Old DuPont thought that seven big teams of seals were enough to solve the gang riot. But I don't know. This time, it's not just gangs. And this carelessness also brought disaster to the seals.

The first brigade has been destroyed. The second to seventh brigades have rushed to wipe out these gangsters who rushed into wall street. But at the moment, the situation is completely different.

At that time, the first brigade strangled the main road and could rely on the geographical advantages to stop the gang members swarming in. Now, the terrain has been lost, the gang members have swarmed in, and the number of them has gradually begun to gain the upper hand. In this case, the two sides often have a scuffle. It's often encounter.

In the case of encounter, the seals suffered a heavy loss. Why do seals suffer? The reason is very simple. The seals are afraid to shoot easily because they are worried about their teammates, but these gangsters are different. They used to be a mob, they used to be independent. They were not team-mates. Usually, when they met, they would say a few words and fight. Now it is because of the common interests and common enemies that we are reluctant to unite.

But when there is a sudden situation, it's going to be on its own. It's the seals, needless to say, shooting. As for whether there are people of their own, as long as there are no people they know, no matter what Gang they are, they will shoot to save their own lives. Besides, if they are killed, they will be killed.

It's better to be a good friend than a poor one! Especially for these gangsters. So the seals sometimes hesitated, but the gang didn't. In particular, I was scared by the seals before. Now when I see the seals, it's instinctive shooting. Some even use direct grenades.

In the United States, a country where all the people hold guns, for the gangs, there is only one gun, even several different kinds of guns, pistols, rifles, submachine guns, and even sniper guns. Of course, sniper guns are not something that ordinary people can play with. But gangsters have guns. That's a must.

In this case, if people shoot directly, and even "their own people" are killed, the seal commando team will be a little unable to bear it. And the most excessive thing is that the gangsters have a bad temper, shooting indiscriminately and throwing grenades indiscriminately. Maybe they are injured and bombed by mistake, which is totally unreasonable! Of course, the seals, after all, are highly trained special forces. Under normal circumstances, they can cope. It's just that the elite of Chiyou and Huaxing society are mingled in this, which is a big loss.

It goes without saying that Chiyou are all on the verge of breakthrough. They are also proficient in modern weapons and are walkers in the dark. Today, the blackout in New York City also gives them the most suitable space, and at this moment, late at night, it also gives them the most suitable time. In addition, the hustle and bustle, who are prone to fight with their own people, shoot indiscriminately and throw grenades indiscriminately, give "Chiyou" the most suitable stage.

In this case, harvesting seals is like cutting leeks. As long as there is a chance, it's a crossbow and an arrow that will blow its head. The seals, of course, suffered a catastrophe.

In addition to the ambush of the backbone of the "Huaxing society", the seal commandos, the six brigades that came out to wipe out the gangs, fell into a pool of blood in a very short period of time. Many people even didn't know how to die. Clearly in the scuffle, quietly flying an arrow, it simply can not escape.

Soon, the seals were beaten away. They are very unwilling! It's just a mob. It's really just a mob. It's unreasonable how to defeat their elite. This is totally unreasonable!

The seals couldn't figure out why. Why! They only know that their own people are completely submerged in the sea of gang members. Their own people, so inexplicable sacrifice. It's totally dead.

"Call, call, the enemy is too strong, the enemy is too strong, request support! Ask for support The remnants of the seals screamed wildly.

what! The enemy is too strong! Old DuPont was shocked at the news.

"The other side is just a group of gangsters, a group of mobs, you are the elite, the elite of the elite, you actually say that the other side is powerful!" Old DuPont bellowed. He can't understand the call for help. Even if the other side is large and powerful, the combat power of the elite and the mob is different before the absolute sea of people tactics are formed. It can't be equated at all. As a result, the most proud elite troops on their side were beaten by a group of mobs for help. What a shame!

Moreover, they can be sure that the other party's "wolf tooth" has not arrived in the United States at all. The entire U.S. Customs has carried out strict checks in advance on all Chinese Americans who enter the United States, that is, people with yellow skin. As long as it is suspected that it has something to do with "Langya" and Lin Feng, all of them will be refused entry. As for reasons, there is no need for reasons. As long as the U.S. customs does not agree, you are not allowed to enter the country. If you dare to make a noise, you should catch it, confine it and send it back to your country immediately.

