Old Morgan lost his voice.

It's crazy that old DuPont should use the F-15. He knew what old DuPont meant, that is, to use F-15 to deal with the tortoise shell of Fengshen solar company, and by the way, to kill Madoff who might not be dead.

It's a wonderful idea, but it's also crazy. They can be unscrupulous abroad, and even use nuclear bombs to blow up forests in space. But none of that is in the United States.

In the United States, if you do this, the result will be very bad. Last time, on September 11, the U.S. military used F-15 to attack Lin Feng's airliner 737. In the end, it got a nose in the air. This time, the F-15 was used in the United States, and old Morgan worried that things would not be sorted out.

Don't forget that the last time the president of the United States was Bush, this time it has become Donald Trump. This is Lin Feng's father-in-law! And it's in California. Governor Schwarzenegger of California is also a friend of Lin Feng.

If it's just Donald, they're not afraid. The particularity of American law ensures that the president cannot directly manage the governor. But now, the president and the governor are on Lin Feng's side, and their actions, once caught, will be very passive!

"Morgan, we have no way back!" Old DuPont said, "if we miss this opportunity, we will never have such a good opportunity to get solar technology again."

Old Morgan frowned. He is also interested in solar energy technology. Now he can be sure that Lin Feng's solar technology must have come from Tesla notes. Otherwise, how could Lin Feng have such advanced solar technology. Not only that, but also Lin Feng's "gravitational magnetic field", which must have come from Tesla's notes.

For Tesla, although they once imprisoned him, they admire him very much. In particular, those other technologies that we have mastered have surpassed the earth for 100 years. Think about it. Edison racked his brains to create direct current, while Tesla easily invented alternating current. Edison wanted to make money from direct current, but Tesla directly disclosed the copyright of alternating current and provided free services for the public.

Such a person, invented things, naturally incomparable. This is the reason why Lin Feng can master so many black technologies. And solar energy is the energy of the next era, an energy that changes the world. In particular, if solar energy technology and Tesla's "wireless power transmission" are integrated, the result will be terrible and catastrophic, and will bring disruptive changes to the future of the world.

As we all know, solar energy depends on the sun. And on earth, in many, many places, the weather is very bad. Not all regions will enjoy abundant solar energy. Therefore, solar energy technology has its limitations for many areas. However, if we cooperate with the "wireless power transmission technology" developed by Tesla, we can overcome the biggest weakness of this solar technology application.

Space! Solar energy absorbing panels are placed in space to get the most abundant sunlight, which is then transmitted back to the ground through "wireless power transmission" technology. On the ground, you can enjoy an endless stream of solar energy. It's going to replace all energy in an instant! At present, they have mastered the wireless power transmission technology.

Of course, this technology also comes from "Tesla notes", page 17, wireless power transmission. Moreover, this technology has been completed as early as the era of Tesla. For example, the famous "Tesla coil" used this technology. It was just a toy. Of course, now many people also regard it as a toy. In fact, Tesla has been able to transmit power to a place 500 kilometers away through a special band through special equipment.

In this process, energy consumption is about 30%. Of course, the farther the distance, the greater the energy consumption. When it exceeds 1000 km, the energy loss will reach an amazing 50%, that is to say, only 50% of the energy you transmit from 1000 km away. At present, they have not been able to solve this problem in recent years, and the energy consumption is still so huge.

In other words, due to some changes in the earth's environment, the energy consumption is even greater. The reason why the eight families didn't study it is very simple. The receiving equipment of wireless power transmission is not expensive. The materials used are very common, but the technology is relatively advanced. If they put it on the market, the cable business would collapse. By selling cables every year, they can earn more than wireless power transmission.

Therefore, even if the eight families hold the technology that can change the world, can avoid the chaos of power poles all over the world, and can solve the dilemma of power transmission in the mountains and forests, they still have not launched such technology, or even invested in deeper research and development. The reason is very simple, that is, interest.

