"Ah, I still think the boss's" China on the tip of the tongue "is delicious Soros took the last sip of red wine in his glass and drank it down.

Abby Cohen was also greedy. To be honest, since the opening of "China on the tip of the tongue" by Lin Feng, almost all the celebrities and dignitaries in New York have become frequent visitors. We are also really aware of the Chinese food, know that China's real food, is the world's first food.

French food has always been considered as a world food, but French food always tastes like lobster, oysters, steak, champagne and so on. The French meal, generally 13 dishes: the first dish frozen appetizer plate; The second course is vegetable soup; The third course is a hot appetizer; The fourth course is fish; The fifth course is the main course (according to the theme of tonight); The sixth course is hot plate; The seventh course is cold dish; The eighth dish is snow flower; The ninth course is barbecue and salad; The tenth course is vegetables; The eleventh course is dessert; The twelfth course is salty; The thirteenth course is dessert.

All in all, there are only 13 dishes. No matter how many varieties there are, there are no more varieties. But if you look at Chinese food, Lin Feng has one of the most famous "Manchu and Han banquet". It's a dish that needs to be ordered, and it has to be bought in groups. Yes, it's group buying. It has to be group buying to enjoy.

Group buying, for these celebrities and dignitaries, is a very distant term. Group buying, when did they Group buy. What they want to buy, don't they just spend money on it! If you can't buy it at the original price, you can buy it at a higher price! As long as you like, money is not a problem!

Therefore, when the "Manchu and Han banquet" came out, the rich and famous people directly asked for meals. But was rejected, because one, the price is too high, too high to afford.

Manchu and Han banquet, mainly northeast, mountain east, North Beijing, Jiangsu Zhejiang cuisine. There are 54 southern dishes in total: 30 Jiangsu Zhejiang dishes, 12 Fujian dishes and 12 Guangdong Eastern dishes. 54 North dishes: 12 Manchu dishes, 12 North Beijing dishes, 30 mountain east dishes, a total of 108 dishes! And in "China on the tip of the tongue," these 108 dishes cost US $10.8 million!

The price is amazing. The average celebrity can't bear it. And even if you have money, such as Arab oil chiefs, it's not too much for them to spend $10.8 million on a big meal. But sorry, not for sale!

Because you can't finish it! 108 dishes, a person, simply can't finish! So, group buying is necessary! The last time "China on the tip of the tongue" launched "Manchu and Han banquet", Soros and Abby Cohen both had the honor to buy it in a group, and the taste still makes them have endless aftertaste.

"Now that I have an appetizer for this French meal, when will I begin to eat the whole meal of Manchu and Han?" Abby Cohen has a point.

For this sniper plan, Soros is the main one, and Abby Cohen only provides assistance and overall advice at critical moments. But it's all about Soros.

"Now we can't talk about eating the whole meal of Manchu and Han. After eating the appetizer, let's have some soup." Soros laughs.

"Everyone, short Nasdaq 100 hands!" Soros ordered.

all? Where's everyone from? At the beginning, when Wall Street sold short of Lin Feng's "second world", he was attacked by Lin Feng and eventually led to the bankruptcy of tens of thousands of Wall Street stockbrokers. Later, Lin Feng helped 30000 people avoid bankruptcy. After that, he signed an agreement with 30000 people. Within ten years, they belonged to Lin Feng.

From these 30000 people, Soros selected 3000 elite soldiers.

As the saying goes, one hundred and two Qinguan pass belongs to Chu, and three thousand Yuejia pass can swallow Wu. Soros is going to use this carefully selected 3000 strong generals to swallow the world!

Sell short again! Abby Cohen's brow moved slightly.

Whether a market is sensitive depends on whether it can withstand some sudden attacks. If the market confidence is strong enough, then this kind of short selling is just a small wave.

Three thousand stockbrokers, 100 hands per person, but only 300000 hands short. As long as it's normal, it won't cause much trouble for NASDAQ.

And if the market is sensitive, then a little ripple will cause a stir. When these 300 thousand hands go down, in an instant, the originally calm market will explode like a drop of water in an oil pan.

"Fall! Someone sold short on NASDAQ! Can't it be said that those technology companies lent money to Madoff and were cheated? " There was an uproar on Wall Street.

