to hold court!

This trial is very simple and not complicated. It's just that the judge confirms whether the U.S. government will plead not guilty. If so, the procedure of plea of innocence will be started. If you admit a crime, you have a guilty plea.

Obviously, it is impossible for the US government to make a guilty plea. If we have to admit our guilt, it will make a big deal. I don't know how much trouble it will cause. What's more, Donald will not agree to a guilty plea, which is not good for him. At most, a four-star general will plead guilty, and the matter is over. What Donald wants is to take the opportunity to take back part of the presidential power, so that he, the president of the United States, is no longer just the mascot of the United States.

He has too little power!

After the plea of innocence! The judge began the trial. Naturally, this first trial was very simple. Both sides presented evidence to each other and then argued based on the evidence. And there is also a lot of evidence. Ron's law firm collected more than 100 videos to prove that the United States launched an intercontinental missile. The defense will refute these videos one by one.

Well, it's a long time. Therefore, the first day of the trial is very technical, and both sides are fiercely disputing the authenticity of the video. Ron's law firm is trying to prove that the videos are true, while the US is trying to prove that they are false.

There are more than 100 videos and one debate. No one knows how long it will take. Therefore, the whole trial seems exciting, but in fact, it is very boring. Not only the judge but also the jury felt a little sleepy.

Therefore, this is also the reason why the outside world thinks that Lin Feng should not appear. Lin Feng appeared only when the case was about to be closed and the words were written. Now, it's just a time for lawyers of both sides to fight each other. Lawyers on both sides carry out the most boring work. In the end, the principal will appear.

However, Lin Feng appeared so early. It makes the outside world strange.

"The trial ends today. Three days later, there will be a second trial! " At the end of a long day, the judge announced wearily.

To be honest, he would like to announce a second trial a week later. The work was so tired that he wanted to lie at home and sleep all day. Of course, the judge also sincerely admire these lawyers. Although they take a lot of money, it's really not something ordinary people can do. Too tired.

"Ron, that's good!" Lin Feng laughed.

"Fortunately, although the other side is powerful, it's obvious that the other side wants to cut the mess quickly, so we don't need to do anything, we just need to slow down!" Ron said with a smile.

Lin Feng was surprised.

"Mr. Lin, it's true that in the United States, it costs a lot to hire a lawyer. In particular, this kind of case involves such a wide range that it can't be done by one or two lawyers. It needs a lot of lawyers to work together. Not only that, it also involves many experts, and these people also have to charge for it. At that time, Clinton's Lewinsky scandal made Clinton almost bankrupt and owed tens of millions of dollars in debt. This time, the scale of its involvement is even larger, which may be 100 times larger than that of the Lewinsky scandal. " Ron winked at Lin Feng, "what we have to do now is to delay the case longer and let more videos come. Now it's only 100 copies. We find 1000 copies and 10000 copies, and let the case drag on to the U.S. government can't stand it!"

Lin Feng's eyes brightened, and he understood Ron's meaning.

The United States is a democratic society, and the annual financial allocation of the United States government is regulated by law. What if the government has no money? It's impossible to allocate funds at will, as in China. You have to apply to Congress. And if Congress doesn't agree, then the government has no money. What if there's no money?

There is a professional term in law bankruptcy!

Yes, the government will also go bankrupt. This is not impossible in capitalist countries. Of course, this bankruptcy is different from the bankruptcy in our understanding. The bankruptcy of the capitalist government does not mean that the country will perish or be in chaos. It's just that this government agency has stopped working. However, its state governments are still functioning. It's just that the White House can't work, and all the White House employees are suspended, but the state governments have independent working capital, and they can continue to operate as long as they don't have economic problems.

What Ron wants is to bring down the White House Government first. When the other party has no legal fees and can't hire a lawyer, it's up to the California court to appoint an aid lawyer. In this way, the opponent will be much weaker and they will win more easily.

Of course, Lin Feng's lawyer fees will be a little more.

"There is no problem with lawyers' fees. You follow your rhythm. In short, just win! " Lin fengxiao said.

