"Are you determined to lead the earth to a new era, or is this just a name listed in this plan? China believes that a teacher should be famous and stand on the side of the people's great interests. Are you standing on the commanding height of morality After all, Donald is not Soros or Abby Cohen. He is a politician and President of the United States.

Lin Feng smiles.

"We must win this war, whether it is a moral high ground or a new era, right?" Lin Feng put down the phone and said with a smile.

Donald curled his mouth and laughed. That's right. Anyway, this war must be won.

"However, if it really escalates into a financial war and triggers a financial war all over the world, I'm afraid the consequences will be unimaginable." Lin Feng said solemnly.

Originally, Lin Feng and others had a $27 trillion rescue fund from Rio vantana, which was enough to give Lin Feng and others the courage to attack the financial market without fear of direct harm to the world.

But now, if it spreads to financial wars, that money will not be enough. A financial world war, which swept the world, this money is really not enough.

Last year, the global GDP was 51 trillion US dollars! A financial world war will directly destroy the economic achievements of five, ten or even twenty years. It's just 27 trillion yuan. It's really not enough to "copy the bottom.".

"Ha ha, Lin, don't you mean to create a new era and lead all mankind to a new era! If we don't clean up the old era, how can we enter the new era! " But donald laughed and didn't care, "Lin, how did human wealth come from? It's not from the sky, it's not from the ground, it's from our hard work. No matter how bad the times are, as long as we are willing to work hard, we can create new times and change our lives. Now, we have lost this opportunity to change our own destiny, and you can bring this opportunity to hundreds of millions of people! "

Lin Feng was surprised.

"In this way, it may not be good for the United States!" Lin Feng said.

"Ha ha, Lin, for the United States, maybe its international dominance will decline, but as you said, you are on a new height, and naturally we are on a new height. You've gone all over the world. Naturally, we in the United States need to set our goals further. You lead the world to a new era, and I hope the United States can lead mankind to a new era. Can walk out of the earth Donald's eyes are full of the imperial atmosphere of opening up territory.

In the past, the responsibility of the president of the United States was to maintain the status of the United States, but in his term, the world has changed dramatically. The most important change is Lin Feng. His appearance made the whole world reappear the grand occasion of the industrial revolution in the 19th century.

There has been no qualitative leap in human civilization in the past few thousand years. If you open the history books, you will find that in the past four thousand years, human civilization has been developing slowly. Every 100 years, even 1000 years, it will not be very different. When you go back from 1000 years ago to 2000 years ago, you will not feel too uncomfortable. Life has always been like this, almost unchanged.

But since the beginning of the industrial revolution in the 19th century, the whole human society has undergone tremendous changes. What you had never heard or seen before appeared in that short 100 years. The science and technology of the whole human society has undergone tremendous changes.

This kind of change is unheard of. This era is also known as the golden age of human civilization. After the industrial revolution, although human science and technology are changing with each passing day, it is no longer like that in the 19th century, almost every day there is a new thing, almost every day, people can hear new things that change the times. It was an incredible era, it was an era of blood.

Now, the earth may usher in a new era, one comparable to the industrial revolution, no, even beyond the industrial revolution. Of course, Donald prefers to call it a new era. A new era in which human beings can walk out of the earth.

In this new era, he is willing to lead the United States to become the first pioneer.

"Now, of course, the technology is in your hands. But I'm willing to work with you, the U.S. government and you to open up a new era together! " Donald's fighting spirit is high.

Although Donald is 62 years old now, he still has high morale, passion for starting a business and ambition that does not belong to young people.

New era, think about this new era of going out of the earth and into the solar system and even the universe, Donald will feel the blood burning.

"Cooperation?" There was a movement in Lin Feng's heart.

Although Lin Feng is a Chinese, in terms of the level of science and technology in the world, the United States is indeed decades ahead of the world. However, most of these technologies are in the hands of eight American families. Of course, the US government also owns some black technology. If we really want to cooperate, the United States is indeed the best choice. In particular, Donald is the president of the United States. This is more appropriate.

