Is the change of Nu Wa related to Lin Youxi?

Lin Feng was surprised. But think about it, it's not impossible. Lin Youxi has always been an ancient spirit, and before, Lin Feng also allowed Nu Wa to chat with Lin Youxi at any time. And Lin Youxi, originally not an ordinary child, came out of her mouth some shocking remarks, this is normal.

"Is there any way to solve this high temperature phenomenon?" Asked Lin Feng.

Now that things have happened, it's meaningless to investigate why they happened. Now we are going to solve the problem. Not only to solve the problem of Nu Wa, but also to solve the problem of high temperature alarm. Both problems need to be solved.

"Boss, Nuwa's ideological and hardware problems are not easy to solve. Comparatively speaking, ideological problems may be better solved! " Brian Cohen said.

"We can also talk with Nu Wa and communicate with her to solve her ideological problems. This is a problem that we can solve as long as we have the heart. The real trouble is the hardware. We still underestimate the living space needed by an intelligent life. " Brian Cohen said, "originally, I thought the hardware needs of Nu Wa could be solved by paralleling CPU, hard disk and memory. But now I find I'm wrong! "

Lin Feng took a deep breath.

"You mean our supercomputer configuration is too low now?" Lin Feng asked with a headache.

"No, it's not that the configuration is too low, but that it can't meet the hardware standard required by a smart life. We're one level short. " Brian Cohen said, "we are still in the age of silicon computer, and the existing technology can't meet the quality improvement of computer speed, and can't meet the needs of Nu Wa. Before I could be satisfied, it was because Nu Wa had not grown up yet. "

Brian Cohen stopped for a moment, waiting for people to absorb what he said.

"We all know that for human beings, babies are the purest and have the least distractions. As adults, there will always be various distractions as we grow up. Even if you focus on it again, you may have some thoughts in your mind. But we human beings, because our memory is limited, as well as our environment, so our thoughts are limited. But Nu Wa is different. The amount of information she contacts is countless times that of us. The thoughts we've had in our minds in a year may not be as much as the thoughts she's turned around in a millisecond. " Brian Cohen said.

Lin Feng was surprised.

"You mean that Nu Wa can have thoughts in her mind now, and these thoughts will affect her!" Lin Feng was surprised.

"Boss, I don't know whether these thoughts will interfere with Nu Wa. But her mind has indeed begun to produce thoughts, and these thoughts, the instantaneous data throughput, is our fatal injury. The instantaneous throughput is too large. With our existing technology, it is difficult to guarantee such a huge amount of data throughput. In particular, "Nu Wa" is still growing. With her constant growth, her mind will inevitably have more and more thoughts! " Brian Cohen frowned and said, "the existing supercomputer technology can't solve this problem. Unless, the computer technology updates, the emergence of cross era products

Lin Feng took a deep breath.

"Brian, at present, my company has found superconductors. Although the temperature is still a little low, I believe that with the investment of funds, superconductor computers will appear soon, and the changes to computers will be huge, and they should be able to meet the hardware standard of Nuwa!" Lin Feng said.

Superconductor! Brian Cohen has heard about it. At present, however, it is only a laboratory work, and superconductors can be formed only at a low temperature of about 200 degrees. It's basically useless.

"Boss, superconductor, I don't know how long it will take to develop superconductors at room temperature. Without room temperature, everything is meaningless. And I think our company should step into new areas. " Brian Cohen said, "quantum computer! We should invest in developing quantum computers! "

Quantum computer! Lin Feng's brow moved.

"Boss, quantum computer, although it sounds very mysterious, in fact, the industry has not studied quantum computer for one or two days." Brian Cohen said.

Quantum computer, which was first proposed by Richard Feynman, was originally derived from the simulation of physical phenomena. But he found that when simulating quantum phenomena, because of the huge Hilbert space, the amount of data becomes huge, and the computing time required for a good simulation becomes considerable, even unrealistic astronomical figures. Richard Feynman thought at that time that if the computer composed of quantum system was used to simulate quantum phenomena, the operation time could be greatly reduced. The concept of quantum computer was born.

