Lin Feng left Japan.

Although Lin Feng wanted to stay, it only took him one night to make Sumitomo sing "Conquest". But obviously, it's time. Now the baby in Sumitomo's stomach is just 10 weeks old, and it's only in March that it's pregnant. After three months, the fetus is stable, and it's only then possible to have sex. Otherwise, the fetus may miscarry. Sumitomo Ning will never allow this.

Sumitomo's family is now very thin, and all of its lineage has been directly slaughtered by Sumitomo Ning, including some of its close relatives. Otherwise, Keiyo Ando and Kenjiro fujizaki will not curse Sumitomo Ning for being a madman among the madmen and a woman devil. Of course, Sumitomo Ning's move is also to ensure her dominant position, avoid some people's plot and simply kill them all, so that her dominant position will be consolidated. Of course, in addition, it is also to use iron and blood means to warn those who despise women in power.

Those who refuse to accept -- kill!

As for what kind of tyrannical rule can not last long, Sumitomo Ning is simply dismissive. Why tyranny can not last is not tyranny itself, but the lack of ability of those in power. Is Qin Shihuang cruel? I'm afraid it's a despot that China has lost all the time, but when he was in power, the great Qin Empire was as stable as a mountain. If he didn't die, who would dare to fight back! The death of emperor II of the great Qin Dynasty was also in the hands of Hu Hai, Emperor II of the Qin Dynasty.

So, in Sumitomo Ning's view, tyranny is not the reason why a regime can last. Whether a regime can last depends on the ability of those in power. Those who have the ability, even if they are accused by thousands of people and scolded by thousands of generations, can still stand up.

But also because of the slaughter, so Sumitomo would rather have more children, to reproduce their own offspring. Therefore, the child in his stomach must not lose anything. Therefore, no matter how willing Lin Feng is, no matter how strong her desire is, she can only resist it. After three months of pregnancy.

Lin Feng left, Tokyo was no longer banned, and Japan returned to normal. However, it is obvious that the great changes of the Yasuda family and the Fujisaki family have shocked the Japanese government. However, as the only surviving family of the four families, Sumitomo Ning's power can reach the sky in Japan. Sumitomo Ning made a direct phone call to * * claiming that it was the internal affairs of the four families and the government could not intervene, and * * thought it had not happened. And it's using the government to bury it. We don't want people to know about it. After all, the headquarters of the four families are in the suburbs of Tokyo, far from the city, and outsiders are not allowed in, so that the Japanese people can't know what happened.

As for the explosion of Tokyo International Airport, once the whole airport is destroyed, it is also simple. It was directly announced that because the terrorists carried Ebola virus, they wanted to create a terrorist incident in Japan. Under the heroic arrest of the Japanese police department, the terrorists finally detonated the bomb and destroyed the Tokyo International Airport. In this regard, the Japanese government strongly condemns these terrorists, and will fight them to the end and never compromise with them**** He also called on all Japanese to unite in this terrorist incident, to show the warrior spirit of the Yamato nation, and to face all kinds of difficulties bravely.

The Japanese can't be defeated! As long as we Japanese unite, we can overcome any difficulty and create any miracle**** Take this opportunity to win people's hearts. Needless to say, the public opinion support rate of * * has been rising.

In the face of disaster, all the people have something in common, that is, they are eager for strong leaders to come to power. Why did Hitler come to power? The reason is very simple, because after the first World War, Germany is facing many difficulties, facing the cruel exploitation of European countries, and the German people are living in dire straits. After World War I, no matter how hard they worked and how hard they tried to pay their debts, they could not pay them. That's why Hitler came to power.

In the face of terrorist attacks on Tokyo International Airport, the Japanese people were destroyed. Although the people were evacuated in advance, and the casualties were not large, Tokyo International Airport has always been the largest airport in Japan, with the largest daily passenger throughput in Japan. As a result, it has been bombed by terrorists. How can the people not be angry. With such a strong prime minister coming forward, it is natural for him to win the support of the people.

Of course, * * * also knows that his seemingly beautiful public opinion rating is just a joke. Because there is only one family left in Japan, the Sumitomo family. And the relationship between Sumitomo Ning and Lin Feng, he is also vaguely understand a little. The Ministry of defense also detected that this time the Yasuda family and Fujisaki family were bombed, which was related to Lin Feng. Because the three planes bombed were Su-33, and Su-33 was obviously Lin Feng's.

