Give up air interception! Find the ambush near the base!

Wu Zhaopu immediately conveyed Lin Feng's order. Staff on the ground of the secret base were evacuated immediately. The "wolf tooth" nearby, no, now it should be said that the "Somali peace guard" has started to search around.

At the same time of the search, signal blockade was implemented throughout Somalia, and no signal can be called at the moment. The whole of Somalia, at this moment, is under signal. This is to cut off the foreign contacts of this man who intends to attack Somalia.

"The air raid has begun!" There was a sneer in old Rockefeller's mouth.

Lin Feng, don't you have great powers? Today you've even got the "Millennium Bug" out, which makes you avoid a disaster for the time being, and instigates the New York Police Department to take them to the police station. You are such a good means and good calculation. One ring sets another. But in the face of absolute strength, everything is floating.

Now we're going to blow you up with the F-117. What can you do! How dare you fart? Old Rockefeller looked scornful.

"You say, will he have an air defense missile system? He has such a close relationship with Putin that he may have poached some air defense missile systems from Russia! " He said.

"Wouldn't that be better! If Somalia has an air defense missile system, we can send regular troops to clear it! And he said, "terrorists!" Old Morgan sneered.

Now they have no reason to attack Somalia. After all, Somalia is a sovereign state. This operation is also a secret operation. They used retired F-117 fighters. If Somalia has any weapons that should not exist, then they have an absolute reason. Lin Feng's many actions in Somalia may also secretly control Somalia. As long as they have evidence or excuse, they can easily destroy Lin Feng's efforts in recent years.

Lin Feng fight back, that's the best. Just to see how much Lin Feng has transformed Somalia.

The F-117 successfully passed the border, entered the airspace of Somalia, and arrived at the air raid site without wind or rain all the way, starting the air raid on Linfeng secret base.

When the gbu-27 laser guided bomb mounted on F-117 hit Lin Feng's secret base, the sky shaking fire and mushroom clouds could be seen ten miles away.

The whole earth is shaking at this moment. At this moment, the secret base, like a young girl in bud, was brutally exploded.

Big blocks, big blocks of cement with a wave of shock sweeping around, like ripples in the water, layer upon layer rolled out in the past. The place where we passed was in a mess. The violent explosion split people's minds. The whole earth seemed to have been baptized.

After four F-117, the whole secret base was turned upside down like the land after spring ploughing. The original modern research base is now beyond recognition, and it has returned to its pre liberation state.

Fortunately, before the air raid, all the ground staff of the base were evacuated. Therefore, apart from property losses, there were no casualties in the bombing. Of course, the underground staff have not been affected in any way. Research and development is still in order.

“GO! GO! GO!” The elite troops of the eight families of the United States, which had been lying in ambush for a long time, began to attack. After the air raid, it was time for them to raid. Their goal is still the same, that is, the scientific research achievements of "dead light technology".

However, when this group of elite troops of eight families, which had been in ambush for a long time, just emerged, they were dumbfounded. They quickly retracted and recaptured a simple bunker they had built before. Because they are surrounded by the Somali peace guard!

Eight Russian T-90 main battle tanks, one battalion of infantry, covetous. In an instant, the elite troops of the eight families were dumbfounded. Looking around, a group of people, especially the eight T-90 tanks, the elite troops of the eight American families, swallowed their saliva.

Damn it, how can we fight!

No matter what soldiers you are, as long as you are still infantry, then in the face of tanks, you can only be silly! Unless you carry anti tank weapons, you can only be stupid. And if the other side still has infantry support, then the simple infantry face the tank cooperative combat, that is a word - seek death.

It's a battle no matter how hard you fight or how hard you die. Don't say they don't have anti tank weapons now. Even if they do, it's useless. Under the joint operation of infantry and Tanzania, the simple infantry is abused.

"What to do?" The elite troops of the eight American families are hiding in the simple bunker and discussing anxiously.

The other side has tanks and is fighting at home. It's a dead end for them to hide here. When calling for air support, the signal is blocked and the call is impossible. Now, it seems that surrender is the only way out. But they are not soldiers, they are private elite troops, similar to those of the dead.

They didn't surrender. Once they surrender, they will be punished severely by the family. Their families will be implicated. But if you don't surrender, there is no way to survive. You will be directly crushed by the powerful artillery of the other side!