Nasdaq stock index, instant dozens of points, dozens of points down. Although its momentum is not as fierce as before, but now the market is full of grass and trees. These stockbrokers have been asking about Madoff's news, trying to find out how much money it has sunk and how many companies are involved in it.

But Madoff is closely monitored by the FBI, and no outsiders are allowed to contact him. In this case, they have no way to know. Although, they also want to explore roundabout, through mark Madoff to find out how many people Madoff has harmed. But what makes people helpless is that mark Madoff is a dandy. He doesn't know anything about his father.

As for whether mark Madoff is pretending to be a fool, this is not true. In terms of this guy's reputation in the past and the title of that dandy, I really don't care who he is. Moreover, in the past 20 years, he has never shown any talent in finance. This kind of person, if Madoff is willing to tell him about the Ponzi scheme, then Madoff is really dizzy.

So we let mark Madoff go. Naturally, there was no news. On the contrary, it made everyone feel confused. Originally, you said you would sell all the stocks in your hands. What if they go up? If the news of Madoff is not true, the stock market is bound to usher in a retaliatory rebound, not to mention the current momentum is so good, if you want to miss this wave of opportunities and do not speculate in stocks, it would be a big loss.

But what if it's true? You say, it's going to kill people! Therefore, we are suspicious here, and we are afraid of everything. Now, as soon as Soros makes a move, the whole market is in a panic.

"Is it for sale or not?" We are discussing with each other.

Some of them insist that the market will not collapse here, and this is clearly short-term speculation. As long as there's nothing wrong with Madoff, it'll be OK. At present, there is no one in the market who goes to find Madoff and publicly claims that Madoff cheated him.

No, None of them!

In this case, it shows that Madoff's Ponzi scheme, even if it is true, may have limited influence. Naturally, some people are bullish and think that the stock market has experienced such ups and downs. What's more, after this kind of news, the sun is shining high.

Of course, some people are bullish, others are bearish. I think that in this market situation, it is very likely that the disaster will never come back. However, such people are still in the minority at present. After all, the stock market has been booming for so long. In the United States, unless there is a stock disaster, the stock market will have a bull market for more than a decade or even more with economic growth. And not like China, bull market, bear market back and forth.

Such a clear distinction between bull market and bear market usually indicates that the stock market is manipulated and intervened by policies. Otherwise, it will not fluctuate so easily.

"Keep shorting 100 hands!" Soros calmly ordered.

At the moment, the market is in a panic, so let the panic be more violent. He wants to try to find out what the financial companies in the United States are going to do. What attitude they have!

Another 300000 short selling. This hand, under the rule of 100 times leverage, needs to use 2830 US dollars, 300000 hands, that is 849 million US dollars!

It sold short twice before and after, totaling 600000 hands, or US $1.698 billion. But because of 100 times leverage, there are almost $169.8 billion short selling in this market.

In an instant, the market was in a panic. At first, we were still hesitating, but looking at the momentum, the other side seemed to attack again after a meal. And this time, instead of targeting the three major U.S. stock indexes before, we only targeted NASDAQ. The market panic brought about by this directly aroused strong market reaction.

Nasdaq, before from 2830 points, fell to 2700 points, now is directly 100 points, 100 points down. Because people suspect that what Madoff is digging is the money of the listed companies in Nasdaq. Most of NASDAQ are high-tech companies. These companies are quick to make money, and it's easy to make millionaires, multimillionaires and billionaires. But these people are quick to make money. Maybe they are Madoff's customers!

Driven by this idea, the NASDAQ index is even more frantic. In a short time, it fell to 2400 points, and then it fell again to 500 points.

"Someone must be maliciously sniping the stock index, using Madoff's business to maliciously snipe the stock market. We have to stabilize the market, or we're all done! " Jamie Dimon, President of JPMorgan, frowned.

"Continue to let out the wind, claiming that Madoff may not be involved in the case, only tens of billions of dollars!" Rockefeller bank claimed.

Soon, the market spread, according to the FBI claims, Madoff's Ponzi scheme, fraud may not be trillions of dollars, only 10 billion dollars. It is said that the trillions of US dollars just now came from a Japanese media report, using yen as the unit, trillions of yen, not US dollars!

When the news comes out, the market is obviously getting warmer.

"Yen? Not dollars! Well, sell 100 more hands short! " Soros sneered. Don't want to take money out, just want to rely on a little market information to support the market, not so simple!