Lin Feng swept everyone slowly. All eyes are eager to survive. Life only once, for anyone, is extremely precious, no one is willing to give up life. There are so many people here, so many eyes, looking at Lin Feng, waiting for Lin Feng.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I have never lived with you. We have no feelings or human feelings. Maybe someone here will say that I am the ambassador of the United States, I am the ambassador of Britain, our president knows you, how, how, but here, I want to tell you that they know me, it is their relationship with me, it is my human relationship, it has nothing to do with you. So, here, don't think about any relationship. Everyone is equal! " Lin Feng said coldly.

Now, the ambassadors and reporters in front of us all turned pale. Many of them are going to rely on their own relations and contacts to persuade Lin Feng so that they can hide in the Chinese Embassy, the "safe island" in Warsaw. As a result, Lin Feng's words suddenly made their hearts cool. Lin Feng's words left them speechless. This is inexplicable, many people want to rush in. Even if there is no comfortable place, as long as you can get in, that's enough. Even if people are crowded inside, it is better than standing outside.

In the sky, with the buzzing sound of the bombers, every now and then a bomb landed, the eardrum tingled, the earth trembled, and the heart also trembled. It's scary, it's scary. The crowd was in a commotion.

"What? People want to rush in? You can try, I will not stop you! Just you come in, so many people, I have to go. I'm leaving. It's hard to say if it's safe here! " Lin Feng said coldly.

Lin Feng's words were uttered when the crowd was in the most tumultuous state. In particular, Lin Feng used the sound of "the roar of the Buddha lion", which everyone could hear. The crowd was taken aback. Yes, they rushed in, so what? If Lin Feng leaves, is this still a safe area? Everyone knows the relationship between Lin Feng and Putin. There's no explosion here. It seems that it's all from the forest. I'm afraid this is not a safe area after Lin Feng has gone. What's the use of them squeezing in here! It's no use!

But Lin Feng doesn't give face and can't rush in. What should I do? Run again? Now Warsaw is devastated by the bombing. Except for a few off-road vehicles that can run, others can't. In this case, you let them bombard with fighter planes on their heads and evacuate Warsaw with both legs. Isn't that fatal! They don't believe it. They're so lucky. They'll be fine. What if there is a third round of bombing? After all, Warsaw is so big, and Russia is so cruel this time, it seems that Warsaw has to be bombed to ruins and to the ground. In this case, the possibility of death by trekking is very high. They don't want to die so muddled.

But now what should they do?

At this time, Lin Feng spoke again.

"We China, ladies and gentlemen, remember that we Chinese people are a country with ancient civilization and 5000 years of history. Our Chinese culture has a long history. Our nation is courteous and peace loving." Lin Feng talks about it.

Everybody's stupid. What's this doing? Introduce China? But the fighters are buzzing in the sky. Can we change the time? Everyone looked up at the sky, worried.

"News came from the front, asking whether these people would blow up?" Medvedev asked.

"Ha ha, I said to sell Lin Feng a face and give him a favor. Naturally, it doesn't explode! Tell them to be careful, Lin Feng, don't move! " Putin faintly smile, but then face a cold, "Kaliningrad where the situation?"

"The fighters have arrived, but before they arrived, all our people have been killed! The other side, no one left alive, no one captured! " Medvedev said in a deep voice, "now they are using our military base to resist our air attack. Without army support, I'm afraid we're going to retreat soon! "

Now the Polish military has completely occupied Kaliningrad, playing Hitler's lightning tactics to the extreme, occupying Kaliningrad in six hours, which is a speed. Now, these Polish soldiers rely on the military base in Kaliningrad to resist the bombing of the Russian military. Without the front-line guidance, the Russian military only bombed some irrelevant military facilities of the Polish military. Next, they had to retreat.

"Tell them to blow up all the bases. Now that the poles are in Kaliningrad, don't want to leave. Bury them all in Kaliningrad Putin was ruthless.

Putin will deal a devastating blow to any enemy who dares to invade Russia.

"But I'm afraid they'll take the citizens of Kaliningrad hostage!" Medvedev worried.

"Do you think the citizens of Kaliningrad will be better after we bomb Warsaw? Instead of doing so, let them sacrifice for the national interest! " Putin's eyes sparkle with statesmanship.

