Chinese official account: PS: look at the exclusive story behind the rebirth of evil life, listen to your suggestions for the novel, and pay attention to the starting point of the Chinese net public number (WeChat add friends add the official account - enter qdread), quietly tell me!

So the battle began.

It's not the same as watching the "CS" competition. In the "CS" competition, we see how professional players show their shooting skills, cooperate with the team, and explain. There's no explanation here, just one scene after another. Inside the camera, all are the most realistic pre war tactical arrangements.

Russia's alpha Ranger team and Poland's thunder team all have their tactical guidance in front of the TV. All the audience understand it clearly and listen to it completely. All the audience can clearly understand how the two teams arrange their tactics. Perhaps, for the ordinary audience, these tactical arrangements are a little confused, a little hazy, and not so clear. But for the players who love CS, it's just like a rush to the top, especially for the professional players of CS, this kind of most professional tactical guiding ideology makes them suddenly enlightened. They suddenly found out that the original tactics could still be like this. It turns out that you can still fight like this!

This is a new breakthrough for the fans and professional players of CS.

Soon, the game began. The big screen is constantly switching between the two camps. Of course, the perspective of overlooking the map is constantly flashing, so that all the audience in front of the TV can clearly understand the state of the two sides at the moment and the marching route at the moment.

On the screen, this time, the police were drawn from the Russian alpha team, while the attacker was the Polish thunder team‘ There are two mine burying points in area ab. area B can directly enter the mine burying point through an aisle. After the mine is buried, you can crouch and wait for the time bomb to explode.

As for area AB, the arrival speed of both the police and the defenders is basically the same, which is why it is called the most balanced map in CS. Now the audience is looking at how both sides will attack and defend.

Russia is responsible for defense, early division of two, responsible for a, B zone defense. There are two minelaying points on the map. As one side of defense, they have to defend in different areas. Although the troops are divided into two groups and dispersed, it does not necessarily mean that they will suffer losses. After all, the passageway is only so narrow. With their shooting skills, they occupy the key points. Even if the other side forms a team of 16 people, they don't want to rush in easily. Even if we can rush in, we have to pay a great price. At that time, people from the other district can be surrounded from the back.

However, when Russia's alpha special forces stood still, they unexpectedly found that Poland's thunder special forces did not operate. Within five minutes, there was no change in areas a and B.

Of course, at this moment, as an audience, we can naturally see what the Polish thunder team is doing!

Over the wall! Yes, over the wall! In the game, players can't cross the wall, they can only take the existing route of the game map, but in reality, it's not so. Poland's "thunder" took a shortcut, a shortcut allowed by the rules. The whole staff climbed over the wall to the top of the corridor. But Russia's alpha Rangers know nothing about it. Although they waited for a few minutes, there was no one coming from all the passageways opposite. It was very quiet. But all of them stick to their respective hiding points, waiting for the arrival of the Polish "thunder" special forces!

One minute, two minutes, three minutes

Russia is waiting, Poland is watching. They have found out the positions of their opponents in the two regions. From the top to the bottom, they found the positions of 10 people in Russia, but there are still six people who have not found them. Although they speculated that the other party might be crouching at six points in the map, they chose to wait when they were not absolutely sure. After all, they're on the offensive side, they're on the defensive side. In a certain sense, they decide the direction of the war, and they take the initiative.

Especially in this game, there is no time limit. Yes, there is no time limit. Because of Lin Feng's negligence, he forgot to limit the time according to the rules of the game. So the poles are not in a hurry. And this wait is hours.

Of course, the audience will not wait for hours. But looking at the sky on the screen, gradually from day to night. And this, let the Russian audience began to curse. Because in the dark, it's better for the attackers. Especially this day's crouching, the poles in addition to two people crouching to watch the wind, the rest are in turn rest, in excellent condition.

On the contrary, the Russians have always been fighting. After all, they don't know when the poles will attack. In terms of physical exertion, Russia's alpha Rangers will suffer a lot. Of course, the most important thing is that the Russians haven't eaten or drunk anything in the past few hours. The poles, however, brought dry food and drinking water to replenish their energy.

