get some action!

Huaxing society, or wolf tooth veterans, once they start to move, it's like wolves foraging. Quietly close, at the most appropriate time to expose the sharp fangs, give the enemy the most lethal blow.

The backbone of Huaxing society are all veterans from "Langya". Besides guns, they are good at concealed weapons, China's concealed weapons!

Wang Meng is good at ironballs, so all the kung fu masters in wolf tooth are good at using concealed weapons. Of course, according to everyone's own conditions, we choose different concealed weapons. For example, iron balls, that is, steel balls, need extremely strong finger force, which is not what ordinary people can do. Therefore, each soldier, according to his own conditions, chose different concealed weapons, such as throwing knives, darts and so on.

As for why we choose concealed weapons, it is because under some special circumstances, even the silencing weapons can not be absolutely silent. Of course, to be exact, silent pistol should be called micro sound pistol.

A muffling sleeve is installed at the barrel of the pistol, and the front half of the muffling sleeve is equipped with a crimped muffling screen. When the bullet is fired, the high-pressure gas from the muzzle does not directly expand in the air, but enters the silencing screen. Most of the energy is absorbed and consumed by the silencing screen. When the remaining gas is ejected out of the sleeve, the pressure and speed are very low, and the sound is very weak. In addition, there are some air holes in the back part of the silencing sleeve to reduce the instantaneous air pressure of the bullet.

In the end, the silencing sleeve ensures that the sound of the bullet out of the barrel does not exceed 80 decibels. As for 80 decibels, what level is it? The human body needs a quiet environment during normal sleep. 0-40 DB is a quiet normal environment; More than 50 decibels will affect sleep and rest. If it reaches above 70 decibels, it will interfere with the normal conversation between the two people, resulting in upset, inattention, affecting work efficiency, and even accidents; Long term working or living in the noise environment above 90 dB will seriously affect hearing and lead to other diseases.

How much DB is the common noise in human life?

0 dB: about 3 meters away, the sound of a mosquito flying is 0 dB. There's no way to know. So, if a mosquito bites you, you can't feel it through sound waves.

In a very quiet room, when the doors and windows are closed tightly at night, there is no vehicle passing by outside. In the case of human voice, it is 10 decibels. The world is quiet to all the people in the room.

A little higher, the buzz of the light bulb is 13 dB. If you stick your ear to the light bulb, you can hear the buzz more clearly. Of course, generally speaking, no one does it because it gets burned.

And in Chinese class, there is usually such a figurative sentence - the scene is so quiet that you can hear a needle falling on the ground. So, how big is the decibel when a needle falls to the ground? 15 decibels! The sound of a pin falling from a height of one centimeter one meter away. So, in fact, this kind of metaphor is not appropriate to be scientific and rigorous. Because you can't hear a pin drop.

Countryside, think of the countryside, my mind will emerge a Lotus Pond Moonlight, frogs call insects beautiful picture. And the night of such a pleasant countryside is 20 decibels. Therefore, the human body can easily get into sleep at night in the countryside.

It's 20 decibels at night in the country. What about the desert night? How many decibels will there be? Would it be quieter than a country night? No, it's 30 decibels at night in the desert. Because the wind in the desert, the rolling sound of sand, will produce a slightly higher noise than the countryside. Of course, only 30 decibels, the human body can still quickly sleep.

And what's the sound of our normal conversation? 40-60 decibels. Apart from some people who are born with extremely loud voice, the decibels of normal people's conversation are all 40-60 decibels. Although the voice is not big, it is enough to affect a person's normal sleep.

So, how loud is the noise of the washing machine that you often hear? 50-53 decibels, this sound is also within the range of human acceptance, has not entered the level of noise pollution.

What about cars? It's usually noise when it comes to cars. Normally, when a car drives by, the noise caused by a car passing 10 meters away is as high as 60-80 decibels, which usually exceeds the maximum noise level acceptable to the human body.

What is the maximum noise the human body can accept? 70 decibels! This is a watershed, beyond this sound level, the human body is very difficult to endure. What are the tools of daily life that usually reach this level? The sound of a vacuum cleaner working about 3 meters away. This sound is basically the limit that the human body can tolerate. No matter how big it is, if it continues, it will lead to hearing loss, sleep disorders, anxiety, learning disabilities and so on.

