The story of Trojan horse slaughtering the city!

What does this have to do with you? All the people are looking at Lin Feng with bright eyes. They don't know what the relationship between Lin Feng's story and others is. People are very curious!

"This trojan horse is harmful, otherwise the ancient city of Troy will not be destroyed once! And now, is this copper ox also harmful to people? " Lin Feng pointed to the huge copper ox not far away from the US Securities office.

Copper bull, this is the symbol of Wall Street.

It is 5 meters long and 6.3 tons heavy. Its body is covered with glittering brass. Its posture is a bull running with its hooves raised, which means that the Wall Street stock market is booming. This "Taurus" has long been a scene of Wall Street. Besides visiting the world's financial center, the main reason for all visitors to Wall Street is to see and feel the Taurus, hoping to get some good fortune.

The implication of Taurus is similar to the God of wealth in China. Moreover, in the west, people believe more in it.

Of course, the original intention of this Taurus was not to represent Wall Street, but to be an Italian artist who wanted to be famous. In Sicily, Italy, there is an artist named Arturo di Modica. He is not famous, or even ignorant. No one has ever heard of him. What should he do if he wants to be famous?

If we put it now, it must be all kinds of hype. Such as * *, sister Furong, or stars gone, * *, and so on. This modika lived in a time when there was no microblog, Internet, or mobile phone to take pictures. After all, he was an artist. Even if he wanted to be famous, he could not use these means of making films.

So, what's he doing? One day when he visited Wall Street, he felt that it was too cold and shabby. It was not like the world financial center at all. It was like the most common alley, but it was the world financial center. But here, there is a lack of a landmark building, a real landmark building.

What shall I do? Modika came up with the idea of designing a bull sculpture with angry hooves to cause a sensation. Later, after two years of design, the bull with angry hooves was designed, and then on the night of December 15, 1989, Christmas Eve, modika asked someone to use a big truck to pull it to Wall Street in the middle of the night.

The next day, there was no unexpected sensation. Everyone came to watch the bull, and modika became famous. Of course, there are some waves in the process. For example, the New York City Government asked the bull to be taken away, which would affect the appearance of the city and the traffic. But because of its symbolic meaning, it's too beautiful. For all investors, seeing this bull running furiously every day, they would feel that the stock market would keep going up. And it was true that the stock market had been thriving at that time.

So, there is no way. Under the strong public opinion, this bull has been preserved. Now, more than ten years have passed, it has become a landmark of Wall Street. When you see this bull, it means you are on Wall Street. And all the tourists will come and touch the bull to get rich. Although this bull has nothing to do with Wall Street, it is just a work that an Italian artist wants to become famous. But it doesn't matter. People just believe it.

As for modika, he did get what he wanted and became famous. Moreover, he also has the right to the portrait of the Taurus. However, he did not achieve fame and wealth because of this. Because shortly after he became famous, he died of illness. Of course, his death is no regret. After all, he really became famous. Although his funeral was very simple, his death attracted the attention of the world, including the Wall Street Journal, which reported modika's death on the front page.

Of course, what modika left to the world is not only a bronze ox, but also a bronze ox sculpture industry. His works have also driven the popularity of Tongniu sculpture industry. Every visitor who comes to Wall Street to play and watch the bronze ox will buy a bronze ox handicraft from a nearby small handicraft and go home, hoping to bring a fortune to the family.

Copper Bull has become a symbol of Wall Street. Every day, the New York police will send police to patrol here to avoid being damaged. Including this time, many gang members came to make trouble and deliberately bypassed Tongniu. The reason is very simple. No one wants the bull to be destroyed. After all, the bull symbolizes wealth. Who wants to spend it?

"If it's not smashed, there won't be Wall Street's mercenary businessmen. If it's not smashed, there won't be so many poor people in the world. It is the devil, the greatest sorrow of mankind after Pandora's box is opened Lin Feng said.

This remark is somewhat exaggerated, but the hatred for Wall Street has long been popular. All stock speculators, when making money, Wall Street is an angel, and once losing money, Wall Street is a devil. In this world, there are always a few who can make money in the stock market, and the vast majority who lose money. For the hatred of Wall Street, that naturally occupies the majority.

