The heads of these banks at the Federal Reserve are a little overwhelmed. The day is almost bright, and there is no news, which makes them anxious. In desperation, we can only let the FBI have a look again.

In fact, the FBI also has a headache. This is one of the five mafia families in New York. It's not suitable for them to go. In particular, it's easy for the other four mafias to think that they are involved in the Mafia fight in New York, which will cause big trouble. Although the FBI has a lot of power, they can't really do whatever they want. For example, if the five mafias in New York really get into trouble, the order in New York will be thoroughly disrupted.

You arrested people? Can you catch them all? Can you arrest me without proof! You can't catch it! And even if you catch it, it will intensify things. There are two sides to this world. The white way and the underworld way are always accompanied by each other.

But what the FBI never thought was that when they felt the Colombo family villa, they saw such a scene. At the door of the Colombo family, there are two lions, which are very magnificent. They are from the East. In order to show their power and magnificence, the Colombo family replaced the stone ball in the lion's mouth with luminous beads. Every night, the stone lion's mouth glows, which becomes the scene of the four weeks. Of course, it also represents the strength of the Colombo family.

As for whether it will be too high-profile, in fact, the New York celebrity circle basically knows the identity and status of the Colombo family. Whether he is high-profile or low-key is not much different.

But at the moment, two lions were smashed, smashed, the mouth of the night pearl disappeared! Seeing this, the FBI's first instinct is that the Colombo family has been robbed. But who dares to rob the Colombo family! I don't want to live! You know, even if the night pearl is put here, there is no one to guard it. No one dares to rob it. If you have any bad ideas, you will die in those deserted corners that night.

The FBI couldn't figure out who was so bold as to screw up the Colombo lion.

"Head, no one, ring the doorbell, no one opens!" FBI agents come back.

At the moment, something is starting to go wrong. But the FBI didn't pay much attention to it. After all, the Colombo family has been standing in New York for more than 100 years. It is a gangster family with a longer history than the FBI. Although there have been ups and downs in the past hundred years, it has been able to stand still, which naturally has its unique features. Otherwise, the FBI wouldn't choose the klombo family. Naturally, it never occurred to me that the Colombo family was destroyed at the moment.

"Go in! Let's see if we've gone there again! " The FBI decided to wait first.

But as soon as it entered the gate, the FBI was stunned. Dead bodies can be seen everywhere, and they belong to the klombo family. All over the villa area, there are bodies of the Colombo family everywhere. God, what's going on? Is it true that there has been a large-scale fight among New York gangs!

"Head, there's Andro Russo's body!" The FBI agent exclaimed.

“FUCK! What the hell is going on The FBI is angry. All the members of the entire Colombo family were killed. At their headquarters. What's going on?

The Gambino family! It must be the Gambino family! The FBI immediately went to the Gambino family, but the Gambino family knew nothing about it. For the collapse of the Colombo family, the Gambino family is also shocked, and has a strong lament.

Although the Gambino family and the Colombo family are mortal enemies, they have been fighting each other for more than 100 years, although they are eager to frustrate each other. But after more than 100 years of fighting, both sides also have a special friendship. At this moment, I suddenly heard that the Colombo family had been exterminated. There was no one left. Some of the Gambino family were not gloating, but deeply afraid.

The person who knows you best is not your friend, but your enemy. The Gambino family is very clear about the strength of the Colombo family. If the other party can quietly destroy the Colombo family, it will naturally destroy the Gambino family. This means that there may be external forces here to take action against the Mafia in New York.

After the FBI left, the remaining four mafia families in New York sounded the highest level alarm and began to investigate all external forces, cooperating with the FBI to find out who was the murderer of the Colombo family.

The FBI made a circle in sankou group, Vietnam gang and other foreign gangs, determined that it had nothing to do with them, and then returned to the Colombo family's villa.

This time, the collapse of the Colombo family is not only related to the peace of New York, but also because of the disappearance of the key figure Madoff. Even if the FBI digs three feet, it still needs to find people. Then, the FBI began the most careful investigation of the Colombo family. As a result, this investigation is extremely difficult to find.

All the valuable things of the whole Colombo family have disappeared. Whatever it is, it's all gone. The rest were worthless things, and the rest were emptied.

"Fuck, which gang of thieves did this!" The FBI is also in a rage.

They've been through so many cases, big, small, countless. In the past few years, I have never seen the truth that people come to seek revenge and empty their homes. Even if it's just for money, you're not so vicious. Take away the TV that's not easy to move. You know, the power that can attack the idea of the Colombo family is so short of money!

This kind of logic dead cycle makes the FBI almost crazy. Fortunately, however, the FBI has gained something, that is, these people who attacked the Colombo family are extremely skillful. They should have been born in the army.

Army! All of a sudden, the scope is much smaller. The Colombo family was wiped out, Madoff disappeared and his two sons disappeared. This time, let the FBI connect them together, and Lin Feng is the only one who has the ability to do so many things and has the reason to do it.

The FBI quickly came to this conclusion. And for this conclusion, they are very headache. Over the years, the FBI and Lin Feng have been fighting. But the FBI never took advantage of Lin Feng. In particular, after Donald became the director of the FBI, there were more restrictions on the FBI. He restricted them from going to trouble Lin Feng without any evidence. Even if there is evidence, if you want to go to Lin Feng for trouble, you have to report to the director.

