Do you want to raise interest rates?

No, For the eight major families in the United States, they naturally knew the means of raising interest rates, but from the very beginning they rejected it. Although the Federal Reserve is controlled by them, they do not want to do what they want. After all, the United States is a democratic society and a legal society. They can not act like an autocratic society.

Of course, if they want to, they can raise interest rates at any time. But they have to think about the follow-up impact of this. Therefore, to the old Morgan, raising interest rates is absolutely a way to lose both sides.

So for Morgan senior, they are now secretly gathering information about people who have been hit by Madoff's Ponzi scheme. At the same time, we are also thoroughly examining the trend of the US economy. For them, as long as they prove that there is something wrong with the US economy, the stock market is bound to collapse, and then they will win without a fight. For them, there is no problem. All it takes is a little time.

As for Lin Feng, what he is doing now is to ensure that Madoff can enter the high court of Fengcheng safely. Because there is the most rigorous defense force in the United States, and the whole city is under the control of forest wind.

Of course, there is something else to do.

"Leo, things have changed. Now we don't need to crash the market to save the market. We need your money to save the market!" Lin Feng calls Leo vanta.

For what happened today, Leo vanta was also terrified. He knows who his opponent is. In fact, he was persecuted by these big families. At the beginning, he thought that he was fighting for his country, for the sake of the American government and the American people. He went to the former Soviet Union to rest on his laurels, and finally brought down the economy of the former Soviet Union and took away 27 trillion US dollars.

But unexpectedly, it is the ugly faces of these big families in the United States who are waiting for him. This fund is not for the American people, but for these rich families. So Leo vanta defected. Although he was eventually arrested and tortured to extort a confession, he did not disclose any information.

He hated the American family. Now these guys, actually take the initiative to smash the plate, and make such a strong wind wave, this is absolutely damned. You know, Lin Feng smashed the market, with his money, can save the market. But now the American family is smashing the market, so there is no way to save the market. It's going to crash. The damage it brings is unparalleled. This is absolutely equivalent to the atomic bomb explosion in the financial world. And it's the biggest ton.

"Mr. Lin, what should I do?" Leo vanta asked with a sense of hatred.

"Be ready to withdraw money to rescue the market at any time!" Lin Feng said, "don't worry about the reaction of those American owners. At this time, you don't have to be afraid of exposure. And I'll try to get Donald to give you an identity, a legal identity. So that you can be aboveboard and reunite with your mother! "

If it's the previous smash, Lin Feng can't let Donald arrange a reasonable identity for Leo vanta. Now, it's OK. Leo vanta was born as a hero, no matter what he did before, he will be forgiven by the United States. The only trouble, of course, is the attitude of Putin on the Russian side. After all, the money came from the former Soviet Union. Russia inherited most of the legacy of the former Soviet Union. This money, in theory, belongs to Russia's stolen wealth.

If it is exposed, no one knows what Putin will think and do. The reaction of this Tsar is unpredictable. As for private relations, Lin Feng doesn't think that private relations will help.

Of course, before that, Putin had a share in solar technology, but it was a tripartite cooperation. This time, it's hard to say how the 27 trillion US dollars will turn out. But Lin Feng had to take it out. After all, this is the territory of the United States, the territory of the eight families. This time, the eight families are too clever to take the lead. Forced Lin Feng to change strategy, resulting in the current situation.

Of course, the advantage is that this time both sides are forced to the edge of the cliff. Whoever falls down will be doomed. No matter who it is, there is no escape.

"Thank you, Mr. Lin!" Leo vanta is full of desire and frustration to be able to return to his family. Before Lin Feng admitted that he could return as a free person, which has made him very grateful. Now, Lin Feng also promised to give him a reasonable identity, which makes him more moved. This means that what he has done in the past 20 years has made sense, and that his life is not in vain.

His life is not without value, not denied! This is very, very meaningful for a person who is determined to serve his country!