Medvedev understood. Although I can't bear it, I understand that this is the most beneficial sacrifice for Russia. In that case, there will be sufficient excuses for the massacre of Warsaw. Because it was you who attacked my Kaliningrad and slaughtered the citizens of Kaliningrad, so I carried out retaliatory bombing and slaughtering on you, then I have a reason! That way, both the EU and the US can only watch. Even if they intervene, Russia will not be at a disadvantage in international public opinion.

Bombing! The bombing of Kaliningrad began.

Of course, Putin did not let go of Warsaw. Since they have made sacrifices, what these people have sacrificed is their value.

"Raze Warsaw to the ground!" Putin said coldly.

The third round of bombing in Warsaw began. This time, the explosion is more intensive, and this time, the Russian military is a real undifferentiated carpet attack. Before, it was selective bombing. This time, it was carpet bombing. Because the order they received was to raze Warsaw to the ground. What is razing to the ground? That is to blow up everything that can be seen in Warsaw. Let Warsaw have no skyscrapers. Not to mention the building with dozens of floors, even if it is two floors, one floor is not allowed to use. Or what is razed to the ground!

When the Russian military carries out the order, it is absolutely terrible. Everyone, just looking at the distant horizon, the explosion is constant. With the roaring sound of dense explosions, we could see the thick smoke rolling in the distance, slowly pushing towards them like a row of walls. People here have not seen the world. Seeing the dense bombers in the sky in the distance, the dropping bombs, and the dense roar like pouring beans from a bamboo tube, everyone turned pale. If it goes on like this, none of them can get away. There are hundreds of thousands of people here. Is Russia going to blow them up?

God, this is a bloody massacre!

"Madman! Russia, is he crazy! " German Chancellor Angela Merkel was furious.

But the rest of the EU remained silent.

"We should immediately send troops to stop Russia, at all costs!" Merkel exclaimed, "the Nazis were not so crazy in those years!"

Indeed, the Nazis were never so crazy! However, during the period of Nazi Germany, Hitler did not master such ultimate weapons as nuclear weapons. For Nazi Germany, some of them were just long guns and short guns, some were just aircraft and tanks, and he did not have intercontinental missiles, let alone nuclear weapons. So Hitler wasn't crazy enough. If there were such things, Hitler's army would be even more invincible.

"This is what happened in Kaliningrad at the moment!" French President Nicolas Sarkozy opened a video picture in a deep voice. This is the satellite image just monitored.

After watching, Merkel was silent.

"Crazy, is komorovsky crazy?" Merkel frowned.

"He's not crazy!" "On the contrary, he is sober," President Sarkozy said in a cold voice

"Are these Polish soldiers crazy?" Merkel smiles bitterly.

"They're not crazy! Poland has never forgotten the Katyn massacre. Don't forget that when you German Nazis attacked Poland, the poles used war horses and machetes to fight against your tanks and heavy machine guns. You Germans know the bravery of this nation best! " President Sarkozy sneered.

Merkel smiles bitterly. Although she didn't like the Nazis and even hated them, she was very clear about the past. Although Nazi Germany occupied Poland in Blitzkrieg, Poland was the nation that the Nazis feared most. If Poland was not too backward at that time and was completely separated from Nazi Germany by an era, then Nazi Germany would not want to stir up the wind and rain in Europe and lay such a huge territory.

But even so, Nazi Germany conspired with the Soviet Union to swallow Poland. The poles, though not the most, suffered the worst death during World War II. Think about the whole world War II. Apart from Poland being beaten up by Germany and the Soviet Union, who else had such high treatment?

This blood feud has always been hidden in the blood of the poles. This time, in Kaliningrad, after the Polish Army learned that Warsaw was bombed, they also made a Kaliningrad massacre!

Merkel takes a look at the ecology in the picture, but she doesn't want to take a second look. Human nature is so ugly!

Now, on the other side, Lin Feng finally stopped talking about Chinese history.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we Chinese have an old saying: Heaven has the virtue to live a good life! Now that you are here, I will give you a way to live. However, with such a big place and so many of you, what should we do? " Asked Lin Feng.