Originally, he was going to use it to coerce Lin Feng. After all, he also had a handle in Lin Feng's hands. But now Sumitomo would rather come forward and divide everything into internal struggle, so he can't help it. After all, with the power of Sumitomo family, he is totally unable to compete. Even if he wants to poke out the collusion between Sumitomo Ning and Lin Feng, he can't. If he wants to speak out, it must be the end of death waiting for him. But Sumitomo would not lose anything. The reason is very simple, today's Sumitomo home is too terrible. I'm in control of Japan. Even if the Japanese people doubt it, Sumitomo Ning's words of strong alliance will be enough to dispel the doubts of the Japanese people.

Although Lin Feng has done a lot of things to disgust Japan, and always preaches that Japan is harmful, it would be wonderful to be Japan's son-in-law. You, Lin Feng, don't say that Japan is bad, but now how can you become a Japanese son-in-law!

If Sumitomo Ning can really make Lin Feng the son-in-law of Japan, I'm afraid that the Japanese people will only support, not oppose. So, I really can't help it at the moment. And in the future? There will be no other way.

Now, Sumitomo Ning has begun to take over the Yasuda family and Fujisaki family. Although I just swallowed the Mitsui family not long ago, and now I swallow the Anta family and the Fujisaki family, it's hard to avoid indigestion. Under normal circumstances, I'm afraid there will be trouble. However, Sumitomo Ning is really not an ordinary person. Before she is ready to accept it, she controls all the core members of the two families and forbids them to go out. Before she takes over the two families, everyone is not allowed to go out, and everything needs to be reported. Who wants to make trouble, she will kill.

And Sumitomo Ning's bad name is already famous. Therefore, no one in the two families dare to resist. You know, the headquarters of the two families have been razed to the ground. The direct families of the Yasuda family and the Fujisaki family have almost been slaughtered. Sumitonin's name of killing God is famous far and near. In this case, who dares to play tricks. This money, you have life to take, die to spend, that who dares to want money!

Therefore, it won't take long for Sumitomo Ning to integrate the two families, including Mitsui family. In half a year, it is estimated that Sumitomo Ning can integrate the four families in half a year at most. Of course, it will take a lot of time to be exactly like a family. After all, the four families are all ancient families that have been handed down for thousands of years, and it will take a lot of time to completely integrate them. But Sumitomo Ning is still young, doesn't she? She has enough time to solve everything.

Just at that time, what should Japan do**** wry smile. He felt that Japan might become a vassal of the Chinese. After all, Sumitomo Ning's favorite man is Lin Feng. Lin Feng, a Chinese, has too much contact and ambition. Although Sumitomo Ning is also very strong, he doesn't believe that Sumitomo Ning can defeat Lin Feng. Instead, he thinks that Lin Feng dominates Sumitomo Ning.

If so, will Japan have no tomorrow**** The heart is extremely bitter. He is also a nationalist and thinks that the Daiwa nation is the best nation in the world. But now in this situation, the Daiwa nation has no future.

Just then, * * * * received a call.

"Prime Minister Abe, welcome to my family!"

Hearing this call, I was excited. What do you want from Sumitomo? What is she looking for? With a restless heart, under the guidance of Sumitomo's family, after layers of management cards, I met Sumitomo Ning, the legendary killer.

"Prime Minister Abe, this is the first time we have met." Sumitomo turns around.

Iceberg beauty! Prime Minister Abe exclaimed. It's said that Sumitomo Ning is beautiful, but it's also cold. I haven't seen it all the time. It's not surprising when I see it today. It's as beautiful as ice sculpture.

"Sumitomo**** Bow deeply.

"I believe you should know what happened. Do you know what to do in the future?" Sumitomo Ning asked coldly.

****The brain is sweating. It's not a question. It's a statement. If one of my answers is not correct, I am afraid that I will not be able to sit as Prime Minister for a long time.

"Japan has always been supported by the four big families. It was only the Meiji restoration that brought about Japan's economic rise after World War II. Today, only one of the four families is left, which is a good thing. It will put an end to more internal friction and make Japan stronger. As the Prime Minister of Japan, I must think that Japan's national service is the main thing, and I will follow the orders of master Ning and lead the people to the road of the strong! "**** Please say.

Sumitomo rather sneered, "you are flattering, but I don't mind. I want you to come here today just to tell you that those who follow me will prosper and those who rebel against me will die. If you are obedient, you can stay in the prime minister position for a few more years. If you are not obedient, you don't have to go now. " Sumitomo Ning said coldly, "see off!"

Seeing off? What's this for? Send him back to the prime minister's residence, or send him to hell**** I was stunned.