Therefore, "wolf teeth" can't be here unless they sneak in. As for the "wolf teeth" garrison in Fengcheng, it's still in Fengcheng. That can't be here. How could this seal be crippled?

Obviously, old DuPont despised the fighting power of Chiyou and the existence of Huaxing society. Of course, this is also a special situation in a special environment. If it wasn't for the blackout of the whole city, the trapping of Lin Feng, and the acquiescence of the New York police, "Chiyou" would not have done so much damage to the seal commandos. Maybe it could have killed a large team, but "Chiyou" would have been wiped out. After all, this is the seals, the most elite special forces in the United States. Without the help of these gangsters, "Chiyou" would not have achieved such a great success.

However, these are the old DuPont can not understand. He only believes in the strength of the seals! As a result, he was very angry at the current situation. But when he saw the list of seals' casualties, his anger turned into shock.

"DuPont and wolf teeth must have been involved in the attack. Their only goal was to rescue Lin Feng. Now, the most important thing for us is to capture or shoot Lin Feng alive! " Said old Morgan coldly.

Judging from the current situation, "Langya" is definitely involved. In that case, Lin Feng is the key. Now they don't have to worry about these gangsters. If they want to make trouble, they just wait for them to make trouble. Now their target is still to hide in the building, Lin Feng, who is being driven layer by layer. As for everything else, let it go. unimportance!

Old DuPont nodded, and then ordered the remaining seals to shrink in the building to prevent anyone from entering the building. This time, the casualties of the seals have been reduced. But at the moment, the seals are half disabled. This time, five of the seven brigades in charge of encircling and suppressing gangsters were destroyed, and the remaining two brigades were also very few, with less than 10 people left. This, together with more than 100 people who had been stunned by Lin Feng's "high-frequency lion roar" after rounding up Lin Feng, can be said that the seal commandos really suffered a great loss this time. It can be said that after this war, whatever the outcome, the seal team can start a comprehensive reconstruction.

However, the seals chose to rely on the building to defend themselves. After several attacks and leaving a corpse on the ground, the gangs did not attack the building any more. After all, there are so many high-rise buildings on Wall Street. This building is not good. Just replace it. There is no need to fight with the elite military forces. Without the backing of the gang members, without their head and blood, "Chiyou" will lose the most suitable stage. If they charge blindly, they will have to leave a corpse.

But the good news is that in this round of scuffle, the four bodyguards and Chiyou joined up. The four of them, under the pursuit of the seals, tried their best to escape without being caught, but the result was also very dangerous. After all, the other side is numerous and powerful, and they are weak and weak. No matter how good they are, they are useless. There is a saying that no matter how high your skill is, you are afraid of the kitchen knife. No matter how good the skill is, one shot down.

In the era of hot weapons, sometimes it is so cruel!

But fortunately, this round of scuffle finally rescued them. But Lin Feng is still trapped. What should we do? They can't rush in now.

Now, on the other side. Blumberg and the New York police chief looked at the city in a mess.

"Mayor, is that ok?" The chief of police frowned.

"This time, these big consortia secretly mobilized seal commandos to round up Lin Feng. This is abuse of power and blatant dereliction of duty!" "In the face of this situation, we can only fight violence with violence," he said

The reason why these gangsters are able to enter Wall Street smoothly is naturally what Blumberg ordered. Let the New York police let these gangsters enter Wall Street and let them and the seals go to bite dogs. Of course, the seals are the most elite force in the United States, and these gangsters, now incarnated as terrorists, can't be better dealt with by them. The New York police are responsible for protecting the safety of New York citizens. It's not their job to fight terrorism.

No one can pick out a thorn in this excuse.

"It's just that Wall Street is in such a mess, which..." the chief of police worried. He knows the inside story. In this case, the economy will collapse! The stock market has collapsed!

"Well, we can only pray! I hope Lin Feng can perform a miracle! Hope He prayed in silence. He also knows that in this way, New York is more chaotic and bad for the stock market. But at the moment, what is more important than keeping Lin Feng alive?