It can be said that from the beginning, the poles developed a strategy of delaying time and waiting for darkness. The Russians obviously did not expect that the poles would stay here until now. This is equivalent to the Russians being calculated by the poles. You say, how Russian audiences don't swear.

It can be said that in Russia, there are many people who smash wine bottles and loudly hold all the maternal relatives of poles. As for the Polish audience, it's good. This is strategy, smart poles!

Finally, it was completely dark. The poles put on night vision devices and thermal detectors. It can be said that the poles now use all the instruments that can be used at night. This time, the Russian audience is even more damned.

"Bitches, Polish bastards! What kind of hero is this sneak attack and plot Russian audiences are full of foul language. Obviously, the alpha Rangers have nothing on their side, while the poles have night vision. How can they play at night? It's all bullying!

In this case, the alpha Rangers suffered a great loss!

What makes the Russian audience even more angry is that the poles have not yet chosen to attack. They continued to wait until the night, when the screen showed that it was 4 a.m. at night, when human beings were most tired, the poles launched an attack.

Although the opposite "alpha Rangers" had already noticed something wrong as early as after the night, people from the two districts had gathered in area B to avoid being defeated by each other at night. But every move of the alpha Rangers can be seen clearly on the night vision system. The audience in front of the TV can clearly see every move of the alpha Rangers in the thermal detector through the screen.

It's not just the Russian audience that's angry. Even Putin is angry. Although he knew the result long ago, he was still furious when he saw the process. This is so mean! The poles are so shameless. It's shameless to use this method to deal with the alpha Rangers!

Soon, the poles began to attack. And the result, not surprisingly. On the top of the building, the poles shot all the alpha rangers with a direct volley. Yeah, all heads. There's no way. With the help of night vision and thermal detector, the alpha rangers are like beautiful women who want to be naked. In particular, the most despicable thing is that after a few black shots, the poles directly threw a bunch of flash bombs in.

This flare is real, absolutely original. The fact that they were suddenly shot black made the alpha Rangers weak and angry enough to dodge and search for the enemy. They don't want to give up easily. Results in this case, suddenly flash over, this is not to kill you!

The final result was a 16-0 win for the poles! On the other hand, the alpha Rangers were all shot in the head. If it's real, everyone will die miserably. But this kind of gun, which has been specially treated, does not really shoot through the head, but the impact force is still there.

As a result, all 16 elite alpha Rangers suffered neck fractures. After the match, they were immediately sent to the hospital for rescue.

"Polish son of grass mud horse, do your ancestors for 18 generations!" Russia's hot tempered audience directly kicked the TV.

This is so angry! How angry! This is too shameless! They have seen shameless, have never seen such shameless!

"Son of a bitch! Medvedev, gather Polish intelligence! " Putin is also angry, thinking about what occasion to trouble the poles. It's shameless, after all. There is such shameless!

On the screen, after the game, the remaining 16 soldiers of the excited alpha Rangers almost fought with Poland's thunder. This can not help the Russian impulse ah, this is the other side is too shameless!

"You are so shameless! What kind of hero is it that you have the ability to put your horse on and use conspiracy like this! " The Russians were furious.

If it had not been for the "wolf teeth" soldiers around to maintain order and separate the two sides, they would have rushed to dry poles.

"That's the tactic! We're elite forces, not terrorists. As long as you can kill your opponent most effectively, it is the best victory The poles are extremely calm. Although facing each other's scolding, they keep calm.

Of course, they also understand that in this game, they really overcame each other. There's a point in being angry. After all, no one expected that a game would last 16 hours. Although the real fight is only 4 minutes, the first 15 hours and 56 minutes of waiting is the key! Since they are the winners, they will not try their best to show off( It's a good activity to drop pie in the sky, cool mobile phone waiting for you! Focus on the Chinese official account (WeChat add friends add official account - enter qdread), join in! Everyone has a prize. Now pay close attention to qdread WeChat official account!