman of China Securities Regulatory Commission, held another emergency press conference to state that her use of terrorist attacks might not be appropriate. She apologized to Lin Feng and his family. Of course, the truth of the matter can only wait for the investigation report of the US Homeland Security Agency and the military! She will not give any answer to this matter until the final investigation report comes out.

This apology has calmed the anger of many people.

However, it was once again denounced by Ellison and others. The reason is simple. It's also a show. Ms. white made the terrorist attacks on purpose. She did it on purpose. She did it for two purposes.

The first is to test the acceptance of the outside people to Lin Feng's attack, to see whether the people can accept the theory of terrorist attacks. But obviously, the public can't accept it. After all, ballistic missile technology is confirmed by all parties. It can't be fake. Missile attack and terrorist bomb attack are two concepts. Since the people couldn't accept it, white came out and apologized.

The second purpose is white's terrorist attack speech, which is used to distract the attention of the outside world to restart the stock market. Her remarks, as well as her apology, are undoubtedly very successful!

So Ellison called him the running dog of the eight families!

(using mobile phone code again, hard to force! Five hours, that's a chapter But for the sake of constant improvement, I have to fight