Therefore, although Lin Feng's remarks are exaggerated and even absurd, they are not harsh to the public, but they are very pleasant to the ear.

"So, smash it for me! Smash the root of all evils of time Lin Feng gave a loud drink.

"Smash it!" Many gangsters immediately rushed on, overturned the wall street symbol "copper bull", and then smashed it to pieces.

Among them, Huaxing society tried to smash it together several times, but it was stopped by Wolf teeth. Of course, this is what Lin Feng means. These gang members are bewitched to be "saviors". That's because they have a simple mind. You Huaxing society should not participate. You're going to get involved. What's that called!

This time, Lin Feng is going to turn this incident into a group event. A gang member carefully changes his face and wants to be a good man and a savior. There will certainly be a lot of criticism. It is better for the "Huaxing society" not to get involved in it to avoid causing a lot of unnecessary trouble.

"And this stock exchange, this building, have been demolished for me!" Lin Feng refers to the New York Stock Exchange.

The New York Stock Exchange has a long history. Of course, as the headquarters of the New York Stock Exchange, this building is located at 11 Wall Street, New York City. It was opened in 1903 and has 16 trading booths, each of which has 16 to 20 trading counters and is equipped with modern office equipment and communication facilities. The main business objects of the exchange are stocks, followed by various domestic and foreign bonds.

Of course, with the evolution of the times, the pattern of the trading room has changed a little, it has become more bustling, more modern and more crowded. But anyway, this is the world's financial center. How many hundreds of billions of dollars, or even trillions of dollars, are the orders traded here every day.

At the moment, this century old building was blown down by these gangsters!

"For justice! Launch Gangsters throw grenades.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom. Before that, although there was a catastrophe, many gangsters didn't take the building itself as an example. What they abused was only the things inside the building. Although these gangsters were arrogant, rampant, and with boundless martial arts, they were still not fearless. At least they were absolutely afraid to blow up these buildings. But now, with the support of Lin Feng, they dare to do anything, and there is no taboo. Because their body and mind, follow Lin Feng side, follow Lin Feng go, that is absolutely won't suffer.

"Well, friends of sin, blow it up!" Lin Feng pointed to a building nearby and said.

The crowd rushed up with a cry and smashed it!

"And this, brother sin, smash it!" Lin Feng pointed to another building nearby.

Many gang members rushed on again.

Immediately, Lin Feng was referring to a good Wall Street, which was smashed to pieces.

"And this building, the Federal Reserve Bank, blow him up!" Lin Feng pointed to the Federal Reserve Bank and said, "there is the source of all evil in it. Blow it up!" Lin Feng finally pointed to the Federal Reserve building and said.

"Wula ~ ~" this time, everyone was very happy. The Fed, that's a hard nut. Although they are numerous and powerful, the Federal Reserve can't rush in after closing the door. Although they are very clear that there are lots of dollars, lots of gold, but they can't get in, as long as you can't get in, there's no way. Therefore, people have been waiting for Lin Feng's order.

"Blow it up!" The crowd cried out.

Of course, if they could blow it up, they would have blown it up and rushed in, instead of waiting until now. But just now they didn't have any heavy weapons in their hands, but now they are totally different. Lin Feng has rockets here.

"Boom ~" a few rockets past, the door of the Federal Reserve was immediately opened. This time, people's eyes are really green. This is the Federal Reserve, the world's first bank, the richest bank in the richest country, which controls the issuance of US dollars. The gang members have been salivating for this bank for a long time. Before there was no way, now that the opening was opened, it naturally rushed in without hesitation.

"Dada ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" occasionally, there were several shots of security guards, but they were soon covered up by the heavy sound of submachine guns. For these gangs, if they can't even clean up a group of security guards, they might as well go home and sell sweet potatoes!

"Dollars! Dollars! Gold! Gold All the gang members rushed in!

"Boss, that's not good!" Zheng Zha and others frowned.

Lin Feng smiles.

"Well, why not! This is a good thing! " Lin Feng said with a smile, "since they want to do it, I don't mind completely destroying Wall Street. Terrorist attacks, the stock market will indeed plummet, but there is no Wall Street, where is the stock market