Lin Feng finally went home alone.

Although Lin Feng has proposed and Ivanka has agreed, it does not mean that Lin Feng can enter his boudoir. In the west, boudoir is the most secret place for women, just as they never say love easily. Usually I like you, but love is not easy to say.

Ivanka loves Linfeng, but her good education makes her not compromise easily. It's not that easy to get into her bed. Especially today, I was fooled by Lin Feng from beginning to end, and the young lady was still a little uncomfortable. It's not so easy to get into her room and bed so soon.

The next day, New York City's dandy circle spread a party news, tonight Malone Adams will hold a grand party, will invite all New York celebrities to participate, and there will be Jennifer Lopez to sing. And this news, also is in New York rich family circle draws huge attention. Especially this time, we invited a large number of people and a wide range of people. From the circle of friends when Malone Adams was still the successor to the circle of friends after the fall, they were invited. There are as many as 100 people.

This is a grand party for a party. After the fall of Malone Adams, the circle of friends, those rich families, to be exact, should be the sons of rich families, naturally are willing to agree. However, the circle of communication before the fall of Malone Adams was full of fun. I don't like the invitation from Malone very much.

After all, the two sides are no longer at the same level. Although the Adams family is still strong and financially strong, the lineage deprived of the right of inheritance, in some cases, is worse than the collateral lineage. They went to the Malone Adams party. It was a loss.

Even if Jennifer Lopez comes and elevates the level of the party, it doesn't mean they will attend. After all, in their capacity, it's not so difficult to invite Jennifer Lopez. It's just a little money. With this, it's ridiculous to want them to attend.

"This Malone, does he think he wants to return to our circle with a Jennifer Lopez party? That's ridiculous! I'm afraid his trust fund will be smashed in this time! "

"No! He is also among those upstarts who can sell his identity as Adams. It's a joke to want to return to our circle! "

"But I heard that he followed Lin Feng. Did Lin Feng do him any good?"

"Well, even if Lin Feng does him any good, he is just a dog. It's stupid to be a dog to an upstart who comes from a famous family

"Yes, this kind of person, still want us to attend his party, dream!"


The heirs of New York's famous families ridiculed this Malone Adams party. They are not going to attend. It's a disgrace. But then came a news, but let them shocked.

It is rumored that Ivanka trump will be invited to the Malone Adams party!

what! Ivanka trump will attend Malone Adams party! It's impossible! These dandies exclaimed one after another. Ivanka trump has always been a shining pearl in New York's social circle. Although the names of Paris Hilton sisters are often seen in various gossip magazines and they appear at various parties, in fact, they are not very popular with Paris Hilton sisters in their upper class circle. They are nothing more than socialites. If you are interested in it, just go to bed with it and have fun. However, with the change of ownership of Hilton Hotel and its acquisition by Lin Feng, Paris Hilton has become more and more restrained. It does not have as many occasions as before, and is no longer the "party Queen". But for them, it doesn't make any difference.

But Ivanka trump is not the same. She is pure as a white lotus, and she never attends any nightclub, rarely attends any party, and never drinks. She is the legendary noble daughter. The legend is not a compliment, but a fact. Today's bizarre society is dominated by celebrities like Paris Hilton, while those like Ivanka trump are not unique. But there is only one gorgeous lady like her.

Today is a rebellious society, whether it's the common people or the famous ladies, they are showing themselves to their heart's content. There are too few such as Ivanka. Especially so beautiful and moving, rare in the world. Ivanka trump has always been the focus of these dandies in the celebrity circle of New York. They all want to have this white lotus. However, Ivanka rarely attends such places. Even if he attends occasionally, he doesn't communicate with these people. Later, when he goes to China, these people have no chance.

For a time, people thought that Ivanka must belong to Lin Feng. After all, Lin Feng's men never lived. But who would have expected that with Donald becoming president of the United States, Ivanka would return to the United States to take over trump and replace Donald in managing the company. What's more surprising is that Ivanka was not eaten by Lin Feng. It's too easy for these dandies to see whether a woman is a virgin or not. And that's what makes these dandies crazy.

Although American marriage doesn't value whether a woman is a virgin or not, it doesn't even care at all. Because sex and love are two different things in America. Women look at men, and men look at women are the same, look at the right eye, and you go to open a room, not to your liking, immediately let you go. On this point, men and women are not the ones who suffer more and take advantage.

However, if a beautiful woman is unconscious, it still makes men crazy. This woman, in particular, is the daughter of the president of the United States. Once married, it will be beneficial to the development of the family in the next few years. In particular, today's real upper class, the elders, have long hoped that these young dandies can capture Ivanka's heart. Because even if we put aside Lin Feng's relationship and Donald's relationship, just Ivanka trump himself will be enough to satisfy their elders and make them a perfect rich daughter-in-law.

"Ivanka, how did you come?"

"How did she get there?"

