The international air rifle Federation immediately appealed to the Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games, accusing Lin Feng of interfering with the competition and affecting the performance of the players. This appeal naturally attracted public attention. The noise caused by Lin Feng's presence on the scene can be seen on TV. Always broadcast air rifle finals, this TV footage, almost from the beginning to the end of the players. This time, however, half of the broadcast time was spent on Lin Feng and his party. Except when the players were about to pull the trigger, they would turn around. The rest of the time was spent on Lin Feng and others.

And even if the camera is switched to the player, you can easily hear the huge noise behind the background. It can be said that even the audience knew that the scene was very noisy and noisy at that time, which absolutely affected the athletes. We all understand the appeal of the international air rifle Federation.

Indeed, despite emotional factors, Lin Feng and his party have indeed affected the performance of the athletes. Such a low score is indeed a pioneer. This kind of thing really needs to be stopped.

However, the investigation result of the Olympic Committee is that although the arrival of Lin Feng does interfere with the normal operation of the game, the interference has nothing to do with Lin Feng. During the whole competition, Lin Feng stayed at the edge of the court quietly and watched the competition. As for Lin Feng's female companion, although there was a whisper, there was no loud noise to interfere with the competition. It can be said that this women's 10m air rifle final, although all the athletes were seriously affected the order of the competition, but it has nothing to do with Lin Feng. This is purely caused by those fans, and has nothing to do with Lin Feng. Since it has nothing to do with Lin Feng, we can't talk about punishment.

As for forbidding Lin Feng to watch the game? That doesn't make sense. Modern society stresses the word "fairness". It is clear that this matter has nothing to do with Lin Feng. You can't punish Lin Feng. That's not appropriate. Lin Feng can't be banned because he is famous.

Regarding the announcement of the Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games, the outside world has nothing to say. Indeed, Lin Feng didn't make trouble. It's neither reasonable nor legal for you to forbid him to watch the game. However, with such a fuss, the countries that compete with Chinese players are a bit depressed. You say, in the Olympic Games, most of the players are between the level of Bo Zhongfeng. At that time, Lin Feng will be present and the audience will be too noisy. That will definitely affect the mood of the players. Although Chinese players will also be affected, it is inevitable that foreign players will be more affected.

In this way, it's a bit unfair. But how do you complain? Can't all Chinese audiences be banned? This is the host country's home advantage, which is one of the advantages. If you want to forbid all the spectators of the host country to watch the Olympic Games on the spot, it is absolutely impossible.

But it's not forbidden. Lin Feng comes to every game like this. Doesn't that make all the Games in chaos? Is that appropriate? It's unfair to other countries! In particular, before that, Lin Feng said that he would surpass the United States and become the first gold medal and the first medal. Should not be to use this kind of off disk trick! If so, it would be shameless!

The slogan of the Olympic Games has never been "friendship first, competition second". It has always been "higher, faster, stronger". What we pay attention to is the spirit of struggle, that is, to strive for the first forever. Therefore, in this case, the Olympic corps of all countries have opened their mouths one after another, saying that this will seriously affect the athletes' competition state and directly interfere with the competition. Although the Olympic corps of all countries did not explicitly prohibit Lin Feng from watching the game, the meaning of the words is so.

This makes the Beijing Olympic Committee a little embarrassed. If Lin Feng is just an ordinary person, maybe they will directly prohibit Lin Feng from going to watch the game. A word of national righteousness is enough to dispel all doubts. But this is Lin Feng, not an ordinary person. Let the Olympic Committee inform Lin Feng and forbid him to watch the Olympic Games live in the future. Well, they are not so bold. However, the pressure of public opinion in various countries is so great, which makes it difficult for them to choose.

There is no alternative but to report the matter one by one. And anything that involves Lin Feng is not a trivial matter for officials at all levels. They all ask themselves that they have no ability to deal with it. After all, they know what Lin Feng has done in China. They don't dare to give any orders easily, so as to avoid making a fuss for themselves. As a result, a small incident ended up where the two gentlemen were and became a national event.

"Xiao Lin, on the first day, you have made so much noise." The two gentlemen are also a little sad.

"Well, I don't think it's a big deal. What should we do? There are laws and regulations. As for the trouble caused by the two gentlemen! " Lin Feng is also frowning. Naturally, Lin Feng can't be more clear about the pressure of public opinion, but he doesn't care about it at all. I just didn't think about it. In the end, it happened to the two gentlemen. What can Lin Feng say about this? It can only be said that bureaucracy is over!

Bureaucracy! Being scolded by Lin Feng really made the two gentlemen a little shameless. However, such a small matter, the last way to push them, this is not bureaucracy, what is it!

In the end, the two gentlemen couldn't say anything more. After chatting a few words, they hung up. As for how to deal with the matter of Lin Feng, it's very easy to do what we should do!