"Cooperation is really negotiable. But first of all, we have to deal with these guys. If we don't solve them, how can we open up a new era! " Lin fengxiao said.

"Yes, it's to solve these parasites stationed in human society. If they are not eradicated, human beings will not be able to make a leap at all! " Donald nodded.

These big families, the beginning of their families, basically came into being at the beginning of the industrial revolution. At first, their owners were full of pioneering spirit, but gradually, like the Chinese dynasty, Laozi was a hero and son was an egg. This is not to say that these homeowners are really useless. In fact, they have more than enough ability to keep success. But they lack the spirit of innovation.

These people, just want to grasp the existing as much as possible, to firmly rule the earth, not to do more. Therefore, these people are parasites of society. They have powerful rights and status, but they do not have a strong sense of responsibility to carry the mission brought about by these rights and status.

"Then it's up to them now. This is bound to be a wonderful play Lin fengxiao said.

Donald can't wait to smile.

"By the way, there's so much gold out there. What are you going to do?" Asked Donald.

The gold was left by Arab local tyrants and coal owners. Of course, at least a small part of the coal boss, after all, they only drank a little and didn't leave much. More of it was brought by these Arab tyrants. Their gift to Lin Feng is a ton of gold!

Yes, a ton of gold! They brought a ton of gold to Lin Feng as a wedding gift.

A gift of a ton of gold, which sounds scary. But it's not much. It's less than $100 million! Moreover, this is jointly given by these oil chiefs. It's not too much to apportion to each oil chief. As far as their wealth is concerned, it doesn't matter if everyone gives a ton of gold. It's just that it's not to give money, it's to show off or even provoke. Originally, the relationship between them and Lin Feng is not very good. It's not decent to send too much.

The reason why I came here this time is also a show of friendship. Before, they almost fell out with Lin Feng because of eight families. But afterwards, they also felt that it was too risky for them to do so. Although they are criticized by the outside world as a group of oil upstarts, it does not mean that they have no intelligence. Therefore, after careful consideration, they took advantage of the opportunity of Lin Feng's marriage to seek reconciliation with him.

Of course, they are also the chief of a country. Naturally, they will not lick their faces to seek peace with Lin Feng. So, put down the gift and attend Lin Feng's wedding, that's OK. And this gift, too heavy, too light. A ton of gold is neither light nor heavy, but also can express their feelings. They are a group of oil upstarts. They don't want to get involved in anything. They just want to live like gold.

"The gold, before that, I read many photos on Weibo and said that we are resplendent and beautiful in the night sky, just like a lighthouse lit in the night, guiding people to a brilliant tomorrow. So, I'm going to use this gold to carve a statue, so that this brilliance can continue! Thousands of years will last forever Lin fengxiao said.

Donald nodded. That's a good idea. In this way, it is beneficial for Lin Feng to continue to absorb people's beliefs and make Lin Feng the only belief of Chinese people. China is a country without faith, which is extremely terrible. And if Lin Feng can become the belief of the Chinese people, Donald thinks it's a good thing.

For the world, with faith, it is not terrible, at least not hysterical, not crazy. Of course, as an aside, although Islamic terrorist organizations also have faith, it's a pity that they are not faith for a long time. They are also a group of people who betray their faith. Islam never teaches people to carry out terrorist attacks. Islam teaches people to fight against invaders, but it does not teach believers to kill innocent people.

Chinese people, if they have faith, it is a good thing for the world.

For Lin Feng, nature is also a good thing. Chinese people believe in him, and his popularity is unmatched. It helps him to accomplish what he wants to accomplish! Including opening up a new era, this can be done!

People's faith, that is the most indestructible force! In those days, the Chinese people drove away the aggressors in this way. Now, this force is also used by Lin Feng to open up a new era and embark on a new era.