Many dandies were surprised. They were extremely surprised that Ivanka trump should attend Malone Adams party. So they are bound to attend. Because usually there is no chance to contact Ivanka, in addition to business, Ivanka never accept any invitation, so they can only take the contract to pick up girls. But this contract can't be unlimited, especially after the contract is signed, she refuses any invitation. Isn't this a typical turn over. Although some dandies try to cheat Ivanka with false contracts, they want to put it and the company in danger, and then help each other. However, the experience Ivanka has learned in China in recent years is far from what these dandies can match.

In terms of intrigue, no one is an opponent of the Chinese. China has always been a master of strategy. In China, she is young and beautiful. When she signed a contract, she encountered all kinds of false contracts and intrigues. At first he suffered losses, but later he never suffered losses again. If these people want to cheat her, they can't. It's like playing a game. At the beginning, you can't win the boss. After you go to a mysterious place to practice, your level and skills come up. It's very simple to go back to the original boss.

So, these dandies have no choice. Now there's a chance, and they're flocking. No matter what the reason, Ivanka will attend Malone Adams party, in short, for Ivanka, they went!

"Here it is?" After reading the invitation, many dandies were surprised.

That night, a manor on the outskirts of New York was decorated like a castle in a fairy tale. The theme of today's party is snow white.

A party can have a theme or no theme. The theme party, no doubt, will be a bit higher grade, but also let all the guests have more fun. The theme of tonight is snow white.

Almost everyone has read the story of snow white. There are snow white, the seven dwarfs, the hunters, the wicked stepmother queen, and, of course, the most important - Prince Charming. The theme of the story is that prince charming wakes up snow white with a kiss, and then snow white lives happily together.

Of course, there is a modern version of snow white, that is, snow white is envied by her stepmother and wants to be killed. As a result (because beautiful) by stepmother Queen invited Hunter let go, and then (because beautiful), in the forest by seven dwarfs saved. Later (because beautiful) was the prince kiss wake up, later happy life together.

It can be said that "Snow White" is a story of "beauty" from the beginning to the end. Once again, it reveals that the world is a face world.

Of course, it has nothing to do with the party at the moment. Now the theme of the party is "Snow White", so the guests can play any of them according to their own wishes. You can choose to play prince, stepmother, Queen, or hunter, including snow white.

At the moment, the parking garage of the manor is full of luxury cars from the heirs of various families.

"How's it going? Is everyone here? " Malone Adams asked some of the friends he had made in the past two years. They are assistant to the party today.

"All the people from our circle have come, but none from that circle has come yet!" A few friends on one side frowned.

The circle between anyone is clear-cut, especially the more people with identity, the more clear-cut the circle is. They are lucky to be friends with Malone Adams. They belong to them. And now all the people in their circle are here. But none of the people in Malone's original circle has come yet. And they know that these are the people Malone wants to invite.

"Malone, do you think they will come?" People are worried.

Malone has no bottom in his heart. Today is the first important thing Lin Feng assigned him to do. If he fails, I'm afraid Lin Feng won't appreciate him any more. His chance to make a comeback is gone. I'm afraid that in the future, he can only continue to muddle around in today's circle. But does he really want that in his heart? No, he didn't want to. So today, he put all his money in the trust fund to buy the $80 million manor. In addition, he renovated the manor, bought some high-grade homes, and arranged today's theme party. It can be said that his $100 million trust fund has basically spent 7788, and there is nothing left.

This is a gamble. If he loses the gambling, he has nothing. So, he can't lose! Otherwise, he will be ridiculed to death. Of course, I'm afraid his manor will not be preserved. Because the annual land tax in the United States is between 0.4% and 4% of the total value of the house. Of course, the manor he bought belongs to the high-end community in the United States, which is a real luxury house with picturesque scenery. It is a luxury house owned by a real luxury family in the United States. Because the land tax is also quite high, at 1.7%. 80 million US dollars, 1.7% of the annual local tax, that is 1.36 million US dollars.

Every year, he has to pay 1.36 million US dollars in land tax alone, and the annual cost of hired housekeepers, servants and other expenses will not be less than 2 million US dollars! He can't bear the number.

If these people don't come, he can't satisfy Lin Feng, and he's finished. The estate must be sold again. But when he bought it, he bought it at a premium. After all, he had to reach an agreement within one day, so he couldn't do it without spending more money. But if you want to sell it again, you can't sell it for that much money. Even if he could sell so much money, he would have no face.

Do you want to come? Will you come! Sure to come, with Ivanka in, you will come! Malone clenched his fist.

"Coming, Malone, coming!" Several friends screamed.

In the distance, a Mercedes Benz SLR came slowly, and the waiters rushed forward to open the door.

"Marlon, your manor is not bad! Very rich! " A young man, wearing a black suit made by himself, came up.

This man is Malone's former friend. When Malone still had the right of inheritance, he was just a little brother. But now when he talks to Malone, he is a little arrogant. He is one of the heirs of the Lowell family, mark Lowell.

"Hehe, mark, of course, he is rich. This is a $80 million mansion. We can't afford it!" Another luxury car is coming. This time, Aston Martin DB9 is coming. Marlon also knows him. Henrik Lawrence is one of the heirs of the Lawrence family.

They all belong to the Boston consortium with the Adams family behind Malone, and they all made their fortune by selling slaves.