Unable to upload, has been unable to upload, this always said that there is a problem, there is a problem, there are sensitive words, depressed bad! I don't know where there are sensitive words!

It's been 12 years since the beginning. Why can't we develop a sensitive vocabulary detection tool for the convenience of authors? It's always like this. It's hurt to be absent from work! Especially for a writer like me, if I don't work full time, it will be very hard this month.

Although there is a leave clause now, what is hard to force is that the leave clause requires integral points, and each time you ask for leave is an increasing integral of 10 times. The first time is 100 points, the third time is 10000 points, and the fifth time is 10000 points! Moreover, only once a year! Does that make people ask for leave? Depressed!

Ah! Of course, today I want to thank "Yao Ming and AI". At last, he helped me find the sensitive word TNT. I'm so fuckin 'dizzy! This is also a sensitive word! i want to die.