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"What is it?" Muse took the physical examination sheet and looked at it. It was his father's physical examination report. What's the difference between this situation and my own.

"Here is my medical list. This is your third uncle's and this is your fourth uncle's Mellon handed Muse three more checklists.

The Muse seemed confused.

"Did you find that our four brothers are either B or AB. And your blood type, like your father's, is ab Mellon explained.

"Well, so what?" The Muse is still a little confused.

"Look at this one again!" Mellon also took a test sheet, which was the blood type of the late grandmother ivy. The blood type showed type a blood.

"What's the matter? What are you doing with Grandma's health check? " The Muse was extremely confused.

"Do you remember fifteen years ago, my father, your grandfather Adams V, had a car accident?" Meron Adams said.

The Muse nodded.

"We all went. We all donated blood. But in the end, the doctor said, the blood transfusion of relatives is not good, it seems that they will get some graft-versus-host disease! We didn't get a blood transfusion. " Muse thought and said.

Graft versus host disease (GVHD) is a specific immune phenomenon, which is caused by the reaction between the immune active cells in the graft tissue and the tissues of immunosuppressed and tissue incompatible antigen recipients. Generally speaking, it is a systemic disease with multiple system damage (skin, esophagus, gastrointestinal, liver, etc.) after bone marrow transplantation, which is one of the important causes of death. The earliest symptoms of skin damage include erythema, papules, blisters, and even skin peeling. In severe cases, the skin damage can extend to the whole body in a few days.

Therefore, why bone marrow transplantation depends on whether the patient and the donor are mutually exclusive. And even if there is no rejection, it depends on whether this graft-versus-host disease will occur, leading to the onset of the disease in a very short period of time. Blood transfusion between relatives is a certain risk of infection with graft-versus-host disease.

Although it is said that in TV idol dramas, the female owner, or the male owner, or the related relatives are sick, and there is no such blood type all over the world. Then it happens that the female owner or the male owner has a blood transfusion. In fact, from a medical point of view, this is not true. Now in the hospital, blood transfusion for immediate family members is absolutely not advocated. In that case, it will lead to graft-versus-host disease.

As for blood transfusion between immediate family members, the reason why such a disease occurs is that everyone has an immune system, some strong and some weak. One of its important components is white blood cells. When a lot of blood is lost, a lot of white blood cells will be lost, which will make the immune system very weak.

When the blood loss is serious, or the illness is serious enough to need blood transfusion, the patient's immune system is already very weak. It's hard for a weak immune system to recognize foreign objects.

When a whole blood transplant is performed, the transplanted whole blood (graft) contains the donor's lymphocytes (which are also grafts). And these lymphocytes, because they can't be recognized by the patient's own immune system, will not be destroyed. They will wantonly proliferate in the patient's body, and think that the cells in the recipient's body are antigens (yes, they entered another person's body, but they don't know. What they think is "this product looks different from me, It must have been smuggled in. "" how come there are so many squatters sneaking in all over the place? ", and then they begin to attack the whole body cells of the host, which is immune disease (disease caused by the immune system). Then all the cells in the host's whole body are killed. If all the cells die, they will get sick. Slowly, because all the organs in the whole body are decaying, people will not be able to survive in the end.

Because of the genetic relationship, the immune system of relatives is very similar, so it is more difficult for the patient's weak immune system to recognize the lymphocytes of relatives. But because the transplanted lymphocytes are very strong, they can recognize the patient's cells as alien, and the patient will suffer from graft-versus-host disease.

Because the high immune system similarity between relatives, the patient's immune system is not more likely to recognize foreign lymphocytes, and leads to higher incidence rate. More than 0.1-1.0%)

Of course, the proportion looks small. But in fact, once there are more blood transfusion patients, the proportion is very high. In the medical field, the proportion of one in tens of thousands, or even one in a million, is the base of the assured proportion. Otherwise, it will have extremely serious consequences.

"Yes, that's why we didn't have a blood transfusion. But do you know what the truth is? " Meron Adams said.

The Muse shook his head.