Unexpectedly, this time, it will be related to Lin Feng! Of course, this matter will not be reported to the director. The reason is very simple. The relationship between Donald and Lin Feng is now Weng Xu. If you want to tell the director of the FBI, you have to report to Donald. Lin Feng will know.

So the FBI branch in New York hid it. After all, the eight American families are the behind the scenes owners of the US government. In the FBI, there are naturally their people, otherwise how could they cooperate with the klombo family. Of course, hiding is hiding, but the FBI can't deal with it properly. You can only tell this to the bank presidents at the Federal Reserve.

Hearing this news, the presidents of the Federal Reserve's banks also look very ugly. You say, the most troublesome thing in the world is to get involved with Lin Feng. But now it has something to do with Lin Feng.

"Now what? I'm afraid we can't handle it! After daybreak, the boss will arrive in New York. We expected to get the money back from the financial market in the daytime, but now we can't Jamie Damon is angry. He thinks the FBI is useless, and the klombo family is useless. This can lose people. It's useless.

Of course, whether it works or not, we need to solve the problem now. How to deal with the anger of the eight owners. Although they have asked the FBI to search, they can't find it. This makes them helpless.

In the end, they had no choice but to wait until they got off the plane and didn't have jet lag.

In the Fed's conference room, eight homeowners sit in line, listening to the explanations of their bank presidents.

"You mean you've all become members of Madoff's poor Ponzi scheme?" Old Morgan was surprised to hear the bank presidents' confession.

These people are all elites in the financial sector. Their names are well-known. They are all talents who are highly expected by their families. It's stupid to be cheated by Madoff! If it wasn't for the extraordinary times, he really wanted to throw all these wastes into the Pacific Ocean to feed the sharks.

"How much money have you been cheated of?" Old Rockefeller also had an angry face.

"To tell you the truth, a lie will make you go to Africa to mine!" Old DuPont growled.

The other five were also furious. The reason why they came out of the plane was that they were worried that Madoff's affair would cause too much turbulence on American Financial Street. I'm more worried about Lin Feng's resurgence. So they came. But I didn't expect that, as a result, what was waiting for them was such bad news.

"Our banks have been cheated for a total of $210 billion!" Jamie Dimon, President of JPMorgan Chase Bank, said with shame.

"We've been cheated $170 billion!" President of Rockefeller's Bank.

"We've been cheated out of 120 billion dollars!"

"We've been cheated of $90 billion!"


Eight families of banks, trusts, insurance, bonds and other companies, combined by Madoff cheated a total of $1.01 trillion! This figure almost made eight householders faint. This sum of money is not a big figure for the eight families. The liquidity in their hands is still able to bear such losses. It's just that they can't afford to lose their face.

It is rumored that Madoff defrauded trillions of dollars, most of which is the money of their eight families.

"According to our statistics, Madoff defrauded a total of $2.1 trillion, regardless of several million dollars! Most of all, Lin Feng has been defrauded of $350 billion! " Jamie Dimon whispered. He now put forward the name of Lin Feng and the number of people who were cheated, and also wanted to distract the attention of the eight owners.

Lin Feng? Eight house owners snorted. Jamie Dimon's words really distracted them and made them feel better. Think about how smart Lin Feng is, but he has been cheated $350 billion. If this is to be spread, it will make people laugh!

Of course, there's nothing to gloat about at the moment, because he and others have been cheated.

"And Madame McDonnell?" Asked Edward Kennedy.

"This... Is missing!" Jamie Damon had to tell the truth.

be missing! Missing from the klumbo family, and the klumbo family was killed. Military tactics! After hearing what happened, the eight family owners took a deep breath. They all thought of an organization, Langya.

There are many militarized organizations in the world that can do such things, but there is only one that dares to do so, that is, the wolf tooth, which can only be done by the wolf tooth. That's what Lin Feng did.

He took Madoff. What's the point?

"What do you think of yesterday's stock market fluctuation?" Asked old Morgan.

"We suspect that someone is maliciously sniping the stock market. We are still investigating who is behind the scenes. But the money is huge and seems to be ready. It seems to know Madoff's "Ponzi scheme", so I have been waiting for the "Ponzi scheme" to be exposed and then sniping at the stock market. Yesterday, we conservatively estimated that our competitors made at least $340 billion. Of course, we also cooperated tacit understanding once, and we got 18.7 billion dollars! " Jamie Damon answered truthfully.

18.7 billion US dollars! It's a very satisfying number in ordinary times. Although it is the profit generated by the cooperation of so many banks, each bank also has a profit of more than 1 billion US dollars. It's good for them.

However, it hurts to think of the money lost. It's even more painful to think that the talents and elites of our company have been cheated out of so much money by such a poor means as Madoff.

Attack the stock market! Know the Ponzi scheme in advance! Hearing this, old Morgan thought that it was Lin Feng's sniping behind his back. Maybe all this was Lin Feng's plot. He had already arranged everything, even the Ponzi scheme, which was arranged by Lin Feng!

If so, his ambition will be great!

"Well, go down! As for the mistakes you have made this time, you should write an inspection report yourself. As for whether you have been punished or not, we will deal with them after this storm! " Said old Morgan in a cold voice.

The heads of the Fed's banks heaved a sigh. What old Morgan said was that he allowed them to commit crimes. That's a good thing. But Madoff's gone. What's next? People are helpless. But fortunately, all of you are back! Now it's time for them to take the lead.