Bill Gates, I think Microsoft is playing.

Microsoft has always had an idea in the database market. They dominate the desktop level system field, but also want to dominate the database market. At the beginning, Bill Gates focused on the personal desktop market, while Ellison thought that the personal computer was dead. He even thought that the personal computer was dead in the 1990s, so he devoted himself to the development of enterprise database software. Ellison's cognition was slapped in the face by the reality, but because he firmly believed that the PC was finished, he focused all his energy on the enterprise database, which made him successful in this field.

On the contrary, "Microsoft" is optimistic about the PC market, so all previous attention has focused on this market. Obviously, "Microsoft" has achieved great success, but the enterprise database market has been lost by "Microsoft". When "Microsoft" wants to enter this market again, it will be too late.

Now, however, Ellison is so perverse and reckless that he gives Microsoft a chance. But Bill Gates is going to hold a summit meeting to discuss how to deal with the current situation of database.

However, without waiting for Bill Gates to take action, Ellison has announced that Oracle will only support Nuwa, the next generation operating system of the second world, and will help all cooperative enterprises to replace database system software and install Nuwa free of charge. All the expenses incurred will be borne by Oracle!

This is a blow to Microsoft. Originally, they wanted to plot in the database market, but now it seems that it is very difficult‘ Oracle provides free system replacement assistance for all enterprises, so for these enterprises, they will not mind to replace the system. After all, the most important reason why I didn't want to replace it before was that the replacement cost was too high. Maybe for some enterprises, it costs hundreds of millions of dollars to replace the system once. For their companies, such as IBM, Cisco and Wal Mart, their market value is huge, hundreds of millions of dollars, which is really nothing. But for enterprises, this is a disaster. Why should they spend the extra money?

But now there is Oracle to bear all the costs. As long as the Nuwa system is not too bad, they will accept it. After all, they are used to Oracle's database system.

What's more, the Nuwa system is not too simple. Bill gates used Pangu. It doesn't have as many functions as Microsoft's windows system, but it's concise and simple enough. And this "Nuwa" is obviously the next generation of "Pangu" operating system. Logically speaking, it should be better. If so, then major enterprises will gladly accept it. And that's not so good for Microsoft.

At this time, Lin Feng also issued a declaration, claiming that Nuwa will be an epoch-making operating system, an operating system that will change the way people operate computers, because it is the first generation of intelligent system, which will really change the way people use computers. The reason why Ellison chose Oracle to fully support Nu Wa and only support Nu Wa is because Nu Wa is the best system software.

Intelligent system! Undoubtedly, this term has once again sprung up in the pages of the media, newspapers and magazines. Now it is known that Lin Feng has an artificial intelligence life, but no one knows how powerful Nuwa is, because it has never been opened to the outside world. Now the launch of this intelligent system is also called "Nu Wa". Is it related to "Nu Wa"? What will happen to this intelligent system? What is the boot screen like? What kind of changes will it bring to desktop applications?

This question after question filled everyone with curiosity. For all users, this is what makes them most curious. But for everyone's curiosity, Lin Feng answered in one word - wait, wait for the official release of Nuwa system on November 11.

On November 11, everyone was surprised. Isn't this Lin Feng's wedding day! He chose to release it on this day? Everyone wondered, isn't this a crash?

"Crash? No, it's not a crash. November 11, in China, is called bachelor's day. Many people call on this day to get rid of singleness. For Nu Wa, this is also the day when she officially meets with everyone. From then on, she will no longer be single. Instead, she will become friends with everyone in the world. She will help everyone to study, work and live. At the same time, what I want to announce here is that the ceremony of Nuwa's coming of age will be presided over by Pope Francis! "—— Lin Feng tweeted.

what! Pope Francis presides over Nuwa's coming of age ceremony! Hearing the news, everyone was boiling. The west is a Catholic country, almost 90% of the people believe in Catholicism, and as a Catholic Pope Francis, has a huge reputation among the believers. The rite of passage is the most important day in one's life. Westerners, will go to commemorate this day, will hold a variety of parties to declare their adulthood. And if the Pope Francis can preside over his own rite of passage, it is undoubtedly the happiest thing.

But generally speaking, his holiness is not going to preside over the rite of passage. It was only in feudal society that they would preside over the rite of passage of the crown prince. But now, I'm hosting the Nuwa ceremony! It's incredible. Of course, people also remember that "Nuwa" is a Catholic saint. As the first artificial intelligence life, Pope Francis declared that "Nuwa" became a saint, so it's natural to preside over her rite of passage.

Naturally, it's even more exciting. Nu Wa, the first intelligent life, what changes will she bring to the world? All people, all people, all people, the heart began to surge up. For intelligent system, intelligent life, full of expectation, full of desire!

For Microsoft, the global desire is despair. Bill Gates can imagine that with today's global desire for Nu Wa, once the operating system does not disappoint people, then everyone will be determined to switch to Nu Wa. If so, it will be a fatal blow to Microsoft, and even the key to its decline.

Can Microsoft be convinced? No, "Microsoft" will never be convinced and will never give up!

Bill Gates decided to speed up the development of win7. The next generation of Microsoft's operating system must be launched as soon as possible, and this year. At least we should compete with Nu Wa to let consumers know what kind of operating system is the best. He never believes that Lin Feng, a company that has been developing for only a few years, can create an operating system that can compete with Microsoft! He didn't believe that Lin Feng had such an inside story.

"Lin, is this Nu Wa really so excellent?" Ellison is also full of curiosity. He doesn't regret gambling on Nuwa, and he's looking forward to it. But he was really curious about the Nuwa intelligent system.

"Now, Ellison, I can't say. This must be kept secret. Now there are only three people in the whole company who know how excellent and amazing the Nuwa intelligent system is. I said, the magic is gone. I'll find out on November 11. Ellison, I can say that this day will always be remembered in the annals of history, and it will be a day of revolution in the IT industry. This day will be a new era Lin Feng is full of confidence, and his eyes twinkle with the desire for a new era.

Three people know? Ellison was surprised and guessed something, but he didn't ask more.

"Then I'll wait for that day to come. By the way, this day is also your big wedding, so what are you going to do? Bigamy Allison asked.

Lin Feng laughs.

"As for the legal issues, I will solve them before. As for public opinion, Pope Francis will preside over our wedding on that day. As a witness, it will be a western wedding. There's nothing better than that, I think Lin fengxiao said.

As for the wedding ceremony, because Lin Feng is Chinese, it naturally involves the dispute between Chinese style and Western style. After careful discussion, Lin Feng decided to adopt western style wedding. Because Western wedding, simple, romantic. Chinese wedding is too cumbersome, and the Chinese wedding dress, relative to the wedding dress and dress, is indeed a bit bleak. Lin Feng believes that any girl yearns for the wedding day and wants to put on a white wedding dress. This is the most romantic and beautiful moment for any woman.

Since women like it, Lin Feng is willing to help them realize such a dream. As for whether he forgets his ancestors or not, Lin Feng never thinks that if he sticks to his own opinions and abides by everything handed down by his ancestors, that is patriotism. That is the Chinese! All the complicated manners are created by people. Since it is created by human beings, it will naturally be broken by human beings.

What is Chinese is not the red tape, but filial piety, fraternity, loyalty, faith, propriety, righteousness, honesty and shame. If you can do these eight things, you are Chinese. As for the so-called etiquette, it's just a form. In this form, people from any country can come and have a walk. Is that the Chinese?

"Ha ha, I can't look forward to this day any more." Ellison laughed, "full of expectation! In other words, if your son is a little older, he can form a golden girl with your daughter to hold the wedding dress for you. What a pity