Later, Lin Feng called Donald and mentioned the matter.

"Lin, it's OK for me to arrange a position for him. If this fund is used to save the market, he is a national hero. But Putin has a problem. Before that, although something about Leo vanta came out, we never admitted it. Russia, too, has nothing to do. And if he comes up with the money, Russia will have evidence to sue. Putin is going to be a big problem. If he does, everyone will be happy. If he doesn't recognize it and has to get it back, then war may be inevitable. " Donald worried.

Donald was born as a businessman. He was instinctively disgusted and even a little afraid of war. Therefore, he is very afraid of Putin. As a matter of fact, most US presidents take office alternately. For example, the last Bush was a hardline. According to Bush's resume, he participated in the Vietnam War, so he fought all over the world. In the last Bush administration, Clinton was an academic and an economist, so he was more moderate. The last term of Clinton was Bush the elder. He participated in World War II and had a very tough character. During his tenure, the most famous was the Gulf War.

Basically speaking, under normal circumstances, most of these two schools are on the stage alternately. Of course, it also represents the different attitudes of the American people towards war and economy. At present, people are dissatisfied with income and social welfare, so in fact, both Donald and Obama are a choice for people's own consideration.

"Don't worry, Putin, I'll talk about it!" Lin Feng naturally knew his father-in-law's disgust for war. It's not that he's weak, it's just that businessmen are born to hate war. Of course, there are also businessmen who like war, because only then can they make a lot of money. But that kind of person is obviously in the minority. Most people want world peace. After all, only in time of peace can we make more money.

"Well, we won't refund the money anyway. If he really wants to fight, we in the United States will not shrink back! " Donald gives up his bottom line. Since he is the president of the United States, in any case, he should have the bottom line of the president of the United States. He hated war, but under unavoidable circumstances, it was still fighting!

Lin Feng nodded and took a long breath. We'll be in America in eight hours. By that time, of course, the United States was closed. However, Lin Feng believes that there should be no big news today. Although it is said that the other side should collect chips very quickly, this short more than an hour's game this morning has exhausted both sides' mental and physical strength. Everyone needs a break.

After all, it's a long war. It's just the beginning. For a mature strategist, he hates to end a big war with a wave of current. Because that will produce all kinds of accidents, and when accidents happen, you often have no way to solve them.

This includes the real war. Hitler advocated one wave to flatten his opponent, but it was a battle, and you could use one wave to solve it. When it comes to an all-out war, if you use a wave of current, you will die miserably. Especially when you push your opponent hard, you will get into the mud.

Hitler did not level the former Soviet Union, which eventually led to his defeat. Japan wants to flatten the U.S. Navy, but it also fails.

And the trend of the times, step by step, let the opponent irresistible, is the real king.

Not as Lin Feng expected. Lin Feng didn't do anything. The eight families in the United States were peaceful and peaceful. One day passed. Most of the trading days in the back of the whole stock market were calm. Everyone was stunned. No one thought that after the crazy gambling in the morning, the back would be so calm. It's kind of incredible for everyone.

"It's the end of the day, it's off work, it's off work!" The mood on Wall Street is down. They can not understand the calm of the second half of the trading day.

Of course, they also know that today is not destined to be a peaceful day. At the moment, although the market is closed, I believe that all this happened today and the bets on the 5.898 billion futures index will become the focus of hot discussion tonight.

All people, all countries, will be worried about what happened today.

What happened today? Is it Lin Feng who saved the market? Who's the one who broke it? What kind of impact will the 5.898 billion futures index bring to the United States? What kind of impact it will have on the world economy is worrying.

The whole world is lost in this amazing gamble. Everything that happens in the world, at this moment, is no longer important. What matters is the 5.898 billion futures index!

Of course, it's not that nothing matters. For example, Nu Wa found Lin Feng. Because time is up, the three days promised by Lin Feng, time is up!

She, Nu Wa, what's the future?