The Song Dynasty was not only economically developed, but also highly developed in scientific research. Zhang Heng's seismograph, movable type printing, and gunpowder, the four great inventions of China (papermaking in the Han Dynasty), were all performed in an orderly way in such a short period of time.

The world not only realized the prosperity of the Song Dynasty, but also realized the advanced science and technology of the Song Dynasty. At that time, China was indeed the only bright spot on the earth. The whole world was in the dark age at that time, but the Song Dynasty was in the most brilliant peak.

Then, the Yuan Dynasty invaded, and the largest empire ever laid down. Of course, Zhang Yimou did not pay much attention to this, but just used the flow of people to lay out the world map of Mongolia at that time.

After the Ming Dynasty, after the Chinese nation, another bright era. Zheng He's seven voyages to the West and the first Taiwan Gulf War with Holland, which made Holland poop and poop, all made the world marvel that the ancient Chinese navy was so powerful. I'm afraid it was the world's first fleet at that time.

In addition, the Ming Dynasty had a firearm team. At that time, it was absolutely beyond the world's science and technology, especially the cannons. Seeing this scene, western countries sigh one after another. Fortunately, the Ming Dynasty was corrupt at that time. Otherwise, if the Ming Dynasty continued to develop, perhaps the first capitalist country in the world would be born in the Ming Dynasty. At that time, I'm afraid the world pattern would be completely changed.

In fact, even if the Ming Dynasty was corrupt, as long as the Ming Dynasty did not destroy the great wall itself, Zheng He would no longer be allowed to go to the West. Continue to expand the Navy. When the Navy finds the countless wealth of other continents, I'm afraid that all kinds of corruption in the Ming Dynasty will compromise in front of interests. At that time, the navy of the Ming Dynasty would divide the four oceans into inland rivers. You know, at that time, Daming navy was equipped with the world's most outstanding naval necessity - compass. How do you sail in the sea without a compass? You might be trapped in the sea.

At the conference hall, Zhang Yimou even directly moved a treasure ship of Zheng He's voyage to the West into the conference hall. Seeing the huge treasure ship, 148 meters long and 60 meters wide, with nine masts and twelve sails, appear in front of the public, people have to sigh about the advanced shipbuilding technology of China at that time. You know, at that time, Zhu Di, Emperor Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty, gave the order that "pianfan should not enter the sea."! In this case, the Ming Dynasty's treasure ship is still so majestic, magnificent, had to shock people.

In particular, the water depth of this treasure ship is 6 meters! What's the concept of six meters? This recently capsized "Oriental Star" luxury cruise ship, water consumption is only three meters. What is the depth of the aircraft carrier? More than 10 meters. In other words, today's dominant deep-sea aircraft carrier has a water depth of only 4 meters more than that of wooden ships hundreds of years ago. This is a great achievement!

Then came the Qing Dynasty. As for the Qing Dynasty, Zhang Yimou did not describe it too much. He gave a brief introduction to the "prosperous age of Kangxi and Qianlong", followed by the decline of the Qing Dynasty, the smoke of gunpowder in Humen, the Opium War, and the final demise of the Qing Dynasty. Then came the rise of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. After that, new China was founded. And those special actors are coming out now, Premier Zhou and so on... These special actors all appeared in the meeting hall one by one.

And the appearance of these people, attracted bursts of applause from the audience. No matter the merits or demerits, without them, there would be no new China. Then, it focuses on China's reform and opening up, and China's achievements in recent years.

China is no longer a backward, poor and humiliated China in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China, but a prosperous, strong, democratic and vigorous new China. And in this new China, there is a figure, a leader of the new China, a representative, that is naturally Lin Feng.

In the meeting hall, a skyscraper built by people rose up. All the actors are building a skyscraper with the fastest speed. Skyscrapers are constantly rising at a very fast speed, one floor, two floors, three floors... Ten floors, eleven floors... And finally 29 floors, which echo the 29th Olympic Games. Of course, these 29 floors not only represent the 29th Olympic Games, but also celebrate Lin Feng's 29th birthday in advance!

And Lin Feng appeared at the moment, step by step, and slowly climbed to the highest point of the 29th floor. At the moment, Lin Feng has been level with the audience. This also represents China's speed!

