Savior! A group of gangsters say that they are the saviors! Donald, Blumberg, Brayton are all a dish.

A group of underworld, talking about the Savior here, this is a great irony. If it wasn't for Lin Feng's face, they would have asked Brayton to arrest these people and have a good trial. Who's to blame for the big mess in New York tonight? These are the gangsters. It is not for them to make trouble. New York will not be in a mess. More than 8000 policemen will not give up their holidays and patrol the streets.

As a result, these gangsters, in front of the New York police chief, the mayor of New York and the president of the United States, boast that they are the saviors, which is simply the fallacy of the world.

"Who are the terrorists?" Asked Donald patiently. Of course, this is definitely in the face of Lin Feng.

Many gangsters are also looking at Lin Feng, who is the terrorist? They are bewitched by Lin Feng to act as saviors here. This is that they are hot headed for a while, but also that they are a little bit interested in their interests. All in all, it's hard to see the covetous New York police chief Brayton, mayor Blumberg, and the same bad looking president Donald. On them, they are absolutely bad. They can't stand it if they want to get rid of them.

"Terrorists!" Lin Feng's face suddenly became serious, "about terrorists, this is exactly what I want to say. Now the terrorists have become more and more rampant, more and more crazy, more and more defenseless! This time, the terrorist attacks that swept across New York were a group of terrorists with unknown origins. They pretended to be the famous US Navy Seals and carried out terrorist attacks here! "

At first, Donald and others were listening to Lin Feng very seriously. They wanted to hear what Lin Feng said. As a result, who could have expected that Lin Feng's answer was so unexpected.

Someone pretended to be a navy seal to carry out a terrorist attack in New York! Is this a fake? That's the seals, OK! Genuine seal team, and absolutely such as fake package! You said they were terrorists! Well, the brain is in a bit of a mess. We need to be quiet!

"No? If you don't believe it, you ask them, they just heard that there were terrorists posing as seals to make trouble, so they brought their men and horses to kill them. Although they are underworld, they also have a just heart to help the world and the people. Of course, this is a bit boastful of them. In fact, they are not so great either. Their starting point is that New York is their territory. They can't tolerate those terrorists to make trouble. They are the heart of protecting the calf and want to protect New York! Although this starting point is a bit selfish, the selfish starting point is also good. " Lin Feng explained.

Donald, of course, had a face of disbelief. Naturally, they know very well that the underworld will never fight with terrorists for any reason. If the underworld is willing to fight with terrorist organizations, the world will be peaceful for a long time. After all, in some ways, the underworld can get much more information than the national security agency or the FBI.

Therefore, these gang members are not here to be saviors at all. They are here to do damage.

"Lin, let's take a step to talk!" Said Donald in a jar.

Lin Feng nodded with a smile.

"What's going on? What are you doing Asked Donald, frowning.

"Donald, this is the work of the eight major families in the United States. I believe you should know very well that the seals were sent by them!" Lin Feng said in a deep voice, "now, in the face of this situation, what should we do? Admit who they are and let them go? Or are they going to court martial? Either way, I'm sure it won't work. What's more, it will give the other party an excuse to attack us. So, I mean, if you don't do it, you don't admit their identity, fight them as terrorists, and take the opportunity to clean up the seals. Maybe you can take the opportunity to control another team! "

Donald nodded. But this is not something he has the final say.

"Mayor Blumberg, director Brayton, come here!" Donald hooked his fingers at them.

The four got together and began to discuss the matter.

"You say, what are they talking about? Will we fall victim? " Here, the big gangsters get together and discuss in a low voice.

For politicians, they have never had a good feeling. Although Lin Feng reassures them, what if Lin Feng doesn't? What will happen if Lin Feng gets mixed up with these politicians? Will they become cannon fodder? Wall Street was almost destroyed in this New York riot. Naturally, someone has to bear the consequences. We can't count everything on the seals!