"This is the medical report of my father and your grandfather that I bought for 10 million dollars!" Meron Adams hands it to muse.

what! $10 million medical report! Exclaimed the muse. Although Adams V is the head of the Adams family, his physical condition naturally needs to be kept secret, as long as he is healthy, this kind of examination report is not valuable even if it is obtained by the enemy. How could it cost Mellon Adams $10 million! You know, although Mellon Adams is the son of Adams V, his trust fund is only $8 billion. The annual dividend of this fund is only US $300 million or US $400 million. It seems like a lot, but the cost of maintaining his own family is not much at all.

It's a luxury to spend 10 million dollars on a medical report.

The Muse opened his mouth, which showed that his grandfather was in good health. No disease. And it's estimated that Adams V will live to be over 90 years old!

"Look at the blood type!" Mellon Adams reminds me.

The Muse looked.

Type O! What's up?

Mellon Adams frowned, sighed helplessly and explained in detail.

"Generally speaking, the blood type is the same for life. Human blood groups are usually divided into a, B, O and ab. Blood group inheritance relies on chromosomes in cells. There are 23 pairs of chromosomes in human cells. Each pair of chromosomes consists of two single chromosomes, one from the father and the other from the mother. The main component of chromosome is deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), which determines the genetic characters and functions. DNA can be divided into many segments, each segment has a specific genetic traits and functions, these segments are called genes. A pair of chromosomes in two single chromosomes on the same position of DNA fragments, known as alleles.

The gene locus of ABO blood group system is on chromosome 9. Human ABO blood group is controlled by a, B and O genes, but there are only two ABO system genes on the 9th pair of chromosomes in each human cell, namely one allele of Ao, AA, Bo, BB, AB and OO, in which a and B genes are dominant genes and O genes are recessive genes. " Mellon explained.

The Muse listened with a big head. He didn't really study much about this medical thing. He's not like Mellon's M.M.

"To put it simply, if the mother of our four brothers has type a blood, and our father has type O blood, then our four brothers can only have type a blood, or type O blood, but can never have type B blood, or type AB blood, which is absolutely impossible!" Meron Adams said in a cold voice.

This time, the Muse responded.

"You mean, you are my grandfather's illegitimate children!" Exclaimed the muse.

"No, I tested my mother, your grandmother's DNA. She is our mother. In other words, our father is not our father, we are not his own son! You are not his grandson, either Meron Adams said.

what! Suddenly, the Muse understood a lot of things. No wonder, growing up, he felt that although Adams V liked him, his eyes were always a little strange. It's a little cold. i see. He's not his own grandson! Even my father and my uncles are not my own sons! No wonder, no wonder the old man is so cruel!

"Do you understand now! But there's one more thing, you don't understand! That is, Malone is the son of Adams V! " There was another big bomb thrown from Meron Adam. "Now you should understand why Adams V liked Malone so much! Even though he was clumsy from childhood, he liked him so much. When you first set him up, Adams V was so angry that he didn't come at Malone, but at you. It's just that he has no evidence, so he has to hold back. That's why he's so eager to get Malone back! So if Malone is dead now, you'll never come back to succeed. He will kill you and make you never come back! Because in his life, he can only have one son, Malone, and no other son. Do you think he will let go of the culprit when his son is killed? As for the succession of the family, do you think he will care in this case? "

The Muse understood. He finally understood, understood the whole story.

"Then why are you not his sons? And why is Malone his son? " Muse frowned and asked, there are so many things in it that he couldn't understand.

"I study medicine. So, I've checked a lot of people in my family, but our father, your grandfather, never asked me to check his body, saying that he always believed in Dr. Michelle. I'm surprised about that. It wasn't until 15 years ago, when he had a car accident and didn't let us have blood transfusion, that I learned the truth out of the doctor's instinct and curiosity about his blood type. Therefore, in the past 15 years, I have been slowly investigating the whole story. It was discovered that he was infertile at that time. But in order to stabilize the position of the head of the family, he chose to borrow essence to have children. As for who I'm looking for, I've been speculating over the years that it should be my second uncle and your second grandfather. As for why there is Malone, I'm afraid it's a miracle. But anyway, with Malone, there will be no future for you. " Mellon Adams explained, "so, you're dangerous! We are all in danger

"But why did you betray me and let me go to Africa?" Asked the muse( My novel "rebirth of the evil life" will have more fresh content on the official wechat platform. At the same time, there will be a 100% lucky draw for you! Now open WeChat, click the "+" number on the top right, add friends, search the official account "qdread" and pay attention to it.