You like bureaucracy below. A little responsibility is not only good. Well, we'll let you take responsibility. Whoever is in charge of this matter will be responsible. Do as you should!

This command down, have to continue to apportion layer upon layer, and finally to kick down the Olympic Committee side. This is a headache for the Olympic Committee. What should be done about Lin Feng? It says, do what you should. What should we do? Should it be done in accordance with the law, or in accordance with the usual practice, or in accordance with special cases, or in a tacit way, or

What is to be done? The Olympic Committee almost cried. I really don't know what to do. They also don't know how to figure out the intention of their superiors, and they don't know what their superiors mean. But they know one thing, that is, no matter what they do, if they can't, it's their problem, it's their responsibility, and it's up to them to carry the black pot.

In this world, there is nothing to compare with - what to do, what to do - to make people tangled. Especially at this sensitive moment, it seems that what to do is wrong and wrong.

Ask Lin Feng? Well, what Lin Feng said is not necessarily right. What if it's wrong? At that time, they will have to take more responsibility. The incompetence of a leader is enough to make them doomed. In the end, the Olympic Committee has no choice but to make a vague announcement - the Olympic Committee has no reason to refuse any spectators to watch the Olympic Games, but hopes that the spectators will not affect the players on the field, otherwise the organizers will drive away the spectators who seriously interfere with the games.

There is no doubt that this statement has no effect. It's like a piece of crap. Especially for the audience who seriously disturb the game, this is empty talk. What is serious? It's just a kind of official manuscript. In fact, it doesn't have any effect. It's just a joke.

In this regard, the Olympic corps of all countries are naturally not satisfied, and Lin Feng is not satisfied, so he immediately publishes his microblog.

As for the fact that the competition interferes with the athletes, I just want to say that I am a quiet audience in the stands. As for the noise caused by it, I want to say that it has nothing to do with me. Being a public figure does not mean that I am responsible for the actions of all people. I am only responsible for the actions of myself and my family. In addition, as an athlete, on such an important occasion, being disturbed by the audience is also one of the difficulties in the competition. So, I hope that athletes can concentrate on the game, rather than focus on the audience. If you lose, don't make excuses. Of course, I also appeal to the audience to pay more attention to the game. After all, watching the Olympic Games at home, maybe this time in my life!

Lin Feng's speech is undoubtedly more incisive. This has naturally attracted some criticism from the western media. Especially at the beginning of the competition, the number of gold medals and medals in China is rising, which has aroused the dissatisfaction of Western media. Among them, the games that Lin Feng paid close attention to were still watched on the spot, and each time caused a stir in the audience, which made the western media always take the first place in China's number of gold medals and medals, denouncing it as China's out of the game trick and using despicable tricks to win gold medals and medals.

Every time China wins a medal, as long as Lin Feng watches it on the spot, it will be doubted by the western media about the fairness of the medal, claiming that if it was not for Lin Feng, China would never have won the medal. And this kind of malicious dispute in the western media has reached its peak in women's archery.

Archery, South Korea has been regarded as a dream team. In the Olympic Games, only a few national teams, such as American basketball team, Chinese table tennis team and diving team, can be called the dream team. The Korean archery team is one of them. In the past, South Korea has always won the championship. This time, in the afternoon to watch the semi-finals, the Chinese team staged a counter attack myth, the Korean dream team to overturn.

In the semi-finals, Zhang JUANJUAN of the Chinese team directly and cleanly killed Yin Yuji of South Korea, and was the first to enter the finals. Originally, South Korea had three players in the final eight, and they were lucky to be divided into different half areas. The ideal situation is that South Korea will take the first and second place, plus the third place. In other words, gold, silver and copper medals may be won by the Korean women's archery team.

But the reality is that the women's semi-final has become a confrontation between South Korea and China, two Chinese and two South Koreans. And it happens to be separated from each other. As a result, Zhang JUANJUAN was the first to reach the finals, and slapped the Korean media hard. Now, it's the turn of another group, and this group is South Korea's favorite champion Park sing Hyun against Liu Yifei!

Yes, it's Liu Yifei! She joined the archery team! It's a wonder of the Chinese team! Break the magic of Korean archery team!

At the moment, the South Korean media was furious, denouncing Lin Feng for appearing on the field, seriously interfering with the South Korean players' game, leading to the South Korean player Yin Yuji's abnormal performance, and then lost to the Chinese player Zhang JUANJUAN 109-115!

South Korean media, angry let Lin Feng get out of the game!

(I'm really sorry. I wanted three today, but I didn't know what I ate yesterday. I've had diarrhea since I came here in the morning! Intermittent codeword, resulting in poor state! And I'm so weak... I'm so sorry!)