At this moment, the whole audience suddenly quieted down! All the spotlights are on Lin Feng. Zhang Yimou took a deep breath. This is also the most tense moment. Because, this time, he is completely highlighting Lin Feng, highlighting Lin Feng's personal heroism, so he gives Lin Feng such an important close-up, and elevates it to the highest point of the audience, making it the focus of attention. This requires great courage. To him, this is against tradition, but Zhang Yimou also deeply understands how to please the market.

What is the market? Lin Feng is the market! The Olympic Games is not only about Athletes' struggle, but also about stars. It is a grand event for athletes and a party for the people. And this party, the protagonist is an athlete, but it needs an emcee! An emcee who can lead the whole audience, Lin Feng is the emcee who can ignite the whole audience identified by Zhang Yimou!

At the moment, the whole audience is waiting for Lin Feng to speak. Naturally, Lin Feng is bound to speak. As for what to say, Zhang Yimou has no arrangement. He doesn't have to arrange it. He felt that the effect would be better if Lin Feng was allowed to play freely! Of course, this must also bear certain risks, because Zhang Yimou does not know what Lin Feng will say! His character is absolutely unstoppable. Once he says something wrong, Lin Feng may be OK, and he will be unlucky.

Therefore, Zhang Yimou is also praying silently that Lin Feng should not mess around. Just encouragement, such as a roar - the Chinese stand up and so on, is enough to mobilize the atmosphere of the whole audience!

At this time, Lin Feng spoke.

"China -" Lin Feng yelled out the word "China", and everyone's emotions were ignited in an instant. However, Lin Feng didn't finish his words. Everyone's emotions were still brewing, waiting for the moment when the volcano erupted.

Lin Feng pointed to the audience, slowly around a circle, yelled out, "this Olympic Games, China will be gold medal first, medal first! Long live Chinese Lin Feng put up his thumb and put it to his chest!

Boom! The atmosphere of the whole audience was immediately ignited and suppressed for a long time. At the moment, all the audience raised their arms and cheered, "gold medal first! First medal

"Gold first! First medal

"Gold first! First medal

The audience cheered! You know, in the Olympic medal list, the first is always the United States, and the second is Russia, which has always been the case in recent years. China, though third, is far behind the United States and Russia. This time, although it is held at home, it does not mean that China can break the blockade of Russia and the United States. After all, the two countries are too strong in track and field.

But at the moment, Lin Feng cried out their wishes, but they were very hopeful. They are eager for the Chinese to surpass Russia and even the United States in the Olympic Games! In this battle at home, the Chinese Olympic corps must win!

The mood of the audience was aroused, but the slogan made the two gentlemen laugh and cry. This kind of slogan, naturally right. But when you shout such slogans so blatantly, you are demonstrating to athletes from all over the world! In addition to being the target of public criticism on the field, I'm afraid it will also make heads of state feel that you are too arrogant. And it will give those who have been advocating the Chinese conspiracy theory a grip. Although this is only a sports field, but you Lin Feng so overbearing, to get the gold medal and medal double division first, this does not represent your Chinese ambition!

However, these words are all exported, and the two gentlemen don't have much to say. We can only let Lin Feng be willful. After all, the people of the whole country are happy, aren't they!

As for the various heads of state on this side of the rostrum, they are used to Lin Feng's words. Lin Feng has always been so high-profile. They are used to it. What's more, if China wants to be the first in the gold medal and medal double list, it will impact Russia and the United States, which has nothing to do with other countries. They enjoyed watching.

Zhang Yimou is the only one who is depressed and even a little frightened. He didn't know how Lin Feng roared out that he was number one in the gold medal and medal double list, and how those high-ranking gentlemen looked at it. Do they think Lin Feng is too modest and not Chinese? Chinese people have been known for their modest and low-key qualities since ancient times. Now Lin Feng is not Chinese. He was afraid that he would be angry with himself because he had nothing to do with Lin Feng. That's bad for you.

But now that it's over, there's nothing he can do. Lin Feng's words are roaring out, and the audience is extremely excited. What else can he do!

Can only continue the following program! However, the following programs, to be honest, are not as exciting as the last five thousand years. It was not until Liu Huan and Sarah Brightman's Chorus "me and you" that it attracted a little attention of the audience. After that, the entrance ceremony for athletes!

This is also the most time-consuming part of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. It took more than two hours from Greece to China, the host country, to enter the stadium. It was a long wait for the audience. After all, athletes from other countries, except for star athletes, rarely excite the audience.

And the audience is waiting for the final ignition ceremony!