Winning is good news for both himself and Donald. In this space nuclear explosion, Donald repeatedly stated in public that he wanted to severely punish the initiator, and suspected that it might be the U.S. military. However, he was strongly criticized and accused by Congress, and even wanted to take this opportunity to impeach him.

However, Lin Feng's trial made the Congress dare not impeach Donald in a hurry, which would impeach him. Who will face Lin Feng's accusation? Who will carry the black pot? Of course, there is another point, that is, Donald is not so good at impeachment. At present, his public support rate is still very high.

The country's economy is booming, heavy industry has been put back into production, and the unemployment rate has reached a new low. This has also improved the life of the American people. In this case, it is not so easy for you to impeach Donald. He has no major malfeasance. You can't impeach him just by impeachment.

Therefore, Donald's current position as president, though not so stable, is safe for the time being. As long as the White House loses in this lawsuit, Donald will have reason to investigate the military and even clean up congress. Although it can not be said that he can insert his own people, he can at least replace those who are always targeting at him, holding him back and making trouble for him.

"I won't come to the next trial. You guys, to be honest, I really admire you lawyers for the brain... "Lin Feng shook his head with a sigh.

"I don't think you need to come for half a year. However, in terms of compensation, I'm afraid there may not be as much compensation as required! " Ron said in a deep voice.

"I don't care about the money. Naturally, someone will pay for it! I just want to win the lawsuit! " Lin Feng said with a smile, "money doesn't matter. As far as I'm concerned, it's not a big loss! "

Lin Feng didn't expect to get back from the U.S. government for the hundreds of billions of dollars in claims. This time, Lin Feng was going to let the eight American families make compensation. They are their own granary.

"Then I understand. You can rest assured and wait for the good news! " Ron has a plan.

When a lawyer goes to court, it's nothing more than who has more money. Even if there is a mountain of hard evidence, as long as lawyers have enough money, they can find some small flaws to turn defeat into victory. But sometimes, in many cases, people are not willing to do so.

Because lawyers spend a lot of money. It's very likely that the cost of losing a lawsuit is far less than the cost of getting a lawyer. In this case, rational people will naturally understand what to do. Unless you have a lawsuit you can't lose!

Here, Ron still has to raise the case of Simpson's wife killing which shocked the world. Who was the lawyer at that time, that is, the father of Kardashian sisters who are now famous in the United States. What are the Kardashian sisters? What's the name of the family? No, nothing. Just because of that lawsuit, his father became famous completely, and then there was the later Kardashian sisters. However, after that lawsuit, both the acquitted Simpson and his lawyer Robert Kardashian's later life trajectory changed dramatically.

Simpson was completely down and out. Although he was acquitted, all his wealth was given to the lawyer. Later, he was condemned by the society, which can be regarded as down and out. As for Robert Kardashian, she died of cancer in 2003, when she was in her prime. I don't know if this is retribution.

Lin Feng walked out of the court.

"Mr. Lin, what will happen?" All the reporters besieged Lin Feng again. The question they asked has nothing to do with today's trial.

In fact, although this kind of case involves a lot, space nuclear explosion, which is so frightening, but everyone knows that such a court trial can not come to an end soon. I don't know how long it will take. Moreover, the most important thing is that Lin Feng and his family came back alive from the nuclear explosion. This also made the space nuclear explosion lose a lot of strong points that people chase. In addition, Lin Feng's marriage, the news hot spot, will naturally shift because of Lin Feng's marriage.

If it is not that Lin Feng is about to get married, and there is no such wedding, then the trial will surely be concerned by all parties. But now, not many people pay attention to it. Compared with ordinary people, it is more gossip. What's more, the eight families and the U.S. government don't want the media to report all day, because they know exactly what's behind it. If you want to report all day long, you will lose face in case of any mistakes.

"Wait. I'll be married in a week. I believe that everyone will have a surprise! " Naturally, Lin Feng will not reveal it. At the moment, it's better to sell off.

Many journalists are naturally disappointed. This day, they stay all day, because Lin Feng said something big happened, and the heart itches. But Lin Feng didn't reveal a word. You said, can you not worry about it!

"Well, I'll tell you more. I'm going to broadcast this wedding live all over the world. But I'm still thinking about the way Lin Feng is finally willing to reveal a little bit of the inside story.