So, usually, when a large bus or truck passes by 3 meters away, the sound is unbearable and irritating. Because that sound level has reached 90 decibels. Of course, when the food mixer at home is turned on, its decibels are as high as 90 decibels, which is also the reason why the family can not tolerate.

Of course, in the family, there is another noise that the human body cannot bear, that is, the maximum volume of ordinary household audio equipment can be as high as 100 dB. This volume is also unbearable to the human body. Why do you feel so wonderful when you drive to the maximum? The reason is that when you listen to a song, you are intoxicated by the beautiful sound, and your brain automatically filters out certain noises, so that you can't feel them in a short time. However, if you listen to music at full volume for a long time, you will find that your hearing will drop sharply. And the best proof is that if you change a song that others think is good, but you don't, you will instantly think it's noise.

When the sound wave reaches 104-107 decibels, no matter what music is played, people's ears will begin to feel pain, which is a very uncomfortable sound.

The engine noise of a jet plane 100 meters away is as high as 110-140 decibels. I believe many people will feel extremely harsh and upset when they hear the engine noise of a jet plane. Because, this is the human body can not bear the sound.

How much noise pollution is there when listening to a rock concert? 120-130 decibels, no less than the noise pollution of jet aircraft. Of course, the first row of rock concerts has such treatment. This is also why many fans who sit in the first row to enjoy the rock concert are in a tinnitus state in the next few days. If you often sit in the first row to listen, basically, your probability of hearing loss is much higher than that of ordinary people.

So, what's the biggest scream a human can make? 128 decibels, the biggest scream ever recorded. And this scream can directly cause tinnitus.

Of course, at this level, unless long-term in its noise pollution source, otherwise there is no harm to the human body. But when the decibel reaches 140 decibels, even if the sound is short, it will also cause hearing loss, accompanied by nausea and vomiting. And ordinary pistols, shooting close to the human ear, will have such a noise.

As for the M1 garland rifle firing from 1 meter away, its decibels are as high as 168 decibels. Within 1 meter, you will lose your hearing for a short time, and may have lifelong hearing loss.

When one ton of TNT explosive explodes 75 meters away, it will produce acoustic wave attack as high as 175.8 decibels. In this range of human, basically, absolute hearing loss, is irresistible and irreversible.

What about higher decibels? For example, what is the decibel of an explosion within 1 meter? 7 dB. No matter what explodes, no matter how close the distance, the highest decibel is only 192.8-194.7 decibels. Because it's the most intense sound that the earth can theoretically transmit at atmospheric pressure. No matter how high it is, it's only so high. Of course, reaching this decibel, the eardrum will be broken instantly.

Therefore, for Langya, the low-noise pistol's noise attenuation of less than 80 decibels can not meet their requirements. Especially for the well-trained special forces, they can hear the unique sound of bullets coming out of the chamber in a noisy environment. So wolf tooth chose to use concealed weapons.

The maximum sound of concealed weapons entering the human body will not exceed 30 decibels. Unless it is in an absolutely quiet environment, it is difficult to attract other people's attention.

When Tang Feng announced the action, the backbone of the "Huaxing society" led by him began the massacre of the Colombo family. Although the five mafia families in New York are antagonistic to each other, they are also consistent with each other. If the news of today's raid on the Colombo family by Huaxing society is leaked, it will be avenged by the other four mafia families in New York. This is not conducive to the development of Huaxing society. Even if Lin Feng allocated all the "wolf teeth" to him, it would not work.

Because this is not Africa, this is New York.

Therefore, tonight's action, we must cut down the grass roots and leave none! As for humanitarianism, Tang Feng has always believed that the underworld does not need humanitarianism. When they die, the society will be more peaceful.

"Poop", "poop", "poop"... The sound of hidden weapons entering the body. For Tang Feng and others, the defense power of the Colombo family is nothing but a virtual one. Of course, the reason why they were able to invade so easily was that they caught the Colombo family by surprise. The Colombo family never thought that someone would come to trouble them tonight. You know, they just worked with the FBI!