But if solar technology is available, combined with the technology in their hands, then it will be wonderful. Then oil will be out of the market immediately. They can launch a new way of energy, solar energy and wireless power transmission, monopolize the market, they will get huge profits.

Thinking of this, old Morgan's heart moved. However, there are still great concerns. The use of F-15 in the United States is taboo, and there will be a lot of unnecessary trouble. Especially, it's windy city, California!

"DuPont, how sure is it?" Asked old Morgan.

"At present, I have lost contact with the inside. I believe as long as I blow up the tortoise shell, I can get in touch. At that time, it can be transmitted. And I will take off and leave Fengcheng immediately Old DuPont said, "as for Madoff, as long as it is found, it will be bombed. If not, then I will arrange another person to assassinate him! He cheated so many people out of money that it's normal for him to be assassinated. "

"Well, let's talk about it." Old Morgan could not win by himself. This matter was too much involved. He could only hold a meeting to discuss it with us.

Naturally, old DuPont's decision to use F-15 to bomb Lin Feng's company was doubly tricky. It's easy for Lin Feng's company to blow up, but the follow-up work is the trouble.

But the prospect is tempting. Solar energy technology, with their "wireless power transmission", is really tempting.

"Besides, if we do it here, it will certainly distract Lin Feng. Somalia, that's opportunity! The defense on that side is much tighter than that on this side. We also need things to distract the attention on that side! " Old DuPont said.

In Somalia, members of the American family have locked in Lin Feng's secret base for developing "dead light technology" in Somalia. It's just that the defense forces over there are too tight. They don't dare to act rashly to avoid frightening the snake. But if things get big on this side, it will certainly affect the Somali side. As long as there is a flaw, they can capture dead light technology. Although it is not clear whether the research and development is successful or just laboratory works, they must take back the technology. Otherwise, it will be a disaster for them if Lin Feng's research and development is successful.

Compared with solar energy technology, dead light technology is more decisive. This is a "sharp weapon" that can really make their ambition go a step further.

Marx said: "if capital has 50% profit, it will take risks. If it has 100% profit, it will dare to trample on all human laws. If it has 300% profit, it will dare to commit any crime or even risk being hanged.".

Nowadays, the profit brought by solar energy technology combined with wireless power transmission technology is conservatively estimated to be more than one trillion US dollars every year. Such a large market and such crazy profits are enough for American families to take risks. What's more, there is also a "dead light technology" involved. This, they can't give up.

"Act!" Eight American families have reached an agreement. The use of F-15 this time is bound to cause a stir, but they decided to shoulder it together. It's not a big problem to use the strength of their eight families.

Soon, three F-15s took off from the air force base. In 15 minutes, we will arrive at Fengcheng. At the moment, all they need to do is wait for the 15 minutes.

At the moment, of course, Lin Feng didn't know that three F-15s had already taken off from the US Air Force base, and the target was his own solar company. Lin Feng is also waiting for news from Fengcheng.

As for Madoff, he has been sent to the safe house of the high court. He just waits for the end of today's business. Early tomorrow morning, before the opening, Madoff will make a speech.

"Let Mombasa Air Force Base in Kenya be ready to send F-15 fighters to bomb Somalia!" Old DuPont also ordered.

His people want to rush into Lin Feng's secret base in Somalia. That's impossible. So, we have to use the air force! Without the air force, it is impossible to help his people enter the air base. Although this action is bound to cause a lot of controversy, since the United States has used it, naturally it will also attack the bases in Somalia at one time.

It's all trouble, so I'm not afraid of more trouble! Besides, as long as everything goes well, then these troubles are not troubles! As a soldier, old DuPont naturally had a military style.

Just as the Korean War ended in those years, it was because the United States replaced President Eisenhower, an Iron-blooded and hardline soldier, and decided that if the Chinese side did not hold peace talks, it would rush the Chinese troops to the Yalu River at all costs, even using nuclear bombs. At that time, China had nothing.

This time, the old DuPont also decided to be a little bit hard-blooded.