Of course, they also believe that there is a contradiction between the seal team and Lin Feng, but no matter how big the contradiction is, it will not go out, will it! Although they are not politicians, they also understand one thing, that is, they should not make public their family's disgraces. This matter will be covered up in the end, and then we will find a substitute. I'm afraid they are the best candidate for the substitute!

"Go! You can't stay here! " Many gang leaders are ready to leave after discussion.

But without waiting for them to act, the Marines around them had been staring at them for a long time. When they moved, they immediately loaded their guns, and their eyebrows were cold.

Well, I can't run this time! Many gang leaders, at the moment, can only face bitterly, waiting for the verdict of fate. Of course, they can pray. Of course, it's not to pray to God. At this time, God is useless. If God was so powerful, there would not be so much poverty and death on the earth. There was only one object they prayed for, and that was Lin Feng. Pray that Lin Feng can keep his word as always.

"Lin, are you really going to do that?" He was calm and worried.

"Good! Only in this way can we have a bright future. Otherwise, they will not get any punishment. Otherwise, the stock market will collapse. Once the stock market collapses, they will be more powerful! " Lin Feng nodded.

"But this wall street is destroyed. It's not a matter of one or two days to open the market." Director Brayton didn't understand.

"It takes a long time to rebuild, but it doesn't take long to open. Just change the place and connect the system again. With the development of the Internet, it doesn't take long Lin Feng explained.

No one knows the time better than Lin Feng. What's more, the eight American families will not let time drag on.

"So, you set up a bureau to let the seals become terrorists, and let the gangs become saviors, and save the people's confidence!" He exclaimed.

"I think it will have a psychological shadow on all New Yorkers and the American people. Originally, people thought that it was very safe to live in the United States, especially in metropolises. But who would have thought that a riot would suddenly affect everyone. If we don't get rid of this psychological shadow and pressure, the US economy will not get better! And for the eight families, they can take the opportunity to better control the world! So we have no choice now! " Lin Feng pulls everyone into the same trench.

"What do you say?" Donald asked. He is definitely on Lin Feng's side. Regardless of their personal relationship and Weng Xu relationship, the harm of the eight families to the American economy and system is worth his cooperation with Lin Feng.

"I agree! They are now above the law. The reason why the United States is the United States lies in the rule of law, in the freedom and democratic spirit of the United States. Now that democracy has been tarnished, we can't allow these people to act recklessly! " The anger that Blumberg can't suppress is that he has long hated these eight families.

"I agree, too!" Director Brayton really didn't want to get involved in this matter, but now he seems to have no other way. He has entered the game, and they have become a comrade in the trenches. He can't refuse.

If we reach an agreement here, the gang leaders over there will raise their hearts to their voices. When they saw the four people coming here with their faces full of happiness, their hearts were at sixes and sevens, and they didn't know what would happen, what would happen, and whether they were waiting for heaven or hell?

"You --" Donald coldly swept all the gang leaders around, which made them scared. This is normal. They may not be afraid of the president. After all, this is a legal society. Although the president has the greatest power, he can't kill anyone. But today, there are hundreds of people who have died. It's not too much to die more. If they die, they will die in vain. At this time, who is not afraid!

"You did a good job this time! I'm glad that you can turn the dark into the light. New Yorkers will thank you for tonight! You are heroes of New York tonight Donald raised his voice.

what? hero! We are really heroes! Did you hear me right! You look at me and I look at you. I can't believe it. Unexpectedly, he really called them heroes, which surprised them.

"Why, do you still want to be a New York sinner?" Donald snorted.

"Hero, hero, we are all heroes!" The New York gangsters all gave a giggle and then exclaimed.

This president is so scary. They don't want to die for no reason.

"Well, clean up the battlefield!" Donald said.

Then, Donald and Lin Feng began to prepare how to use words to explain to the public what happened tonight!

At the moment, Wang Meng has been close to old DuPont and others!