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Mellon led Malone and Li Rui to search. Naturally, "yes, as I said just now, anyone's room, including mine, can be searched!" Adams V raised his voice and said, "it's about the reputation of our Adams family. Mr. Lin, just search! "

"Li Rui, search!" Lin Feng said, with a calm face.

Now it's the Muse's turn. There is something wrong with this situation. This search a big circle, what result all have no, according to reason, Lin Feng this side should be anxious. But Lin Feng is very calm and calm. This situation is not right. It's hard to say that Lin Feng is going to make an article with Adams V! Or, damn it, the two of them ganged up on me!

Thinking of this, the Muse could not sit still. What happened today proves once again that Adams V valued Malone and his indifference to himself. In this case, it is not impossible for Lin Feng and Adams V to unite to pit themselves. But if that's the case, it's a problem. I can't tell what I have suffered. But can he refuse? Obviously, he can't stop it. Once stopped, he will be attacked by Lin Feng and Adams V, and scold him for being guilty. In that way, he died faster.

But if not, how can he stop it?

In the Muse's anxiety, Li Rui and others have come back with a box in their hands. The box was opened as like as two peas of copper.

This time, the Muse's face changed dramatically.

"You can't help me!" The Muse stood up and scolded Lin Feng.

"Muse, shut up and sit down!" Adams V was a roar. He had been dissatisfied with muse for a long time. Now that he had the evidence, it would be better. It's easier to deal with muses.

The Muse had to sit down because of his indignation. He did not dare to challenge the authority of Adams V just now, and even more so now.

"Mr. Lin, where did you find it?" Asked Adams v.

Lin Feng, look at Li Rui.

"Lord Adams, this is from a cabinet in your study." Li Rui replied, "there are a lot of children's books in this cabinet. It seems that I haven't watched them for a long time. There is a layer of ash on the surface!"

Adams V seemed to have a sudden insight.

"Indeed, I haven't been there for a long time. Michelle, who has been in my study these days? " Adams V questioned his housekeeper.

The muse on one side turned pale.

"Master, you let me in to get things yesterday!" Muse argued. He understood that all these were the snares of Adams V and Lin Feng, their snares, damn, they set up snares to pit themselves. He is unjust, absolutely unjust.

"Yes, I did ask you to get it, but I never asked you to hide it. Muse, do you know that you are doing injustice to our Adams family and provoking the relationship between us and Mr. Lin. Say, what's your intention! " Adams V asked.

The Muse blushed with anger.

"I didn't! When I went in, I didn't take anything in at all. It's a set up by them! " The Muse cried out, "and the master, your study, I can't get in at all. But you suddenly let me in, and now you find this bullshit in it. It's clear that you and Lin Feng unite to frame me! "

WOW! This time, everyone was in an uproar. When the Muse said this, he was in a blatant confrontation with Adams V. This will bring about the situation that either you die or I die. But the question is, did the Muse fight against the wily Adams v? Besides, there is Lin Feng on the side.

At this moment, everyone is not optimistic about muse. Even Meron felt that the future of Muse was bleak. He shouldn't have said that. But if he doesn't say that, he can't either. Because if you don't argue for yourself, you will die unjustly. So, he also has to say it.

But if Lin Feng and Adams V unite, no matter what he does, he will surely die. These two are too strong. A single person, not the Muse can fight against. What's more, if they unite, they can play the dead Muse as much as they want.

In fact, as far as Mellon is concerned, the Muse can never say that. His best choice is to apologize. As long as they apologize, sincerely apologize, and get through the present stage first, then they will be reprimanded, and then they will intercede for the Muse, so that his identity as the successor can be preserved at least. Now, it's hard!

"Muse, you are ridiculous! I think you're a little too proud. Maybe you're not suitable to succeed the Adams family at all Adams V really took advantage of this. With these words, everyone's face changed, especially for the people who took refuge in the Muse, which undoubtedly wasted all their previous investment and efforts.

"Master, Muse, after all, he is young and vigorous. In the face of Mr. Lin's censure, he can't help saying anything. He is indeed wrong, but please give him a lighter punishment! " The crowd scrambled to shout.