What should I do? What are we going to do now?

"Boss, they are surrounded. Do you need to catch them alive?" Wu Zhaopu asked.

Lin Feng gave a cold hum.

"No, it's no use if they catch it. Just kill it! None of them Lin Feng said coldly.

No one left! Wu Zhaopu gave the order to attack.

Soon, without waiting for the elite troops of the eight American families to decide whether to surrender or resist, the T-90 had already launched heavy artillery fire.

The 125 mm smoothbore guns of the T-90 fired heavily, and the eight T-90 guns directly buried the elite troops of the eight American families alive. After a burst of intensive gunfire, a huge crater appeared in the same place. As for the elite troops of the eight families, there were no bones left for a long time, only a few broken limbs and bodies left, proving their previous existence.

Afterwards, the Somali peace guard cleaned up the battlefield as if nothing had happened.

"Boss, it's settled. I'm negotiating to change the base. I have several spare addresses. Which one does the boss like? " Wu Zhaopu asked.

Lin Feng shook his head.

"There's no need to change the address. It's where it is. It's rebuilt. After all, the underground facilities have not been damaged and do not need to be replaced. But rebuild a hospital on the foundation! " Lin Feng said, "rebuild a research hospital."

Under any circumstances, hospitals are protected by the Geneva Convention. Whoever attacks hospitals, even terrorists, will be strongly condemned by the whole society. As long as it's not too demented, it won't attack the hospital. Of course, it doesn't rule out that the other party is really crazy, but Lin Feng believes that after a while, they have no time to be crazy.

Wu Zhaopu has begun to rebuild. As for the secret base, it has not been affected in any way. After all, when it was first built, it was a testing ground on the top and a real research base on the bottom. And this research base was dug hundreds of meters deep and built with reinforced concrete. It can be said that as long as we don't encounter that kind of ground penetrating nuclear bomb explosion, the base will be fine. As long as the other side has a little idea of "dead light technology", they will not use this kind of ground penetrating nuclear bomb to attack. After all, if it's going to blow up, they won't get anything.

At the moment, the eight families are frowning. Because they lost contact with the ground forces. Although the air force has received effective reports of the attack and uploaded several ground photos taken by satellites, it can be seen that its base has been bombed upside down. It can be said that this air raid was very successful.

But after the air raid, they lost contact with the ground forces. Up to now, it has been ten minutes, and there is no news at all. This is abnormal, very abnormal!

"It looks like something happened to them!" Said old Rockefeller in a deep voice.

If it had not been for the accident, the ground forces would not have lost contact. The loss of contact now means that the ground forces have been killed.

"It seems that before, we were too optimistic!" Said Roosevelt in a cold voice.

The success of the previous air raid made them feel that there was nothing wrong with Somalia. After all, as far as Lin Feng's character is concerned, if there is any air defense force in Somalia, Lin Feng will certainly take it out against their F-117. But the F-117 drove straight in, and a blast went away. This makes them think that Lin Feng's control over Somalia is not so strong. But now, when the ground forces lost contact, they found themselves wrong. Maybe Lin Feng just ignored their bombing. After all, the F-117 didn't want to fight. Lin Feng focused all his attention on their ground troops.

"It seems that we have to adjust our strategy!" Edward Kennedy said, "if Somalia is big, it will be a crisis for us."

All seven of them nodded. A plot against Somalia is brewing in their minds. By this time, they had arrived at NYPD headquarters. But at the moment, there are already FBI agents at the gate of the headquarters.

"We're the FBI, and now we're taking over the case." The FBI didn't give the NYPD any explanation at all, and directly asked the seven owners to leave.

The seven householders snorted and decided to go to the hospital to see old DuPont and discuss countermeasures together. Countermeasures for Somalia.

Hum! Now in the White House, Donald hits the desk. Originally, he had intervened, ready to let the FBI withdraw. However, pressure from members of Congress forced him to give up his decision to withdraw the FBI. Members of Congress not only threatened to launch the impeachment decision if the eight owners entered the New York Police Department, but also held an emergency meeting on the "Millennium Bug" issue. The eight owners were guests. He, Donald, can't move these eight people right now. Not only can't move, even the FBI under his control is out of his control.

Director Mueller, whom he believes in, seems to have lost control of the FBI. The FBI was taken over by someone else.

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