However, in the 1980s, quantum computers were mostly in the state of theoretical derivation and so on. Until 1994, after Peter Sauer proposed the quantum quality factor decomposition algorithm, quantum computer has become a hot topic because of its threat to RSA encryption algorithm in banks and networks. In addition to the theory, there are many scholars focus on the use of a variety of quantum systems to achieve quantum computers.

The reason why quantum computer surpasses traditional computer lies in the fundamental difference of its calculation. Traditional semiconductors can only record 0 or 1, while quantum computers can represent multiple states at the same time. If you compare a semiconductor computer to a single musical instrument, a quantum computer is like a symphony orchestra. It can handle many different situations in one operation. Therefore, a 40 bit quantum computer can solve the problem that a 1024 bit electronic computer takes decades to solve.

"Now many companies, such as IBM, Ulrich research center in Germany, are developing quantum computers. I think we can also invest in R & D in this area! " Brian Cohen suggested that "research with supercomputers."

Lin Feng pinches his chin and considers Brian Cohen's proposal.

"Brian, our company is just a pure software company at present. The hardware department has sold it to phantom technology. I don't think it's suitable for us to study quantum computer again! Maybe the phantom technology under the boss can study it! " Huilisa suggested.

"I know. That's why I propose that we study quantum computers, because it involves quantum mechanics. We have Hawking here. It's very suitable for us to study quantum computers. As for hardware, we don't need to produce it. We just research and develop it. As for the follow-up production, if there are any results, we can give them to the downstream manufacturers for production! " Brian Cohen seriously said, "on the contrary, the boss's phantom technology, I think, can be used to study photonic computers!"

Photon computer! Lin Feng difference, this has a new term.

"At present, in view of the limitations of silicon computers, the consensus of the industry is that when the process reaches 7Nm, it will enter the bottleneck of performance improvement, and I'm afraid it will not be able to improve the performance any more. Now, it has entered the age of 32 nm, and I believe it will be promoted again soon. We don't have much time and space. Therefore, the industry long ago proposed three solutions to change the computer world: superconductor computer, quantum computer and photonic computer! At present, the research directions of different countries are different. I think the boss can study it together Brian Cohen said.

Three kinds of computer research together! Lin Feng took a puff from the corner of his mouth.

"Brian, how much money do you think it will take?" Asked Lin Feng.

"At present, the investment in each field is at least over 100 billion US dollars! It's a conservative estimate Brian Cohen is a bit soft when it comes to money. Because this investment is not necessarily able to see results, it is very likely that you have invested money, spent time, but can not get any results. This is not impossible, it is very possible. Therefore, he just proposed, but he didn't have the strength to persuade Lin Feng to agree.

Now Lin Feng is already studying superconductors. As for quantum computers and photonic computers, it doesn't matter if Lin Feng doesn't study them, so as to avoid spending money wrongly.

now I see! Lin Feng pinched his chin. If there is no such financial storm, Lin Feng will directly veto Brian Cohen's proposal. Even if they have money, they will not burn money on it. This kind of scientific research, once put into practice, is like a bottomless pit. In the absence of any results before you do not invest money, in front of all the investment is playing a float. Continue to invest money, no one knows how much will be invested. No matter how rich Lin Feng was, he didn't make such a fuss.

But this time, the financial storm gave Lin Feng a chance. As long as he wins, Lin Feng's money will be enough to cover the whole of China. It doesn't matter to Lin Feng to spend some money on scientific research. As for losing, it must be a clean loss. It doesn't matter whether you invest or not.

"Huilisa, you can hold a meeting to discuss it, and then make a plan. As for the capital, if the company's liquidity is not enough, it will issue bonds and I will buy them!" Lin Feng said.

At present, the working capital of the "second world" is nearly 100 billion US dollars, which should be enough for initial research. If it's not enough, issuing bonds and Lin Feng's subscription will just increase his shareholding in the second world. This is also a good thing for Lin Feng.

"Thank you, boss." Brian Cohen has a happy face.

Quantum computer, he thinks, is the best choice to solve Nu Wa's "mischievous thoughts". Of course, it is also the best solution to make artificial intelligence life really applied. At present, the main body of "Nu Wa" can't leave the "light of the century". Once it leaves, its performance will be greatly reduced. Therefore, quantum computer must be developed!