Adams V hated in his heart, but there was no expression on his face.

"You all think so?" Adams V looked around and asked.

"Think twice, master!" A few more people came forward. The rest are either centrists, no matter who is in charge of the family, or the next of kin of another successor, but the support of the Muse almost accounts for the majority of the Adams people here at the moment.

Lin Feng shook his head secretly. These people, I'm afraid, are finished. In terms of Adams V's protection of Malone, since he wants to help Malone ascend, then these people who support the Muse must be eradicated. Today, he is also looking at how many people are on the side of Muses. And it's never good to wait for these people. As for what they will suffer in the end, it depends on how Adams V deals with it. Do you want to get rid of them all and leave them to Malone, or do you want to leave them behind and let Malone set an example to others and establish the authority of the family leader. It depends on ADAMS V's choice.

"Well! You stupid people! If I protect him today, it will bring disaster to the Adams family. We must deal with this kind of indiscriminate people seriously. Especially others, as the next family leader, are so ridiculous that they want to maliciously frame up Mr. Lin to humiliate the Chinese. This kind of thing must not be tolerated, it must be severely punished! " Adams V drank a lot.

"Anyone who dares to speak for him will be punished at the same time!" Adams V drank it.

No one dared to say a word. At this time, who dares to touch the mold of Adams v.

"Master! They just found it in your study. It doesn't prove that this is what I put in. Maybe Lin Feng put it in to set me up on purpose! " Cried the muse.

At this moment, he had given up. Although he knew that this would completely infuriate Adams V, for him, there was nothing to worry about. No matter what he said or did, his successor's position may be lost. In this case, why don't he fight for it!

Adams V was livid. He did not expect that the Muse should be so bold. He can order now, drive him out, and even teach him a lesson. But to get Malone on stage, he can't do it yet. If Malone didn't make a mistake and just returned to the family, then he taught the Muse a lesson, and no one dared to say a word. But when Malone came back today, he couldn't wait to teach Muse a lesson, which would inevitably be said to favor one over the other. He doesn't want to cause trouble for Malone.

"Mr. Lin, please show me the evidence!" Adams V looks at Lin Feng. He naturally understood that it was impossible for this thing to appear in his study. Now that it appears, it means that Lin Feng put it in. No matter how Lin Feng put it in, he only needs to know that since it was Lin Feng, then Lin Feng must have evidence to prove that it was the muse.

Lin Feng nodded.

"Ladies and gentlemen, a very important purpose of my coming here this time is to obtain the copper head of the rat. Before that, it was collected by Vogel, and I have absolute human evidence to prove that before that, I had never seen the copper head of the rat, only seen the picture, but not the real object. I didn't see the real object until yesterday when the Muse returned it to me. So, in one day, who can make this hundreds of years old bronze rat head so lifelike? Besides, I didn't leave the Adams house at all during this day. And, the most important thing is that the Adams house is so easy to enter, so easy to plant? What's more, if I want to plant so many rooms, why should I put them in the most difficult study of the Adams family? " Lin Feng asked.

Everyone was in deep thought. People saw the copper head of the rat. It's not simple. The process is very complicated. Maybe it will take a few days to make it with the present technology. But in one day, that's enough. Moreover, what Lin Feng said was right. Adams V always attached great importance to his study and never allowed anyone to enter. It's not easy to get in. It's not easy for Lin Feng to be an outsider. Especially, the Adams family is so big that it's too easy for Lin Feng to plant. Here, it's not reliable! Illogical!

All of them were silent and felt indisputable for Lin Feng's argument.

"Muse, do you have anything else to say?" Lin Feng asked.

The Muse's eyes were red. Naturally, he has something to say. With the old technology, it is impossible for him to imitate successfully in one day. But with the latest 3D printing technology, it's OK. Besides, it only takes 12 hours( My novel "rebirth of the evil life" will have more fresh content on the official wechat platform. At the same time, there will be a 100% lucky draw for you! Now open WeChat, click the "+" number on the top right, add friends, search the official account "qdread" and pay attention to it.